Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

So you admit you’re a camper and abuse airfield AA then? Figured as much with how much you tried to defend it and misrepresent what actually happens.


There is no MMR matchmaking nor proper quantitative vehicle matchmaking in this game. There ain’t even premade filtering. The concept of a “team” is a joke, actually, that would be “broken” joke for your case.

You know what’s funny about your post. An F-104 player that doesn’t AB for the entire game will survive all strategy and it would be you in the worse plane that benefits from AA far more since as you say you could never catch them no matter what.

That’s basically the ace of the entire discussion, this game has no mmr, bad brs and 1.0-+ br mm (with some planes being up-tiered 90% of the time unfairly), it is actually a grace that the AA exists for them. The 104 is saved 1 time out of 20 games, the trash plane would be 5 times out of 20.

but this is the part where squad andys come in and say it’s good design with 2-4 stacks vs pubs though, they don’t actually care about any others factors only what stops them curbstomping .


I spawn in alongside 6-15 teammates in Air RB, depending on how the matchmaker feels. That is a team. A pretty big team, all things considered. Who cares if there isn’t SBMM? Having SBMM isn’t a requirement to say you have teams in a game. Filtering isn’t a requirement, and it’s silly to think either of these are.

One busted plane shouldn’t be an excuse for dumb AA. I don’t want to benefit from it, I want BR compression and they are two wildly different problems with wildly different solutions. AA is not a balancing tool, get that shit outta here.

No it isn’t, because the majority of players die in the middle of the map, and they’ll still have to deal with campers of their own. Stop using a single plane that’s busted as an excuse for AA. That’s a terrible argument and you know it. Again, AA is not a balancing tool.

Don’t care, should be 0 times out of 20 games. Nobody should be “saved” from another player because of airfield AA, that’s just having the game play for you and it’s unfair.

And you know what those squad Andys do? They run to the airfield the moment they don’t have friends with them and an altitude advantage. Squad Andies aren’t playing starfighters, they’re playing 109s and J2Ms and yak 3s and so on.


Lol to bad the game designer agrees with me instead of you because we did have it your way and they changed it for some reason could it have been because trools farming others and getting stuper high kdr all the while not even knowing what a 1 circle or 2 circle fight ment let alone even merge with another player…maybe if u make a video game yourself everyone will flock to it cause you know so much better than everyone else or go really really fast like superman and maybe you can go back in time?

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They changed it because bomber pilots whining they can’t safely re-arm because they are just too slow to land and take off. It had nothing to do with protecting fighters. Outside of a team getting entirely wiped out and the last 1-2 guys trying to land and quit but died there wasn’t much AF strafing going on. People were also actually communicating to land and re-arm, and you actually had to make conscious choices to run minfuel for the performance or 20 min+ for the endurance, and that could make an actual difference.

The meta with 60 minute timer, no AF AA, was so different. It was a lot closer to actual air combat in ARB. Currently it’s much smaller maps, short games, lot more arcade like experience where the best playstyle is pretty agressive for a high impact early game to start snowballing the enemy team. Barely anyone bothers to climb and if they do - they dive on the first thing they see. Less strategic thinking because you can just mess up and get away with it due to AF AA there to reset/protect you. Maps are nice and small so you nearly always have an option to beeline it to the AF… so next time, instead of thinking what one did wrong because you died? Nah, just do it again, because you didn’t die - instead enemy had to turn away from you due to AA, so now you have their 6 instead :)

Fantastic design for low IQ gameplay more inline with casual game instead of actually trying to make a competitive game. It’s no wonder any teamplay died, because it just doesn’t matter anymore.


Cool opinion its not mine tho… I see more people sniping landers then I ever see flyers circling airfield its literally a non issue the ones I do see doing it usually have a ticket lead and have done alot for team and actually have a chance to win if other side dosent do anything to change ticket count to me thats just logical move to regroup maintain lead and try to get altitude why wouldnt people do that… The ones I guess your crying about I just dont see or dont care about because im usually doing other stuff than trying to get 1 more kill that I probably will get later plus it really rakes in Silver Lions and research points to get say 3 kills 10+ ground targets +bases than say 4 kills (the 4th being the guy landing)and it gives more time for other players to get more grinding done

People are camping the AF in most matches. What the hell are you talking about? Seriously. ,“Sniping landers” is extra rare occurence at prop BRs because there are only a few maps that allow for strafing the enemy without getting bonked from way beyond the gun range.


Because the game designer is always right, right? Remember that whole review bombing thing because the devs got it so wrong for so long that the community rioted? Yeah, your argument is trash.

If they’re so bad that they don’t know any of that then they’d be comically easy to body, and you wouldn’t be trying to camp the airfield in the first place. Their kd would be negative, lets be honest with ourselves.

