Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

And I’ve committed to matches in a Ki-87 lobbing a single 250 per reload at tanks to close the gap, myself. Even still, can’t win them all.

Not a copout. It’s the same as life. Not everything goes your way all the time.

Your pointless seething aside we can agree that ticket drain, map size and AI placements need overhaul. What we will never agree on is the AF AA.

Gaijin even gave the fighter jocks a compromise with only 1 AF having AA. Yet the fighter jocks are still complaining about AF AA.

Are these “fighter jocks” in the room with us right now?

If the shoe fits, feel free to lace it up.

I have asked you a simple question.
There are no “fighter jocks”, just people actually trying to enjoy PvP aspect of the PvP mode.
AF AAA is actively making this mode worse.
Ground attacking is about as fun as playing solitaire. Ok, actually less, solitaire can be a challenge.
It’s using the most basic skillset. It can’t even be balanced, some planes will out-groundpound others by a huge margin with no way of actually preventing such outcome.

What can one do vs Do-335 or Wyvern attacking ground early game? Nothing.
And what skill does it take on Do-335/Wyvern behalf? Next to 0.
Is it fun trying to win back thw ticket disadvantage? Not at all. You can do max 2 bombruns in Bf 109 before the match ends. Meanwhile Wyvern can just climb to 4km, perform another short run and go back to AAA if he really wants to.
And guess what - bombing in Bf 109 is about as fun as visiting the dentist without anesthesia.

What is the point of defending a feature that only wastes people’s time, allows for malicious, toxic gameplay and adds 0 fun to the game?
What’s the point of playing Air RB if you are not willing to participate in air combat and prefer to waste everyone’s time instead?

To sum it up - only a small bunch of malicious, toxic AF campers benefits from AF AAA. Everyone else just wastes their tine.
And if people want to “grind” - this is a game, not 2nd job. l’m playing this game for fun. And fun of Air RB should always have priority over the ability to grind.

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Your entire post is nothing more than you malding that not everyone plays just like you. It’s not even worthy of a lengthy response in return.

All WT air modes are not stictly TDM. Never were and never will be, and the sooner you get that through your bunker thick of a braincase, the better off you’ll be Mr. Fighter Jock.

Otherwise, go play World of Warplanes or Ace Combat for your TDM fix.

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Your post is a straight trolling by a failure of a player who clearly doesn’t even enjoy the mode. Most of your post are insulting to other forum members, and you even clearly state you want AF AAA out of spite. Yeah, that’s something truely worthy of protection. Not skill, not fun, but spiteful tailpipeholes who “just want to bomb, bro”.
I’ll just ignore you from now on since I don’t have the time to waste on some frustrated trolls that actively seek to make the game worse.

AF AAA doesn’t improve the mode in any way, other than allowing trolls to extend the game and frustrate players who have won total air superiority in AIR PvP mode. End of story.

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Funny coming from the absolute fool who’s way out of his depth and element.

You and your buddies got a lot of growing up to do.

Oh, flagging me because you’re mad, now. Cute.

It does, people just abuse it. It should either be disabled, or have very limited range when a plane is not on the AF.

What about the people who just want to land and have a fair fight facing others?

AA is good, and it should not be removed, no one wants to be a free kill because their teammates couldn’t do much, and no one should be punished for playing the game. If AF AA was removed, a valid strategy would be to ignore any combat in the match, and pick people off when they are re-arming/refueling which is incredibly scummy.

My solution to this is only have AA active when there is a plane landed on the AF. This makes it impossible to abuse, while also providing a safe spot to land and repair/re-arm/refuel.

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We already have enough jackholes in the game camping just outside of AA to pick off people as they’re leaving the AF. And the kicker is they’ll spend the entire game just waiting for 1 kill opportunity.

That’s the type of behavior some of these people want to promote. They literally want to remove everything from AA to AI and even any aircraft that isn’t a fighter. All they want is TDM gameplay because their coke line-railed ADHD turbo autismo brains can’t fathom let alone process any other way to play the game. It’s the same kind of utter stupidity that the Anti-CAS crowd has.


Are people just making this up? I have basically never seen a single person in game so far camp enemy AF the entire game. It’s not even an efficient way to play the game but if you were anything remotely close to being good you’d know that. You’re getting so mad over people saying that AF AA is a bad mechanic it’s quite funny to watch.

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I wish I was making it up, but I’m not. As wasteful a tactic as it is, people do it. Also no, it’s not a bad mechanic. You folks got 1 AF to strafe people on when they land, so find something else that actually negatively impacts matches to whinge about - Like map sizes and AI placement or even the nerfed base respawn rate.

