Air Realistic BR 12.7, Whats Up With That?

About 3 reputable military aircraft websites I just looked at, JUST TO BE SURE, said the F16 was designed as a highly maneuverable fighter, but has evolved into a multi role plane, But originally designed as a Air Superiority Fighter.

Now I will say I dont have big probs in that plane either, but it is a unique and superb plane.

Dude, that cuts right to the core of why I thought about this topic, Right on mate.

That is exactly what I did. Now I have most of the planes I want and went back and got the ADF., which is trapped at that black spot, BR 12.7, with some laughable aim9ls at that BR.
But you are dead on for me, personally I think tanks and helicopters are boring, and Atari like, and so why should I have to grind a tank tree, to use a plane that was designed as a fighter, and in that era very good.

Wow man, DEFYN, one of the greatest pilots in Warthunder, in one of his videos, says the F16A is laughable and that you have to “sneak” around and hide for awhile to TRY to do anything. You dont seem to be a complainer though. On a break I took a look at your Card and it is indeed smoking. But, really, you are like the only one on here supporting your opinion, do you see that?

F-16a was envisioned as a low quality, mass production fighter. It only earned the firepower or “3rd” gen after CW, in USA.
That’s really what it means. In real life it was so oversimplified it lacked 2nd gen features like IFF.