Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

Why, because very simple, there is no chivalry among players.

I remember situations when after a thorough and hard battle, my plane by now out of ammunition, severely short on fuel, trailing a line of smoke, I had just finished my last opponent for this departure, and taking stock of my situation decide to go for the airfield for some much needed repair and refuel, making my way across mid-field AAA if any left… prepared to land … only to get shot down by some spawn camper who was waiting for incoming helpless easy prey. Same situation, just reversed: again you would enable players who don’t dare to fight on equal terms, and instead like hyenas prey only on the wounded.

Yes, both are not illegal by the games’ rules. But is this really something you’d like to encourage?

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Or, in other terms:
we’re here trying to prevent the system from being abused, not preventing the legitimate use it was intended for.

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That “camper” was the reason you were able to kill all these aces in the first place, he made his team weaker when they needed him. The fact you died afterwards is NOT a problem.
Your team has failed to win against enemy team short of 1 plane. I see no issue here. It’s actually the right result!

You expect to get magical help simply because you have no ammo and are damaged.
You should be relying on your team, and if your team is gone - tough luck, bro.

Once again - if that guy helped his team,. you would have died earlier.

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Some teammate sitting at enemy airfield for ten minutes waiting to free kill the guys I fought is not the reason I get my kills but guess what I am the reason he gets any…

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Yes he does play that way hard to believe right…

Lol no.
It works like this - if he kills you, it’s your own team’s damn fault it comes down to 1 v 1. No one else is to blame. Guy made it easier for you by being useless. I love useless enemies. They allow me to kill people with an idea what they’re doing when my team is bad.
But when I’m alone at the end and get jumped - tough luck. Should have taken less damage.

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If he kills me its not my teams fault … Do you blame your teammates for dying ???Its not anyones fault but to act all superior for waiting for helpless players to land is what we call stealing candy from baby’s its not something to be actually proud or brag about

Partially, yes to both.

If your team can’t provide adequate support for each other, then that’s a failure on all of you. If your teammates play poorly and die, that’s on them. This is a team game, and so you need to be able to support your teammates, part of that means covering for them, baiting for them, and should also include protecting your airspace.

Why are they helpless? They were in a perfectly fine aircraft at the start of the match just like all of us. If they misplayed and got shot to bits and need to repair, or sprayed away all their ammo or brought too light a fuel load, that’s a mistake on their end. Sure, sometimes you just can’t help it because of the vehicle, but that’s when you need to be strategic and work with your team to get a safe opportunity to land. You shouldn’t get free cover to land and repair just because you made mistakes earlier in the game and are vulnerable.


But flying straight to enemy airfield being carefull not to engage anyone until they landing is pure skillfull play and the people actively participating and actually trying to play with teammates coming back to rearm just scrubs right lol we all no why you want no defense attacks

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I think you misunderstand the situation. Nobody does this. Period. I’ve never once seen this, never once done this, and it’s funny that you even think this because the death zone that is airfield AA makes trying to kill people who’re landing a death sentence, so nobody even thinks about what you’re suggesting. Stop victimising airfield campers, because how it actually goes is that they get approached or engaged by someone, feel a bit dodgy about it, and dive out to the airfield.

If you’re all playing as a team and actively participating, why on earth do you need AA to cover your landing? Work as a team to protect the airspace on your side of the map instead of expecting a broken game mechanic to do all the heavy lifting for you. You aren’t entitled to a free repair or re-arm because you whiffed your chance earlier against someone who outplayed you.

You’ve fabricated a false narrative to try and defend airfield camping and victimise campers. Try harder next time.


lol nobody does that … Bro there you tube vids of f-16A getting 6+ kill game doing it with Mavericks only weapon used other than strafing runs when he ran out and literally every prop match there is players that try… Do you even watch what other players do in this game or do you just yammer on about muh teamwork…

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Ooh whoop de doo, someone at top tier used mavericks. Ignoring how problematic AA is at every other BR, especially at props, but okay. There’s youtube videos? Awesome! Now show me people pulling it off every match and then we’ll talk.

