Lots of people complain about bad clickbait teammates, well, there is the solution, we can draw from the other modes of the game.
The average Clickbait player who is new to the game, does not contribute much, especially when he is facing 12.7 CAS all day.
So let’s give him something to contribute.
In AIr battles, there are tons of ground targets that one can deal with to reduce tickets. Rarely, but bots are also present if the game traffic is low.
In Naval battles, a lobby full of bots is a constant sight, so much so that Gaijin acknowledged it and made bots an intergral part of naval by making them able to finish daily tasks and increased their rewards.
So why is Tank battles singled out? There should be AI targets for ground battle, machine guns, pillboxes, maybe some czech hedgehogs that block the team that players must shoot them to gain access to advantageous positions.
A long time ago, when tank play was new, there were Ai tanks on the maps. Some(Kursk) had a LOT and it was like high tier ground assault(way before there was such a thing) and got pretty intense at times.
Problem was, the Ai tanks were very static . . starting from the exact same place, running the exact same route on each map . . . very predictable.
So, smart/experienced players and those that seek any/all advantage quickly learned to go straight at them, blip blip blip, nail 3 real fast get in a plane and start bombing before most players made it halfway to the nearest capture point. And if they did make it there . . . they were met with . . . bombs.
So, instead of redefining the Ai’s actions, randomizing their start points, just somethings to make them less predictable . . . they just removed them altogether.
Since that time only targets you can kill in ground battles have been . . other players. And with the “One Death Leaver” syndrome . . . . even fewer actual targets than in the past.
They could add them back in I suppose, but the issues that led to their removal would need to be addressed. And in the end, a lot of work for Gaijin that would ultimately add to the scoring for the players and speed up grinding a small bit. But would not change much else.
Would more targets be better?? . . . sure, always nice to have more things to shoot at. Is it possible? . . . sure, but . . is it likely?? . . . prolly not.
Just my opinion tho . . .
I’m down if they arn’t like the pve tank ones. Being able to shoot on the move hitting center mass every single time without a stabilizer. These a.i. tanks would also need adjustments on how much sp they give if players learn exploits on them
Despite being the most overperforming AI Gaijin ever made, it’s realistic, some what. At the current AI stage, it’s the overperforming AI or the smooth brain AI, ground AI in War Thunder is competely useless and can’t do a terrain recognizion, does not adapt to the situation and it’s not a AI to be honest, it’s a automatized script-following bot.
I have learned to play. I played since a long time ago; I have worked for the IS-7 with my hands. My most played tanks, seen on stats, are the BVM and Type 90, which are tech tree tanks.
I am not as far into the game as some players, but you can’t accuse me of ignorance.
The easiest way to contribute to the team better is learning and learning step by step.
Sadly, that is truth.
Introducing AI on the Ground battles can be nothing more than a stopgap measure.
If we consider developing-skills of Gaijin, and the current status of AI on naval modes.
it will end up with failure miserably.
If Gaijin makes AI too awful, you will lose the match because of them.
If Gaijin makes AI too good. ‘noobs’ will got slaughtered by AI.
If Gaijin makes a perfect AI, still ‘noobs-of-noobs’ will complain about how powerful AI is.
How about Go play assault mode and see how Gaijin made their AI?