Air RB needs to be changed to 8v8

You just described sim

There is more to do than just bomb a base.

People run bases cause it is “meta” to grind, though those that go for kills win the match.


Yes except simulator has different flight controls.

Do you have any other thing to do or is this all we can offer? Killing planes and bombing bases.

If you want more go into single missions, user maps or play DCS.

It is like saying “drive to cap and kill tanks”. It is what war thunder is.

I am not sure how to explain this, but imagine you fly a BR 3.3 Hellcat - a pure fighter without any spawn restrictions and you get one of the rare Air RB maps with ai cruisers or destroyers - it is not unusual to see those players performing a torpedo run and reclimb to join the air battle.

Same with strike fighters - either you spawn without loadout to play A2A or you drop your payload and reclimb like the Hellcat above.

And even when i play a prop bomber (4 slots limit) i often determine my loadout often based on the BR, the enemy lobby and the map. So if i play a full downtier in my B-18B vs a German team i select bombs and rockets as i can kill some Bv 238s with rockets, whilst in a full uptier i am forced to use just internal bombs to have a realistic fighting chance vs P-47 D-28/30 and I-225s, even the drag of empty external bomb racks cost you a lot of top speed - and speed is life.

I mean it is no secret that the loadout indicator in the lobby screen (showing rockets and bombs) is not reliable; so you can’t say for sure who is carrying what loadout…

This boils down to the “wrong” decisions by gaijin regarding map design and rewards. As long as simple base bombing generates more SL/RP than alternative targets you can’t avoid that people go for bases.

Imho currently PvE focused players are simply in the majority in Air RB - but base bombing does not really help to fulfil the theoretical possibilty of a ticket win due to the low ticket drain of base bombing. Even at higher tiers (10.0+) the few ai planes contribute more to the ticket drain than own fighter-bombers in a F-111. (Example: Here).

I added some thoughts regarding a more diverse PvE game play here:

You don’t need to have scripted missions to having engaging objectives for players to tackle during a match.

Ground has actual control of terrain making gameplay much more dynamic.

Air is boring to me.

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Ye that is the beauty of it - each have their own likes and dislikes. For me personally - I hate (yes, I mean hate) naval battles purely because of how the gun mechanics work in naval. Yet, other people like it.

I mainly play ground - I only play air to get CAS for ground or to have fun with friends.

In the end - it is a PVP based game utilizing machines of war.

Considering the RP given to bomb a base, I can’t see the wrong in their request.

im still counting… for over 2 weeks now… this is according to myself the 10th topic i read that requested the same thing… is it possible to link all these topics to make one big final topic for Air RB EC or a general ARB overhaul?

No need

I’m not sure what to think about this, wouldn’t you lose speed and altitude advantage doing torpedo runs and then climbing back up for a dogfight ?

That’s why I think you should be able to pick a “role” before you queue, but even that wouldn’t solve every possible issue.

Ofc, but as long we have a lot of players looking for in-game achievements / challenges (like kill 1.500 ai ships with torpedoes) you will have players striving for them. That’s why the 4 prop Pacific maps are popular for Japanese planes able to carry torpedoes, basically the only chance to use this loadout outside naval.

The fact that Air RB is more or less a TDM game mode has to be seen in context, so as long as a hell of players expose themselves with base bombing - i see no reason to condemn players for playing the game like they want it to play.

Btw - killing ships in Air RB is very effective to complete daily/special tasks - often 1 ship kill is enough to get the achievement…

Gaijin has decided that solo players do not have a say in win or loss at jet tiers. Your team determines the outcome and if you have 8 people spawn in with bombs in the F-4S, you already know the outcome. 16v16 is too large, too hectic and too hostile to individual players.

  • 12 vs 12 at BR 8.0+, 10 vs 10 at BR 11.3+ (this is the start of the PD meta)
  • Reduce map sizes below rank 8 games.
  • Remove automatic bleeding of the tickets, and make it more difficult to end the game in 2 minutes by groundpounding.

On the rare chance that you get a good game, you don’t get to go RTB. The game is already over by the time you get back from base because the tickets get pounded out and there’s no time for the late-game scenarios that make this game so interesting.

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air RB needs an entire rework
the developers need to create the ability to play interdiction, strike, SEAD, and other roles in air RB instead of the pure air superiority call of duty gameplay we currently have

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TDM is eternal because it’s hard to go wrong. Despite this, Gaijin has gone wrong.

Objective-based gameplay is hellishly difficult to balance when it comes to PvP vs PvE, and it’s frustrating to win or lose because of AI elements that are outside player control. Despite this, such missions would be great for immersion.

Objectives don’t matter at all in current top tier.

When you win by groundpounding it’s ONLY because you destroyed the enemy team, have air superiority, and there’s one dude left who cannot contest the tickets. That is not objective-based gameplay, that is an extension of TDM.

Air RB EC is the solution



Who is willing to sit down to play 30-90 minutes of one EC game? Air RB could be fixed without the need for drastic changes.

The other effect of 16v16 is that the chaos masks the bias planes and articially buffed meta-jets that Gaijin brings out every patch.

RB EC was very popular and well liked when it was first tested

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But is it good?