I have a major issue with the Gameplay as it is of right now
On the Denmark Map you cannot play a Game without at least half of your airfields are blown to smithereens half an hour into the Game and the Bombers keep coming. some Games 75% or more players use strategic Bombers and farm the living crap out of it. A very popular variety of this behavior is release your bombs wait for impact and then J out just to repeat the process. If you confront players about this you get insulted and told " We are here to farm shut up or leave if you don’t like it"
Is there a possibility to limit the amount of strategic bombers per team or at least make it unattractive to jump out a perfectly working plane
if theyre insulting you - report them
at least, they wont cry “PVE please”
honestly - they all must be banned, for making such PVE sessions and playing in them
reported some but it went unnoticed by the snail seemingly
Shoot them down
Welcome to SIM during events. Thankfully most lack any skill and die easily. Making the farm for the event easy for everyone else
No, given ASB is the last bastion of “good” gameplay for such aircraft with ARB basically DOA for them. Imposing such a limit would drive players away from the game entirely
Report them
Our best bet, if we won’t get proximity kills, is…
- If you J-out/crash once without damage from A.I or enemy AND not currently landed, nothing new happens
- If you J-out/crash twice in a match without damage from A.I or enemy, you must wait 3 minutes to spawn in again.
- If you J-out/crash thrice in a match without damage from A.I or enemy, you must wait 6 minutes to spawn in again.
- If you J-out/crash more than thrice without damage from A.I or enemy, you must wait 15 minutes to respawn.
- Grace is given if you crash within ~0.5 km of your runway (all the people faceplanting their FW190s and Bf109s)
- If you take damage and J out or die normally, that death has no cooldown timer regardless of stage
This makes J-ing out to deny kills and speed up score grinding non-viable while giving grace to newbies who just stall their planes out and don’t know how to PARE a potato.
Yep, that would certainly mitigate part of it. Only change I would make is 1 more additional grace death before moving onto stage 2 and I would perhaps also mitigate in someway “Accidental deaths” like over-speeding or overloading and causing a wing-rip. Far less of an issue these days since more recent changes, But in times gone past It would have been easy to hit the longest lockout in something like the Buc, even doing everything within your power to not die. (that thing was made of paper mache and would break if you sneezed too hard… Literally)
Would also need mitigation for people intentionally dying to enemy AF AA repeatedly as well.
Could also have score from attacking AFs applied after a decent delay and if you die before that period, none is rewarded. Dying repeatedly in proximity to an AF would also give the same lockout
To answer your first question, people would just make new games, which would actually only be filled with bombers (but I do understand this would limit the amount of airfield bombing) for the second, im not sure there is “a way.” They’ve already made it so where when a plane lands then get higher rewards for it but if they’re there to farm mission points then I guess there wouldn’t be a solution, except for losing comparably low silver lions. Maybe make a cooldown in the gamemode?
This could be something… If you J-out with a bomber, you have 20 minutes before you can spawn another…
Forcing them to either return and rearm, or to select another role.
Question for you - why do not you change the session?
Also, one of easiests ways to avoid this type of players is to create a new room, invite your PvP friends and have interesting PvP gameplay. Even if these PvE players ocassionally come into your room, they will leave quickly once they see that intensive PvP battles proceed. Also, you can write in the chat “this is PvP room”, so they will not even try to spawn.
This is definitely the easiest way to solve your “problem”.
When I started the game just now, I got a notification that some players have been banned due to reports.
It’s probably only a small number, but it’s far better than no hope at all.
In my country, we have a saying that “little by little makes a mountain.” Let’s keep reporting patiently.
There should be no need to tell them it’s a PvP room, because there is nothing else…
Then it looks like you do not have problem with those player.
The real problem you have is that you seem to lost the interest to the game and now you found it again in being some sort of warden.
Sim mode offers you a unique opportunity to create your own sessions but you do not use it.
You have to be trolling to be coming to this sort of response.
What players do I not have issue with?
Me raising concern is not a problem at all, only with those who do this sort of thing.
And what sessions do you think that should be allowed to be made, because PvE isn’t on the cards, and using Sim to make this sort of situation is deemed to be ‘problematic’ to say the least.
Boming an airfields is a strategy, you cant be mad at them, it means you dont defend enought, you know thay are flying on your airfield so you can intercept them, its almost a free kill. Bad thing is that thay just surcefrice them selfs, in current rewarding system thay can time the attack to earn enought sl, but if gaijin remake the rewarding, the best would be rewarding after landing. So those people dont earn enything.
It’s because the forward airfields on Denmark have no flak defences, so there’s no need for bombers to climb to 3km+, meaning they can just fly straight to target in about 5 mins, rather than having to spend 15 mins climbing.
This feature uhh “bug” appeared at the start of the last points-grind air event in Nov/Dec and obviously was an unbelievably fortuitous coincidence for anyone wanting to rapidly and mindlessly grind points in Air Sim.
I see only one concern discussed here and in similar topics - players do not get a reward from J-outers.
Correct me if I am wrong, but those players who bomb/rocket AFs do not change economy much, since they J-out or crash or get killed by AA.
If we consider wardens who are seeking to kill those PvE players, they change the statistics since killing PvE players is so easy for them.
The only thing PvE players do is marathons farming. But it does not seem to differ much from what wardens do, since “killing PvE players is sooooo easy”. Did not you notice some players are bragging about completing marathons fast because of farming PvE players?
Also, those PvE players usually purchase prems in order not to go into deep minus.
I would like to remind that this game is commercial project, not Top Gun Academy.
You should look into the root of the problem, not into its consequence.
Gladly, Gaijin develops AI, and new mode for strategic bombers is coming.
I hope we will have interesting PvE mode soon.
PvP players always can create rooms, invite friends and have interesting PvP sessions…but looks like they do not do it much. I wonder why…
Nope, not just that, and to imply it’s just that is almost disrespectful to the actual points and conversations had…
It’s the same as you playing tag with someone, and they tag you, then say they’re not playing anymore…
This is just making excuses and reasons on why they shouldn’t be checked out…
This end statement is almost an angle to take that such a mode shouldn’t come to be… You want that PvE mode.
PvP players don’t collude with others to make rooms, and make arrangements, which is what some of these PvE players have been doing.
The term PvE player has been intentionally clouded to make for a reasonable ‘excuse’ to avoid being looked into directly.
But they always do; every room created and every room joined is a PvP room.
Not only me. I have met many players (especially CAS players) who would like to focus on doing PvE part, but they cannot because of intensive PvP fights.
Also, you can meet PvE expectations in other topics and sections of this forum.
I have never met PvE player who would stay in PvP room. Usually PvP players go to PvE rooms, because PvP rooms are not popular and PvP players cannot fill the room with PvP players.
And please quit saying “every room is supposed to be PvP”. I do understand it, but since the game offers creation of sessions, players unite to play sessions. Even in random rooms in RB mode players ocassionally unite to farm. But some players create or join PvE rooms just to enjoy gameplay and get some reward from, i.e. not just for farm only.
That is why I propose to add PvE. You cannot agree with bots to farm.
But the main reason behind PvE is gameplay. Especially for CAS planes.