AGS and 2S25M changes are "interesting"

Player performances having a say in BR placements is common knowledge, that’s not an opinion.

I wasn’t claiming anything, you were.
Also, I’m still waiting for any evidence that will back up your most claim, until then it’s best to keep silent, unless you want to look even more foolish than you already are.

I’m not sharing my opinion or thoughts, I’m sharing facts that literally can’t even be discussed, let alone shut down.
If you can somehow prove me that LFP and/or driver’s port are situated on the sides/back of a tank we can talk, until then your comment about that not being a front penetration is probably the hottest take in 2024.

You got exposed hard as a someone that doesn’t know LFP and driver’s port are situated on the front side of a tank, which is peak cringe. Someone normal would leave the forum for a while until people forget about that blooper, but it seems like you want to look like a clown lol.

There are like 10-15 posts about AGS/2S25M, several dozen of others are off-topic gibberish and trying to teach a guy that LFP and driver’s port are on the tank’s front, not side or back lol.
Now you’re malding because I told you to stop or go elsewhere with your off-topic hot takes.

Again, that’s not my opinion, it’s a fact.
LFP and driver’s port are on the tank’s front, so if they get penetrated it’s a frontal penetration. You don’t need any doctrine to figure it out, just a little bit of common sense, which you seem to lack in big amounts and quite frankly that’s really sad to see.

At this point I’m hoping you’re trolling, since I highly doubt even impaired people wouldn’t understand this by now.

He still thinks LFP being a part of the tank’s front is a personal opinion.
Big yikes.

Just the usual Russian Bias from Gaijin…

You’re getting desperate i see, sadly im already done with this discussion.


That’s like teaching someone 2 + 2 = 4 over and over again, but he still refuses to acknowledge that or simply don’t have enough processing power to understand it. Either you cry or laugh, or both to be honest.

If only that thought came through your head before posting one of your hot takes about LFP not being on the tank’s front, you could’ve saved yourself from some embarrassment.

But I’m kinda glad you’re finally going to stop writing off-topic gibberish, trying to prove your point by claiming something that’s only backed up by a hearsay.

Are you going to compare a -5 depression, tall, light armor tank destroyer to a -10 depression, small, perfect for hull-down positions, decent armor against high cal auto cannons and almost impossible to kill while in hull-down? Ok then.


Aha, sure :) (didnt even bother to read btw, you’re not worth it).

Uh huh

The Sprut is also pretty mobile and can get to places pretty early on in the game. On top of that it also has a solid reload rate which can`t get decreased after the gunner is killed. Not to mention that the Sprut also comes with hydropneumatic suspension giving it access to a wider variety of sniping spots compared to the AGS.


And lets not forget, it can penetrate everything like its butter. AGS bounces everything at 11.0, even breaches.


It has a longer reload than most things, except soviet autoloaders.

Isn’t that just hull elevation controll, instead of tilting the front or back of the hull, like a japanese MBT would?

I feel it shouldn’t be moved up exclusively, but everything above should be moved up. To put 10.0 vehicles like the T-72B '1985 at the same level as the T-80U is a joke, especially seeing as it would face 12.0 aircraft and 11.7 tanks.

8.7-10.0 air and ground is a clusterfuck. Ground less so, though everything can benefit from a huge ceiling increase.

My bad, forgot to mention that. Also the spall, it`s basically non existend on the 105mm used by the AGS. The Sprut one-shots basically anything it comes across.

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My regular load of ammo is ~25-27 APFSDS, ~5-7 HE, ~5-7 ATGM, 1 HEATFS. It’s funny who you can catch off guard.

A 7.10 second reload is still faster than a e.g. stock crew 7.80 by the 2A4 or Ariete(P) (max crew would be 6.90, not that big off a difference) and as said before the reload rate of the Sprut can not be decreased by eliminating a crew member.

And who uses stock crew? xd

Some people actually do (I know that it`s stupid to do so). They buy a new crew for their newly unlocked high tier tank so they dont have to spend more SL on a new crew for their old high tier tank. They just want to have a bigger line-up.

How people deny Russian bias when stuff like this goes on is beyond belief.

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Yeah, and some people do other stupid things.
But generally people will use at least expert crew.

Why is a better tank being at higher BR bias?

2S25M with it’s mobility won’t outrun plenty of tanks, MBTs included, meanwhile AGS will.

Same can be said for AGS, your point here ?
Having 2s faster reload speed constantly is a massive benefit.

It can’t tilt forwards/backwards and it only has up-down movements available, so you won’t get nearly any gun depression out of that.

People doing stupid crap isn’t vehicle’s fault and shouldn’t be used to form any argument at all.

As far as I can see, 2S25M only has round + thermals combo going in it’s way, and in everything else (reload, profile, gun handling, mobility) AGS wins handily.


Gun depression isn’t the only potential benefit of being able to adjust the suspension…as they mentioned, it allows you to fire hull down from spots that normally your tank would be too short for.