Air RB base respawning

We know that someone’s pride prevents them from seeing players live happily and gain benefits, but bomber players may target teammates when they think they can’t grab the base. This is not a rare case, even in the last Before the version base was quickly refreshed, many top-level room players could only use bombers to gain benefits. They were not proficient in fighting. Often they could only get 135 points in each game.
So I hereby propose to set the base to a The total health volume, in which the health volume that each player can destroy is independent of each other. If the total health volume is destroyed to a certain stage, all players participating in the bombing of this base will receive additional benefits, so that each player has a base to bomb, and every time On the basis that the income from each bombing remains unchanged, you can arbitrarily adjust the time interval for the recovery of the personal bombing base and the amount of additional income from the total blood volume.
In this way, someone is not afraid that players will make a fortune using f111a, right?LOL


Oh yes, that’s a brilliant idea. Let’s concentrate where the bombers are going to be so it’s easier for the fighters.

Well, you will find low characters anywhere on the planet. Just don’t give in to them.

Given that this change was not in the patch notes, it’s fair to assume it’s a bug. I don’t see any bug reports for this. If we don’t bring it to their attention, it won’t get fixed.

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Correct, but an airfield kill is a quite rare event at mid tiers - i would guess around 0,5% - so 1 in 200 matches. Happens mostly if strike aircraft kill bases and a few Bv 238s get to the airfield. The very rare event PV-2D with sea mines drops a whopping 3 tons of TNT is quite effective on 3 bases maps too.

Why just 0,5%?

Mainly as killing a base in Air RB is quite easy compared to getting unharmed to the enemy airfield. And a lot of rather inexperienced players are simply not able to penetrate or avoid the interceptor / fighter screen either due a lack of experience or because they got farmed by stuff like XP-50s, T-18Bs or B7A2s. Last but not least: Mid tiers have a bot bomber issue…

If you want to kill airfields u need to play the Ju 88 A-1 - with some experience you can actually kill the airfield on maps without respawning bases if the match BR is below 2.7… your max load of 1.900 kg is enoughto kill an undamaged AF thanks to the small bomb bonus of the 28 x SC 50 bombs…

But you won’t gain any relevant income playing there, it is just for fun…

Oof. On their issues page, this HAS been marked as intended on multiple reports.


Damn. Well that’s saved me some money on my intended purchase of premium planes. No need now.

I have made a suggestion on the forums, once it is approved and posted, I will share it here so we can hopefully make a difference.

Oh, just like in reality. A quadron of bombers working in coordination, pooling their firepower. The only missing piece is the protective escort, as is always the case…

Now, when we talk about an industrial district, we’re discussing a substantial area covering several kilometers. The point here is to move away from the simplistic notion of the minimum perimeter “base” that a single player can easily control by reducing their health bar to zero, which essentially nullifies the efforts of other players. Instead, the focus should be on a broader area where success depends on the percentage of destruction relative to the state of various internal sections, like factory facilities, road networks, and more. This approach would demand that the bombers approach their raid from different angles, executing their bombing with greater precision. Ultimately, don’t we complain about the lack of challenge or strategic in the bombing task as well?


That would be nice as well, eventually

I had one match where there was me in a b-29 along with 3 other b-29s on one of the island US vs Japan maps. All the fighters on the other team were focused on my teams fighters so we were able to take out all the bases and airfield and won the match as the last alive. It’d be great to have more maps with nonrepawning bases that allowed for that but they would need like 16 bases or something. Maybe when the remake maps to make them them massive in size they could litter the map with bases to bomb as well instead of just being empty.

I’d very much like to see a district like area to bomb with modular destruction like the airfields in sim. Maybe a train depot where you have the terminal, storage areas and idle train cars or a power plant where you have a main building, fuel tanks and maybe a energy gird. I’d even go as far as wanting the individual buildings have their own model for when they are destroyed rather than a health bar.

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Exactly, a modular destruction system that assigns distinct values based on strategic importance. Essentially, almost everything should be susceptible to destruction, although bombs impacting roadways or pavements, for example, would yield less overall damage compared to those impacting buildings complexes. Having the ability to visualize this process through a detailed ‘killcam’ would provide a valuable and immersive assessment of enemy infrastructure losses.

Come on, the current system could be significantly enhanced with some imagination. It could even open up new gameplay possibilities, such as a aerial reconnaissance role that enables players to visually mark potential structures for bombers, adding depth to the interaction between players


I literally just bombed the same 3 bases 3 times in a row in my f-111, idk what are you all talking about

What map?

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I cant bomb anything as an A10 the f-111 get every single one

the new one with Islands and big cities

The old maps have a 4.5 minute timer still

I mean, I dont think its that bad, by the time you get the base kill some guys on the way back, land, start and get to the base again, thats more than 4.5 min right there.

My friend, perhaps you do not play ground but the trend there is clear. They are dumbing down the maps, limiting the play styles for entire classes of vehicles. It’s a parallel to the squeezing out of base bombing. They’re cutting back, they just haven’t said so publicly.