AGM-114 Hellfire - Badly underperforming?

Still no fixes to the trajectory of the Hellfires? N i c e.

Isn’t even a programming related issue, because the AKD-9 does has a proper lofting trajetory as you can see here:

Meanwhile the Hellfires:

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Just ole’ Gaijin refusing to properly fix NATO hardware. Can’t have their favorite nation suffer, y’know…


It is certainly coding issue since in the game files there is (even it is to little) -15deg impact angle. However how can be see in the new sensor overlay, missile is flying directly in the guidance beam:

Bottom one is laser form Viper, second one above is second Hellfire seeker.

IRL in this particular situation Hellfire would disrupt the marking laser, and that is a situation which Hellfire is designed to avoid.

Lofting is for an effect, does not have meaningful effect.

I think I quite nailed it :/


Sensor view will allow us to see lofting patterns now!
Cant wait for us to gain a valuable method of showing that the hellfire is flawed, only for the snail to completely ignore it

114B does nothing to a 292

That would be so nice… what a shame

how do you do that helicopter zoom like that

Hellfires are working as intended in game. The devs intentionally model this stuff badly for “balance”.


You mean zooming with the mousewheel?
Set the function in the controll window for helicopters. It’s a dropdown choice somewhere in the upper part, can’t remember exactly.

Can I have a full zoom and scroll zoom at the same time?

Wait that’s a thing?!?!

I’m just pissed they made the zoom so unbelievably slow that even unlocking the wheel on my G502 is agonizingly ineffective

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Would be much better if they implement actual zoom levels for the FLIRs.
It would be probably more convenient than infinity variable zoom.
3 zoom levels for the Apache for example.

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yeah sure. your zoom button keeps it’s function, and the mousewheel will do it’s part for zooming.
There’s just one thing that takes time getting used to: It gets a little confusing when you zoom in with your key bind and lower the zoom with the mousewheel and then press the key bind again. The it will zoom out completely, even though you might wanted to in again.

Gimme the battlefield 4 clicky clicky sound

I fired 4 Hellfire Bs from the YAH-64 at a stationary Type 93 yesterday sitting in the open and not one landed anywhere near it. Broken game servers you think or just broken Hellfires?

Would wager the answer is just yes.

I had some desynced as heck AGM-65 launches yesterday where they were flying and impacting vastly off target but then the hit vehicle rubberbands back to the impact point and dies.

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Last time I played an AH-64 was a couple weeks ago. Every time I lock on target the sight jumps every second. Not only is it extremely annoying, but it also makes me miss targets - a lot.
Has anyone else experienced this?

So it seems that they have buffed it’s damage but not it’s flight performances. At least that something.

Nice I guess, but not very useful if it cant hit its target and it still needs to go though thickest armor instead of weak top armor.