AGS and 2S25M changes are "interesting"

So you’re playing dumb person now huh? That proves my point even further :)

Do you know how huge lie you just told?

Don’t get me wrong, but plenty of players are behaving as bots anyways, especially wallet warriors in premiums.
So he actually got a fairly decent taste of true GRB lmao.

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İ agree. Leopards are generally very fun vehicles to play, my personal one is the Strv122 with Raw Deal camo, that beauty is the queen of my hangar.

İ recently unlocked Us top tier and gotta say they are in miserable shape right now, i love to play with Abrams but its basically impossible to win especially if you’re going against Germans or Sweden.

About BVM, T80 series was and will always be my favourite Russian tanks, much better then any T72 or T90 in my book.

He didnt, please try not to make this pointless argument somewhat true.

He didnt gained any experience in those tanks against any other player and therefore he lied about both having top tier tanks and on experience part.

You still here after all those lies and mind games, touch some grass and Grow up kiddo cause i couldnt care less about what you say or think at this rate.

Dont bother me with your lies and mind games again, i dont have time for children like you.


You dare to say it after telling likely one of the biggest lie ever.
You know:

What is pretty funny, that while you claim that, you also play in arcade, with trash stats.

In comparism, my stats:

But yeah, i have no experience in any mode that includes other players.

Oh look our butthurt liar decided to compare stats now, lmao.

Last time i played arcade was years ago and wasnt even a good player back then plus ever since i started to play realistic mode i didnt even care about my arcade stats.

Yes thats true, you have zero experience in T80UK or M1A1 AIM against other players in any mode which was my point in the first place, you’re trying to put my words into my mouth and play another mind game but this time your out of both luck and options.

You’re seriously miserable person, nothing more.

Hmmm, then could you explain how do you have a recent stat in arcade?
Speaking about lies…

Nop. You can’t just say something, then later claim, that you meant to say something else.
If you were to mean that, you would precisely state, that i don’t have pvp experience with those tanks, yet you did not.
Of course, when your gigantic lie was disproved, ypu now have to lie something else.

You mean that one time i accidently joined arcade mode with my Leclerc SXII? Here only one match and not even played also my recent stats shows i played literally zero arcade in anytime soon not to mention i have almost 36k games in realistic mode while having 4k in arcade, it clearly shows which mode im playing.

Another mind games sadly as i said before im not interested any more.

You just proved again that you’re nothing but a miserable liar :)

Too bad, that what is written tells the opposite.

Sure, then explain to me how Thunderskills shows literally zero arcade game mode has been played in recently while my in game scores says otherwise,

Also according to ingame stats i destroyed 2 naval targets in last month while i dont even have any score on any naval mode on last month.



Because you went for the general arcade stats, not the naval arcade.
They update differently. (i mean you need more than a single match for it to update the gamemode specific stats)
How funny that you have exactly 2 kills with a ship…

Ah Yes that two kills earned many months even year ago, surprisingly it appears on last month results even tho there is not a single game that has been played recently.

Seems like ingame stats are actually worse compare to thunderskill, but i admire your dedication to prove me wrong, sadly it didnt end Well for you.

LMAO. What were you saying my little trickster?

Sure sure.
How interesting that a friend of mine who has not played for months has zero recent stats…


Then explain to me that how i did manage to get 2 naval kills on last month while naval arcade shows literally zero games has been played on last month, cmon im waiting for an explanation.

Screenshot is pretty clear, you accused to me telling lies about how i played arcade naval mode on last month while my stats shows i played literally zero games recently.

You can’t read dude.
For naval arcade stats, you have to play more than a single match to show up.

Too bad it still shows it differently.