AGS and 2S25M changes are "interesting"

Indeed, but the elevation gain from normal → highest is really small, so it’s kind of a niche feature when compared to other adaptive suspensions that can give you a fair amount of gun depression, something those types of tanks usually lack.
In my eyes AGS’ unmanned and really small turret is a much more important thing to have for a paper thin sniper that relies solely on hiding to survive.

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would be, if you wouldnt get one hit by everything that hits your turret. Anyone saying the 2S25M is a good tank at its current br just never ever has played the tank. You might assume, looking at the raw stats, that it is a decent vehicle till you actually played it yourself.

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Same thing happens with things, like the Conqueror.
You look at it’s stats, and wounder why is it only at 7.7. Then you play with it, and just want to unalive yourself because it is so awful.

Or the Pvkv IV. And many more.

out run… MBTs at top tier? what are you slow? you come up with some of the dumbest arguments.

APDS randomly shatters and has minimal post-pen damage. That’s the only reason.

Maybe read what the guy originally said.

But i will help you:

People look at some vehicle’s stats, and assume it must be good/OP, while in reality, it is just trash.

There are faster MBTs that the Sprut.

Yes, but if you look at the statistics of the Conqueror carefully and notice that it has an APDS as a primary shell, you know it is garbage…They used to be like baby APFSDS, now they are one of the worst shells in the game. HESH and APCR are probably the only worse ones.

It is plain wrong.
There are 2 types of APDS. The Conq uses the shit one. But things, like the Cent Mk 10 or the Vickers are really good, and have a very good APDS (the L7 gun and it’s derivatives in general).

APCR? Sure, that is actually useless.

HESH can be very useful however, if you know how to use it. I’ve has countless of examples, where i just 1shotted an IS-3, IS-4, M103, Conqueror, even Obj 279, just by shooting the turret roof.

Sure, but it’s not consistent because they don’t actually model the squash-head properly. So it can explode on MGs etc.

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That’s true, tho it is still more useful than APCR.


at 1 mph faster and a difference of 105 horsepower, you think this is a massive difference?


28.8 hp/t vs 24.5, yes.

It is a similar case with the M4A2 76 vs M4A3 76. The A2 has higher speed, but the A3 has more horsepower, and therefore it is faster, despit having a lower top speed.

With this, the AGS has not only more horsepower (by a lot), but also higher top speed.

Then, combie that with much better protection, survivability, reload speed, gun depression, and you know why it is at higher BR.


i tell anyone who starts this game just play sweden.

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what protection???

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O_Hogameplay consider reviewing your comments cuz at least 70% of them are honestly both insane and dumb, You talk about MBTS faster than the sprut the Wz,1001 is the mbt with highest power to weight ratio of 27.27 HP/t meanwhile the sprut has a total of 27.78 HP/t they are not faster than the sprut and Even so some accelerate faster due to them having a 1200 HP engine minimum meanwhile the sprut gains it’s topspeed quickly due to the power to weight ratio, armor wise comparing 2 light tanks yes the sprut it’s less armored but it’s not an MBT it’s a light tank at times i being My type 16 to top tier and avoid direct fights with MBT and attempt to flank or snipe the enemy and i do relatively fine, the 2S25M got a top tier round without any br change while what it needed was a buff in the Gun handling meanwhile the AGS gets put in a drastically higher br with a Shell that has less spall than every Shell and i’m not saying pen cuz in the end it’s always hitting the weakspots but the spall here it’s gonna be lacking compared to others


He only plays Arcade - hence the totally different perception of speed/mobility. In AB the tanks power around like Mario-Karts.

Other handholds are present such as big red markers over all enemies, auto-aim lock-on and idiot-proof aiming points that remove ranging errors automatically. These naturally impact vehicles which rely on ‘not-getting-hit’ such as light tanks without the AGS party trick of only showing the gun.

TLDR - he doesn’t play RB at the tiers this whole thread is about and I suspect he’d have a nervous breakdown if you plonked him into an actual top tier RB battle without the Arcade training wheels. Don’t bother getting into an argument with him.


That’s quite a stupid comparison, sorry to say that. The HSTV-L is way more mobile compared to the 2S38, not to mention that the HSTV-L also comes with a pretty low profile making it perfect for hiding on flanks.

Yes, I do believe the 2S38 should still see a increase in BR but it’s just not that comparable to the HSTV-L.


Conversely you could argue that the 2S38 has far more utility thanks to ammunition choices (particularly vs. air and helos) and has the ability to survive shots that would knock out a HSTVL thanks to lots of void space on the damage model that soaks up shots/spalling. The fact that it is classed as an SPAA with the resultant low SP cost is another often underrated but important advantage.

I would also argue that we don’t see a vast swathe of complaints on how OP the HSTVL is, how it breaks the game tiers it is in and how it stomps down-tiers. On the other hand, the 2S38… possibly the most despised addition to the game aside from the Ka-50…