Airfield Bombing

Again, the ‘PvE players’ that I directly alude to are not the same as the ones you do, whilst they will be like a venn diagram, there are a good portion of PvE players that do so to avoid the threat (As you even mention), and a minor amount of whom I am mentioning are colluding with the enemy and making aggreements not to attack, or if anyone is attacked they TK their team memebers and reveal where they are on the map to the enemy.

I’m sorry you feel the need to make out that they’re justified, but they distinctly are exploiting the game, and are a menace to the game in general because why should I have to deal with the threat all the time, where these guys can literally play Assault PvE in Sim, with the same awards, and all the BP task completion that they can get…

This is the issue with you being closed to the point, and arguing to prove someone wrong just because.


To add to this. This entire narrative needs to stop regarding PvE.

The issue here has nothing to do with PvE as a game mode. CAS players in Sim have been playing under PvPvE conditions for years. EC is not a PvE only game mode. There is no such thing as PvE or PvP lobbies.

The ones who organize and ask for PvE are virtual signaling to rig a game in their favor. Mostly to farm bases or airfields endlessly without interference. A path of least resistance.

That is what this is about. No one has issues with doing PvE as part of the mission design. It’s just these select few who rig games and cry when something doesn’t go their way. Either way, asking and forcing others to play PvE or PvP only goes outside the design intended by the devs for EC. It violates the ToS regarding Fair Play.


«Oh no», do they get killed in a PvP combat game instead of just pressing the spacebar near a base?

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Every room IS a PvP room!

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Whilst I have started matches for people by joining to get them underway, it wsas solely to get that match started so they could actually play. People would obviously join those matches over the time they were open, and it was just to get them to the point where they could even spawn in the first place.

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The reason why this kind of behavior should not be done is not just from the perspective of sportsmanship.
Premium accounts and paid vehicles come with perks that allow you to grind more efficiently than if you did not use these features.
In other words, the difference in grinding efficiency compared to not using these features can be said to be the product value that Gaijin provides, and trying to obtain this in an unexpected way ultimately deals a blow to Gaijin’s economic activity.
This is the main reason why cheating is prohibited in all online game services.
If you go too far, you will have no right to complain if the operating company sues you and demands damages, and in some countries it may even be prohibited under criminal law.
This is something that all gamers must understand.

What rule are they breaking by doing PVE?

3.2.4. No circumventing or manipulating use

● engage in any act in conflict with the spirit or intended use of the Game and related services (as reasonably determined by us), including but not limited to circumventing or manipulating the Game, game mechanics, and the rules set forth by the Terms and Conditions and this EULA.

3.2.6. No services rendering

● use the Game, or parts thereof, to render any in-game services, including to other Users, in exchange for service fees or any other consideration, which explicitly include, without limitation, in-game leveling, crew leveling, and item collection services, mission performance, fighting in battles in exchange for payment or resource grinding services.

Both of these sections could easily apply to the ones we’re mentioning.

Though if you’re merely going out to bomb AI, there’s nothing wrong with it unless you bail out if you were aware that someone was coming to get you. If you just bailed out, then whilst it’s allowable, it’s still cheap and a ‘shortcut’ to avoid having to return to base.