When did I say this

Next time make an argument relevant to the topic of discussion instead of whatever nonsense you’re blabbering on about now.

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there should be some sort of distinction. far too many people abuse the airfield AA at high and low tiers


I wouldn’t say bailed out, just that AAA just turns off, partly because I want that kill and that might not play nice if you want to takeoff and then immediately turn around to climb opposite of where the enemies will likely be.

Depends on what you’re flying, but if you have teammates, you can ask them to attack some ground units while you fly away pretending you’re RTB, once they go for them you get between them and their AF and try your best at smacking them out of the air. Sometimes flying near ground level just under their altitude also works because they’ll see you as an easy kill - once they start coming after you, you of course want to bait them away from the AF.

If none of this works, and your team has a ticket disadvantage, you’re just shit out of luck.

Actually had that happen, I was using the N1K1-J while me and a significant number of teammates were trying to drag a Yak3U duo out from the airfield. Took us all damn game and we lost several people.

But we won.


Well, AAA turning off is a good solution for 1 enemy. At least make it so the timer applies to entire pre-made squads who may coordinste AF csmping more effectively.

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Should just turn off AF AA entirely 15 minutes into each match


Well, it’s not just the f-104, the 1.0+ split creates the same outcome in many areas. insert 9.3 vs 10.3 smt/f8e/f5c.

Why do I care about the majority of players who suicide, do u ?

good 4 them cuz the other 90% of time they just clean up the entire game without needing too, but u can beat them easily

go to af safety and leave game lolgottem

it doesn’t even work at high tier for months brah, maybe even a year

It seems those of you who want airfield aa nerfed have gotten their way. I flew over the 2 airfields for approx 5 minutes trying to get away from a typhoon with cannons in a D0217E. I wanted to land and j out, but like the bloodthristy mouse aimer he was, he wouldn’t let me. We flew over the airfields about 4 times - from 3000ft to 300ft. Not once was he touched by ground fire. Perhaps he was cheating, despite what Gaijin say.

And yes I WILL use the airfields under certain conditions, and I make no excuses for it:

1 - if my team have earned the win on tickets and I’m the only one left and badly outnumbered (in a bomber or not).

2 - if enemy dirtbags are buzzing the airfield and wont let me land to j out. I’ve tried to do that before and they just swoop in and take their easy kill. So now I DON’T land because you can never trust the person hovering over the airfield.

3- don’t just assume everyone is using a mouse. Hell, a mouse aimer can out-turn me in a bomber when I’m in a fighter it’s that bad for the joystickers out there. If I’m in a ki-109, even a mouse aimer Hampden with 4000lb of bombs can out turn me! Soo you’re damn right I’m going to use the AF flak if I can. We aren’t all flying equally here.

If you have the superior force and someone is circling their airfield and you don’t want to lose your aircraft then GO ATTACK THE GROUND TARGETS! As mouse aimers, is your only strategy head-ons?
THINK! There is more than one way to win.

Just stay away from the airfields. Or get Gaijin to call this game Fighter Thunder, because there’d be no point in flying anything else if the airfield AA is made ineffective (for the brief period that it was we just got dozens of airfield campers waiting to kill damaged aircraft coming in to land - it was just a race to get to the other teams airfields…)

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You can just use mouse aim if you think it’s unfair.
Or switch to sim where there is no mouse aim…except for bomber gunners.

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Funny, because FRC will demolish MA players when it comes to turn fights… same plane will turn tighter and rate 1-2sec faster on FRC than on mouse…

Otherwise just go to play sim or something, you’ve been crying on this forum since 2015 about mouse aim while playing a gamemode with mechanics centered around mouse aim all the while having a dedicated mode for people with JS available to you.



my goodness - you mouse aimers are so ill informed. You believe what you want to. But don’t listen to hearsay. Go try if for yourself - if you dare. You know it to be true and that’s why you stick with the beginners tool - which is the mouse. Easy7-peasy, lemon squeezy. Any minor advantages a joystick might have are fully negated by what your instructor does for you (energy retention/helicoptering etc.). I can guarantee you a mouse/keyboard player will always be able to out turn us in similar aircraft.

You have both said things which you somehow think I haven’t heard before? Laughable.

The bottom line is this: you’ve got it easy enough. Airfield flak helps the non-mouse aimers as well as the absolute beginners. Don’t be so churlish as to try and take that away from us. You’ve got it good enough already.

Using realistic joystick gives you a turn rate advantage in quite a few airplanes. It’s such a large difference that the meta strategy for Air RB tournaments is to use realistic joystick controls and force a rate fight against non-real joystick users.

If you are so insistent on playing with a HOTAS just learn to play sim. No need to be toxic towards regular RB players or feel superior because of a control scheme you use.