Air Realistic BR 12.7, Whats Up With That?

Not true. ADF has much more capability in controlling engagements and securing kills with its excellent radar and sparrows. It still carries 4x 9Ls in addition to the 2x 7Fs so it doesn’t lose out much at all in that regard.

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I think you are playing a different game than me.

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it loses the kills it could have gotten with the other aim-9Ls that couldn’t be carried. you dont control the enviroment, your whole team does it and everyone flies low because of that regardless of what you carry. sparrows arent excellent and the radar is mid.

Sparrows carry a higher kill potential.

You clearly aren’t good enough at the game to understand.

Definitely what I just said

potential does not mean true power of missile. as an exaggerated example, magic 2’s will almost definetly kill anything within 1km range considering correct launch parameters even if you carry 2 of them instead of 6 aim-7’s, you got 2 kills with a 100% chance of happening. now you can launch all 6 aim-7’s and they can just get dodged.
with aim-9L’s in this case you can hope for them to ignore flares while the aim-7’s again will just get dodged by any competent player

You do not understand the game, that’s all I can say.

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Gaijin skill issued in extending br and forgot to change clan battle br limits lol

I dont see why no depression tho. “Statistic shows everything is mixed so everything is made fine”?

Why not do a un-flr-able shot with sarh? None to some hdn capability None to some long range capability, while 7f is far from “bad”. Do I have to specify that one bleeds energy and position when dodging 7f, but 2 flr and 9l’s gone?
lmao 9l never ignore flrs without a tf30 or pw229
& still have 4 to sneak shots

tl;dr wasn’t able to kill me with an aim-7 and had to resort to guns even though in the forum it was agreed that we only use missiles
i did ask in chat if we use guns but he didn’t answer which meant i wasn’t able to go for a gun kill.

So no, the aim-7’s are not some wonderful missile and any competent player will deal with them and youll have to rely on 9L’s or guns in a real match.

thank you for participating to prove my point though.

we never mentioned guns, both 9L and 7M are pretty useless in 1v1(lest you forget the one missile you actually managed to get off the rails was flared away with ease) and I got a massive jump on you by being at altitude which you couldn’t because the Sparrow locks it down

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Ye no wonder, that thing is massively undertiered xd

yeah we only mentioned using missiles and no guns, you did indeed break that rule.

100 meters of an altitude advantange in terms of energy at supersonic speeds is less than .7%.
so, wanna have another go without breaking the rules, we can change the rules so that the guns are allowed so i can also engage you at close range and therefore change my tactics.

If i believe that you won’t use guns as per rules, i won’t hold any energy to have a dogfight.

Ok sure, but neither of us is likely to die

first replay file if anyone wants it

1.74 MB file on MEGA

and the second where we agree no guns and there is an actual winner

1.15 MB file on MEGA

yes but atleast we get to compare the fact that these missiles are at best, equally useless.

the altitude denial of the AIM-7 makes it better but they are both mediocre, there is a reason there were a lot of gun kills back then

in terms of energy it is still in sums of a single % and even if you took only aim-9L’s and locked the enemy, they would assume you to have aim-7’s and youd have the same effect in real matches

See even back in Apex Predators radar missiles were considered better than IR, and since then radar missiles have been universally buffed whereas the 9L has seen nothing but nerfs

Yeah, the Macic 2 in particular is really good for the BR you see it at, like it single handedly make the 2000 and the F1 good

If you suffer you are more likely to use eagles to research the next aircraft via buying a premium plane, premium time, or just outright converting. If you want to do that you have to spend money. Gaijin is a for profit company and wants our money to pay their bills, feed their kids, and do what they want to do.
So in short it’s compressed on purpose to make gaijin money.
Gaijin only really decompresses when the financial gain is going down due to players giving up or community out cry is too much. It’s all a balancing act 🤣

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this is probably somewhat true, they’re driving people to top tier because that is the only BR where you can’t be uptiered