Air RB base respawning

Returning to the battle zone refresh mechanism of the previous version, the current refresh mechanism causes more serious TKs, or increases the number of battle zones in each game.


We need a single objective for all bombers, like a large industrial district. The current bases mechanics are incredibly outdated


you played 3 matches? i stopped after my second. not touching this game until its fixed. also not buying premium again if its not fixed by the time the sale is over and im not playing if i dont have premium


pretty sure the bomb itself costs more than that reward


there defiantly needs to be some massive changes adding way more bomb targets and having them take more bombs to destroy while giving more rewards.


What’s even more crucial is that their actions should have a direct impact on the match’s outcome. I’m open to making the bombardment action ten times more intricate, as long as it elevates its significance beyond just serving as a quick income source for unenthusiastic or brain dead players.

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Adding my voice to this forum because this is such a poorly thought out change, that I hope, but doubt, is a bug.

I can on the one hand see Gaijins point of view on this. You add a plane that can effectively destroy 7 bases, while being faster than a majority of the attacker role aircraft it flies alongside. I can only imagine the sort of RP reward you would get from a match in that thing with 7 bases worth of tnt dropped when, with my thunderchief, getting 1-2 bases killed, an air kill, and a couple ground targets would net me 150k silver and around 30k rp, with premium and no talisman.

IF the insane potential amount of Silver and RP rewards are indeed the reasoning for this change, good god is it a poorly thought out change. My suggested change would be, if RP and SL gain with the Aardvark are the concern, why not just lower the RP/SL percent modifier on the aircraft itself, so it’s more in line with the average amounts other bombers/attackers make at it’s br?

Instead we’ve ended up with a situation where now ALL bombers/attackers get severely gimped. It seems so insane to me to add the highest payload bomber to the game, then effectively neuter not only it, but all bombers and attackers. And, because of the fast pace of Air RB at top tier, matches end before the bases even consider respawning a vast majority of the time.

To those who loath attackers and bombers on their team, and have been gleefully rejoicing in this change at the expense of their fellow player: this makes the game worse for you, too. Why? People, from my experience playing so far, have not stopped playing bombers/attackers due to this change. People who like these aircraft, myself included, will continue to play them. But because of this change, people are incentivized to sit back idle, or skirt the edge of the map in hopes of the bases respawning before the match ends, since many of them (A-10’s, thunderchiefs, etc) cannot reach the bases before the F-111. They stand no chance at getting bombs off. And now, because they are skirting the edge of the map, they are even LESS of a help to your team, because while you have 2 people on your 6, the A-10 that WOULD have been in the middle of the map and able to help you pre-patch, is now idling over at the edge of the map, 20km away, waiting for the bases to respawn from the f-111’s bombing run.

Before this patch, I could afterburner to the bombing target, get my bombs off - be IN the midst of combat with my fighters, and having dropped my bombs use my Aim’s and BRRRT gun to actually help my team. I’d get base bombing in AND air-to-air kills. I don’t understand how fighter mains are rejoicing this when it incentivizes attackers/bombers to play much less aggressively and more idly.

I really hope this change gets rolled back. I had been so happy with the recent changes Gaijin had made to the economy, the improved rewards, repair cost being reworked, etc that I was planning on celebrating these positive changes by coming back to purchase a few premiums and give the snail a couple of my hard earned dollars. But this change has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I am doubting I want to do that.

Air RB needs some serious love from the developers, love that I am not going to hold my breath on. We have effectively had the exact same game mode since 2013. RB EC was one of the best additions they had added, with dynamic objectives, huge maps, and a respawn system like the tank rb mode, and it actually made flying attackers and bombers EFFECTIVE at their roles, and not at the expense of the fighters (thinking pre-airfield destruction removal, where bombers were loathed for their ability to end matches instantly). But that game mode has been long gone, with no mention as far as I know from the developers.

I dearly love this game, it’s given me absolutely countless hours of enjoyment, but it’s hard to not hate it too.