Oh… Wait, some of you fighter jocks only want TDM and fighters. May I suggest playing something else to get your fix like Ace Combat or World of Warplanes?

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thats fine, and not the issue of AF AAA, its the people that abuse it and use it for their advantage
aka, camping the airfield to get kills on the enemy, while the enemy cant get close because they would get killed by the AAA

Or nerf them and obliterate the death bubble, like the old AAA before.

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It looks like.

Instead of trying to improve the game play for props, like:

  1. Forcing gaijin to create fair balanced lobbies regarding skills, e.g. 5 decent pilots in a fighter vs 5 decent pilots in a fighter on the other team.
  2. Fair balancing of prop BRs regarding of the top 5-10% flying them. Not this nonsense regarding “plain average”. Different BRs for Ground & Air RB.
  3. Reducing BR spread for MM - a S-199 at BR 3.3 is helpless vs a 4.3 Yak-3.
  4. Limiting numbers & equal distribution of air spawn fighters to both teams.
  5. Limiting numbers & equal distribution of strike aircraft for both teams.
  6. Insisting on fair balanced maps and rework of highly unbalanced maps.
  7. Elimination of unfair balanced ai planes (e.g Fw 190 F vs A-26) with large deviations in ticket drain & ai gunners. Removal of “Borg - spotting” ability of ai planes, replacing red dot for ai with a red triangle.
  8. Reducing the lobbies to 12 vs 12 instead of 16 vs 16 nonsense.
  9. Mixed battles = all nations play on both teams (e.g. Ju 288,…)
  10. Increasing RP & SL income for Ground RB in order to have only dedicated pilots in Air RB.

…just a few examples; but no, infinite loops of bashing of af aaa - really creative…and besides some exceptions - just boring.


Because you and I both know that they don’t want any solution that doesn’t benefit solely them and their type of player. Just like the Anti-CAS crowd, it’s the same kind of gaslighting, lying, tantrum-throwing behavior. It’s very tired out and boring, and I’d have some semblance of respect for them if they were at least honest about their positions.

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Mfw people are supposed to care about getting respect from some random who is malding about people complaining about AF AA (in an AF AA thread). You’re doing a good job making yourself look like a fool.

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Mfw people’s reading comprehension is elementary level. Obviously you misread the post but I just don’t care to break it down barney style for you. That’s your problem, not mine.

“a fair fight” and “people who just want to land [using airfield aa to cover them]” are mutually exclusive.

If your team collapses, too bad. You aren’t playing singleplayer, you’re playing a team game. You aren’t entitled to free repairs or refuels, and the assumption that your teammates are solely to blame because you got bounced on the way back to the base after blowing all your resources too early is arrogant.

If your team can’t win when the enemy team is a man or two down because those players are off hawking your airfield and not participating, then that’s an issue with your team. If your team can’t meet those players and engage them, that’s again an issue with your team. If nobody notices a dot flying circles around the airfield, nor hears them approach, that’s a problem with your team. If you got damaged, or wasted your fuel and ammo, you get to deal with the consequences when you’re engaged in an unfavourable position. Why on earth are you so entitled to free repairs and re-arming?

This is like me complaining about somebody attacking me from an altitude advantage while I have some damage from a previous fight, low ammo and low fuel, except I’m to the far side of the map and I’m mad that the game won’t give me an air re-arm point so I can repair and fight on easier terms. I got outplayed in this situation, I deserve the L. Why don’t you?

It is the responsibility of the team to provide this, the game shouldn’t play itself for you and give you an impenetrable 4km hitscan deathzone because you got outplayed. The expectation that you deserve a safe spot to land even if you and your team have been outplayed is again arrogant and entitled.


I don’t want to be a free kill because my team sucked. War thunder actively punishes you for losing and dying.

It is nowhere even close to your example. In your example, you are able to fly away, get a teammate to help or use any other advantage you have.I am entitled to a free repair and re arm because I participated and was an active player in the match. I have no issues with someone killing me while I’m out of ammo, it just shouldn’t be possible when someone is on the AF.

An individual shouldn’t be fucked over because of factors out of their control (teammates). No one deserves to get free kills, or be a free kill. It is equally entitled to want to kill planes who will be free kills. The people who want to kill helpless planes on the AF are just as bad as AA abusers IMO.

My main issue with removing it is that there is no reason to. People abusing it? Only have it active when someone is on the AF. Or maybe have it turn off 15 mins into the battle, or nerf the range. There are many more solutions that aren’t outright removing it.

Punish the people abusing it, and not the people who need to use it. I think the people who are abusing it should be punished in some way, but I’m not sure how.