Air Realistic BR 12.7, Whats Up With That?

Probably because to grind the air tech trees as someone who exclusively plays air battles I have to grind so god damn many aircraft that are only useful in ground battles, is it so much to ask that there be an actual use for them in air battles that isn’t mind numbingly dumb and boring like bombing bases ok shooting howitzers

Also the ADF is an extra 200,000 RP and like 1,000,000 SL if I’m remembering right, at that point I’m better off going straight for the F-16C, they should really make the ADF the first F-16A in the folder and make the F-16A optional

oh no i have to grind… yes you have to. welcome to war thunder.

yes that is the only thing we can agree to

I don’t care about the grind, I care that a large portion of the air tree is borderline useless in the air game modes, I wan’t a CAS focused air game mode where I don’t also need to spend months grinding tanks that I don’t want to play, just so I have a use for all the guided bombs they keep adding

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some of the aircraft are more useful for killing ground targets in the air modes.

The vehicles’ capabilities advanced way faster than the BR cap. I found that the only way to have a fair(ish) match in the game is to play 13.7-14.0 xdxd

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12.7 sucks 12.3 is the most fun ive had in a while

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What were u playing? M2K?

Aside from the GBU-39, none of the guided weapons are as good at killing ground targets in air RB as a cannon and some rockets with CCIP

Besides I said something that wasn’t mind numbingly dumb, also ground target hunting is counter to the gameplay of air RB given that unless a match runs very long it has absolutely no effect and as I said a gun is more than adequate

What are your main reasons for not wanting BR decompression?

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f-16a is sufficient to perform its task of attacking hostile aircraft with the aim-9L or at destroying ground targets. it also has good maneuverability for the battle rating.

Are these valid reasons for NOT WANTING DECOMPRESSION though?

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so, your whole argument against decompression is that the F-16A is fine?

Also, the F-16A is not fine as it can come up against F-15C, F-16C, SU-27SM, J-10A, Mirage 2000-5F all with much more CMs and better missiles while maintaining perfectly decent flight performance

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decompression can exist. f-16a’s battle rating wont be lowered or the f-16adf put higher.

They would in fact have different BRs if decompression happened, as they are not equally capable.


aim-9l is just as good as the aim-7. just because its different does not make it worse. carrying aim-7’s worsens your maneuverability anyway.

AIM-9L can be defeated with 1 flare, the AIM-7F/M requires maneuvering to avoid, therefore I think most people would agree that the AIM-7F/M is better than the 9L, also the AIM-7 has better flight characteristics


in some situations the aim-9l will ignore all flares while to defeat aim-7 i can just press a button in my keyboard or move my mouse a bit and the aim-7 will be gone. or i can just fly low.
if you think the aim-7 is better than aim-9l why dont you come and have a fight with me only using aim-7’s while i only use aim-9l’s

I would gladly take that fight

ok add me, take f-16adf with 2x aim7 and i will take 2x aim9L