I love the fox3 gameplay but it doesn’t work with current AirRB gamemode and ridiculously huge team sizes.
I have been losing interest in the game, mainly top tier. Its far too repetitive and short, and at the same time chaotic in the sense that your skill/strategy doesn’t matter much because you are overloaded and every game results in a fast snowball of 8v1 for half of the game 7min duration.
The best experience I had with modern Fox3 missiles was on the initial Fox3 play test and the following update dev server, because in most matches there were only 4-6 human players on each side.
I would be happy with 8v8 at most but if I had it my way, I would prefer the whole gamemode reworked along the lines of OP suggestion.
I think if we keep 16v16 with reworked big maps with multiple pve objectives will still result in a snowball against one of the teams really quicky because most will just fly to the middle of the map anyway and die within minutes.
Making a new SEPARATE gamemode with ±6v6 in big maps with more relevant actions other than pure TDM would also be a good option, because I think most casuals would still prefer the normal boring 16v16 TDM 5min matches. While giving the others a chance to play a more interesting and skill based gamemode to have fun.
By ignoring these requests, gaijin, you are splitting the community anyway and making higher queue times because people are simply losing interest in the game and go play something else
Multipath should be not a stock value but depend on missal generation and airplane position. So if you shoot from bellow or same hight as the airplane that fly’s low it should not be a issue.
If the shooting airplane with radar missals is high then the older the weapon the higher the ceiling of confusion. people forget that its not the radar of the shooting platform that matters but the missal radar and they are less advanced and sophisticated. There is to much to process.
All top tir´s should star with there full loud out and grind much better upgrades for the weapons.
You start with heat seekers of first generation and first generation radar weapons’ and you grind to get the better versions that are more advanced.
BR´s should not just be a stock value but depending on loadout of said airplane.
Please stop putting redwoods everywhere. The Hight of the threes is ridiculous.
So the multipath was 100 meters the size of the trees is 60 meters you got 40 meters of space.
Now you lowerd it to 60 and the trees stay the same so multipath got removed in total and this is not taking in the fact that terrain dips and raises and you never full level expect for desert maps and big lakes.
Stock grind is going harder and harder, update after update. We need quick grinds, i have a f premium account and take to much of my time grinding. Some of us have f jobs! If we pay premium accounts and talismãs, we need to have a lot better rewards!
Speaking of possible stock top tier grind alleviation, I honestly think there should be EITHER adding 2 ARH missiles stock OR giving chaff from the getgo. It’d be too easy to grind with both of these changes imo. If you get 2 ARHs, you can get kills, but you die a lot more until chaff unlocked. Then it becomes much easier. If you have chaff from the start, you mostly learn how to defend from FOX-3s during the grind, which makes sense to me. By the time you get ARHs, you already can confidently defeat them, so the gameplay become much more enjoyable in general. That’s my take on it.
Also multipathing change is awesome, BUT older missiles with worse seekers should be defeatable at higher altitudes than modern FOX-3s. So maybe some additional code for FOX-1s would work out, without BR decompression I dunno. If Gaijin reworks BRs from 10.3 to 12.0 in ADEQUATE way, I’d take it
i only play Simulator battles for now, i need to say i didnt struggle to get the JAS39C with the JAS39A that much (having a talisman and premium account), obviously i have enough experience to know how it works and how to fly every plane i want to fly, but i see this update a positive change, the multipathing is still a thing that i do and works perfectly, now yes you need to fly little bit lower but if you can’t then learn to do it, other than that i find the ARH or FOX3 missiles realistic compared to DCS for example, but they need more range tbh, there is no need to Nerf or Buff those missiles, they can be evaded with the 9-3 tactic and other tactics, i found the War Thunder tutorial video very helpfull too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8-cLvniyuM), lets be honest, we all want a realistic game and not a innacurate game, good job war thunder
Air RB is much better now. The people that disagree does not know how to play. Because now you have different gameplay possible. Before you had non full random. Everyone was low and in the same spot.
To be honest, the very few matches I was in 12vs12 was really entertaining. And the way multipathing is, is right. Not to low, not to high. If you put it 100m again, then everyone will fly low again and we will have the same old shit meta. Fox 3 are really easy to dodge, if you need multipathing, you are the issue. Please go on YouTube watch the WT video about notching.
Multipathing for lower BR being increase, I am not against but not for it either. Because older radar should get higher multipathing (more realistic). But not to high because we will get shitty low alt missile thunder. Maybe start at 100m for 10.0 BR and decrease with BR increase.
Btw for the poll, at some questions I just have no idea, and you should have allowed us to say IDK.
Man, I actually like the patch and the fox3 gameplay more than the fox2. Fox3’s feel like they need more work though. I never liked the ground messing with radar because I felt like it messed with me getting kills more than it saved me. This patch did changed the way the game is played now though, so if you liked the old way then that sucks for sure.
Well with this update i feel good to see where the game is heading. More realistic as it should be in Realistic Battles. I think the Realistic Battles need to be more realistic and Gaijin should create new game modes for WT, because there are people happy with the last version of the game that i hated so much. Just delete the current top tier arcade mode, and change it for the mode before Seek and destroy. i think that’s the way. Everybody gets happy.
Being killed by a seemingly invisible enemy head-on missile from over 15km away, and trying everything to flare/chaffe/dodge them with no success, would be my LEAST enjoyable experience I have ever had in this video game. Honestly, it ranks pretty high in “worst gaming experiences ever” for me. Why would anybody think this is ok? It is the most skill-less way to kill somebody that I can think of in this game. It is ZERO fun for both sides. Absolute cancer.
I agree with everything you said except multipathing for lower BRs. The lack of radar sets capable of filtering ground clutter keeps SARH missiles from being effective at low altitude at those BRs.
Great poll. Damn though, I wish the community weren’t such crybabies about the missile changes. They need to learn to adapt. Multipathing as of now is fine. If anything it should be lower
great poll. For me, the worst problem on top tier is not spamraam or op ir missle but the massive lag. They have always been huge over 11.3 but have increased since new update and i cant solve it coz we cant reduce graphic setup on console. Could we modify them in future update ?