If someone can sneak to your base and launch mavericks on people landing, that’s a team issue.

No there isn’t. Just, no. I don’t know what reality you’re in where chasing someone back to their airfield is “flying straight to enemy airfield being carefull not to engage anyone until they landing”, nor where eliminating most of their team and following them back to base because their airspace is uncontested is that too.


Just lol bro you must play perfectly never run out of fuel and never miss your shots and allways have 2 or 3 people ready to help you land every match just give me a break… Can you show me some military airfields with no AAA irl? Attacking helpless opponents isnt a brag moment lol I mean sure I do it too but if they make it back home by using skill to avoid my attacks then all to em landing deserved in my honest opinion its not like I cant do other things to win …

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Then, explain me what I can do against Mach 2.0 class supersonic jets such as F-104s except this video when I fly Korean War era jets?
Early AAMs doesn’t work for them because these supersonic jets can outrun from these AAMs.

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You do the same thing I do in any Sabre game I play and deal with it they for most part cant touch you if you use two things your eyes and your brain your either gunna have to be good shot when they overshoot your pretty much stuck flying defensive dosent mean hopless tho

F-104A is much faster than them even on the deck so, reversing is almost impossible unless F-104A players are dumb. If guns didn’t get drag nerf, it may be possible but, still close to the impossible.


Exactly, if F104 is going around supersonic it most likely will outrun the guns if you fire outside 600m rear.aspect (if shell takes 0,8s to reach 600, the plane will go another 300m in the same time). The window of opportunity is very, very small and even if you fire at 500, the guy will have plenty of time to dodge.

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I never said Sabre vs Starfighter was fair I said its hard because you cant control the engagement you can only play defensively… I absolutely love sabers play them lots even when all I faced was SU -25 and A-10’s both of those are far worse than any Starfighter with AIM-9B that that can barely control itself at slow speeds…

Airfield AA is too STRONG at prop planes BR. It deals tick damage to players near AA that can’t evade. And Jet planes can easily evade Missile AA that anyone can do that.
How about just replace current Missile AA to Prop’s tick damage AA, but larger version (like 5km diameter).


Never said this. If I load too little fuel and run myself out of it, then that’s a skill issue and I don’t deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card in the form of AF AA. If my team has collapsed, then sucks for me I guess, maybe I should’ve played better to cover for them, or maybe my team is just bad and doesn’t collectively deserve the win against a team that played better.

War Thunder isn’t a sim, it’s an arcade game that has fairly realistic flight models, and this isn’t real life. Also, show me the WW2 airfield gunners that can hit aircraft going supersonic and who can hit a P-51 doing 700kph+ a dozen times in rapid succession.

Who is bragging about this? Why are they helpless? They certainly weren’t helpless earlier when they took off, climbed (I hope), and either expended all their fuel or ammo, or got shot to bits. Their helplessness is a result of their gameplay earlier in the match, so they should reap the consequences if they’ve made a bad judgement call. If I make a bad call and RTB thinking I’m clear when there’s some guy 15km out, I don’t deserve free cover for my blunder.

Because there’s skill in turning around 5km+ away and diving to the airfield? Because there’s skill in having a higher rip speed, or by chance being in a faster aircraft? Because that’s how it usually goes, not “we merge, I miss all my shots, they outmanoeuvre me and then choose to dive to AF instead of kill me with their better positioning”. Stop trying to misrepresent the circumstances.

What are most low tier aircraft supposed to do with piddly 7.62s, .303s and 7.92s against most ground targets? What are planes with lower ammo counts supposed to do? What about the people who shouldn’t have to waste hard-earnt positioning and even concede the positional advantage entirely, time, and ammo that they’ve tried to conserve, to cater towards a camper?

This is not a win condition. This is a buying-time situation, and is not sustainable. The starfighter sucks in a 1v1 sure, but that gets turned on its head the moment it has any teammates, and even still a well-flown starfighter is untouchable to any subsonic.