I stopped reading here. I assume you are talking air RB? I just did a mission with the thunderchief, killed a base and 2 players. Premium and Talisman plus “Skill” award Level I. I earned ~49.000 SL and ~17.000 RP. I somehow doubt your figures are actual.


You’re 100% correct, I was thinking of my friends premium Israeli A-4E. not sure why you would dismiss the entire rest of my post though when the rest of it isn’t reliant on those numbers, as the numbers are simply an example of why Gaijin might have nerfed base respawn time.

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I didn’t dismiss it, I stopped reading because you posted obvious non-facts. You wouldn’t state the color of your chair either, if it wasn’t somehow part of the argument, would you? So I checked back with you.

Right. This Israeli premium will not see the F-111 in a battle. They are 1.6 BR apart.

So before the patch, someone else was having the problem you now have. OK.

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Agree 100%, the bases should respawn back like they did last patch, it was a massive quality of life improvement for bomber/attacker pilots.

I personally felt way less FOMO stress from rushing to the bases, survived a lot more knowing I could just circle and roll in.

I saw in my team way less stress, way less teamkills based on base claiming/stealing claims, way more teamwork and collective “sharing” of map targets. In general, teams got a whole lot more wholesome.

This negative change will just return the old stress, the old toxic actions by players. Major negative.


the only thing this new base respawn system do is encouraging team killing because people will just fight with each other for the base (a10, su25k, a6e, a5c vs milan, f4 phantom, tornado). I dont want to think negatively but i feel like they are trying to make the grind harder after adding some fixes to the economy.

Please leave this “one step forward, 2 steps back” mentality behind gaijin. I was planning to spend more on premium vehicles after these economy fixes but now i entirely lost my will to grind any new nations.


Right. This Israeli premium will not see the F-111 in a battle. They are 1.6 BR apart.

This has little to do with my point of contention, which is base respawn times. You know, the topic of the thread. Respawn times being needlessly long is present in both BRs. What is your point?

So before the patch, someone else was having the problem you now have. OK.

No. Before, everyone could get their bombs off as bases respawned withing 30 seconds. Currently, bases seem to take 5+ minutes to respawn if not more, and often don’t respawn before the match ends. Please stop with the strawman.


I cannot count the number of threads opened regarding the bomber gameplay, it is such a painfull experience!

I am starting to think that it is part of a bigger problem : the business model of gaijin. It is like they try to make you sick to sell you the medics!

If it has to come to this, I would rather watch an ad before the start of every match to contribute and have a decent game experience.

It is absolutelly not an invitation to pay for any of their package or golden eagles to play this!


Exactly this!

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yes please gaijin, treat us your loyal customers with respect and we would be more than willing to give back to you (by opening new tech trees). Right now im not even done with my chinese tech tree and im feeling like quitting already and not spend any more since i already have USA, Russia and Sweden anyway.

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on some of the lower BR maps, if you destroy all the bases then you can bomb the enemy airfield and win the match. id love to see this at higher tiers but with more bigger bases to destroy. maybe throw in like sam system sites or FOBs and like radar arrays instead of it being the same set of buildings and tents

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Perhaps instead of one large target there could be two that are as powerful as the airfields used to be so that it takes many bombs to destroy them. That way the opposing fighters won’t know where all the attackers / bombers are going and there are still rewards for bombing. An alternative could be to leave the bases as they are now and toughen them up so that not even a fully loaded F-111 can take one out by itself.

The main problem with the A-10 - I do not have any experience with the Su-25 family or any other slowish attacker - is that from a grinding perspective it is not worth bombing ground units in Air RB - again, no experience with other modes - because your RP reward is so much less than when you bomb bases. I’ve gotten a few really good matches in where I took out a couple of bases and got a couple of pvp air kills and the rewards were awesome. Even without the kills though bombing bases was still worthwhile.

If this is not a bug then it is in poor taste.

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If there are SAM systems around we’re gonna need anti radiation missiles.

Agree with this, I have also scrapped some purchasing planes. On the other hand, usually they do these changes after the sale, not before.