Never said this. If I load too little fuel and run myself out of it, then that’s a skill issue and I don’t deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card in the form of AF AA. If my team has collapsed, then sucks for me I guess, maybe I should’ve played better to cover for them, or maybe my team is just bad and doesn’t collectively deserve the win against a team that played better.
War Thunder isn’t a sim, it’s an arcade game that has fairly realistic flight models, and this isn’t real life. Also, show me the WW2 airfield gunners that can hit aircraft going supersonic and who can hit a P-51 doing 700kph+ a dozen times in rapid succession.
Who is bragging about this? Why are they helpless? They certainly weren’t helpless earlier when they took off, climbed (I hope), and either expended all their fuel or ammo, or got shot to bits. Their helplessness is a result of their gameplay earlier in the match, so they should reap the consequences if they’ve made a bad judgement call. If I make a bad call and RTB thinking I’m clear when there’s some guy 15km out, I don’t deserve free cover for my blunder.
Because there’s skill in turning around 5km+ away and diving to the airfield? Because there’s skill in having a higher rip speed, or by chance being in a faster aircraft? Because that’s how it usually goes, not “we merge, I miss all my shots, they outmanoeuvre me and then choose to dive to AF instead of kill me with their better positioning”. Stop trying to misrepresent the circumstances.
What are most low tier aircraft supposed to do with piddly 7.62s, .303s and 7.92s against most ground targets? What are planes with lower ammo counts supposed to do? What about the people who shouldn’t have to waste hard-earnt positioning and even concede the positional advantage entirely, time, and ammo that they’ve tried to conserve, to cater towards a camper?
This is not a win condition. This is a buying-time situation, and is not sustainable. The starfighter sucks in a 1v1 sure, but that gets turned on its head the moment it has any teammates, and even still a well-flown starfighter is untouchable to any subsonic.