İ know how it feels like, Germany was my first top tier experience and without any premium vehicle it was sure hell to get there, kudos to you my dedicated buddy.
Up until Leopard 2k I was without premium aswell, though back than Simulator battles were just a normal game mode unlike an event today. Played that quite a lot which earlier made the pain easier but high tier and Sim mode gone the pain set in lol
Yep, this is the exact reason i did not name them, because you would strawme it.
OMG Gaijin gave me free mods!
So you don’t take yourself seriously?
How so?
Neither do you yet you are still here
İ only played sim battles 4-5 times i believe and it was on Leo2A5.
Back then i grinded my tech tree to KPZ in arcade mode, after that i left the game for a while and came back as a realistic mode player, wasnt fun to adopt tho.
Do you know what sarcasm is?
It was meant to point out how silly yout top tier definition is.
Then why don’t you admit it?
Uggh arcade mode, never liked it! Tried it a few times though but wasnt my thing…Had a hell of a fun with Tiger H1 in Sim though mainly because none knew how to asses range back than :D
If your gun has bad accuracy it won’t go to the mark, making you miss in the process.
Missing the driver’s port when using top tier guns is totally on the person operating the tank.
Of course, loads of people prefer to use large caliber guns for a reason.
Well, I said M833 can penetrate any tank in the game from any angle, frontal one included, and how reload is more important than the shell in AGS’ case, since both M900 and M833 will struggle to go through almost identical areas.
Then you started a discussion about how getting through LFP or driver’s port somehow isn’t a frontal penetration, which was quite an odd thing to discuss in a thread like this.
So let’s see what you have said, shall we?!
OOPS. Somebody was caught lying.
Doesnt change the fact that you proved a point that affects you more than me with it…Why am I even arguing with you? Go away
So did those mods just magically unlock themselves?
Why admit that you lost, right?
Have you ever heard buying them with GE? oh wait its impossible isnt it?
I have never bought GE. The only GE i had was that 50 or so you get for completing the tutorial.
Sorry i dont take your words seriously, if you really played with those vehicles show me your service record, cause if im wrong then im more then happy to apologize.
İ also expect proper explanation that why both thunderskill and ingame service records shows zero experience on those vehicles, care to explain?
Let’s see:
Lost an arguement on a game forum, oh my world is crumbling down, how will I EVER get over it. It will haunt me for life
Thanks for proving my point. You have zero experience with those vehicles in any proper mode.
As i expected you tried to play another mind games but this time you failed miserably.