AGM-114 Hellfire - Badly underperforming?

Agreed, they should buff the trajectory istead.

@Steelbeast Idk If You noticed, but the new russian glide bomb on the orion drone is perfectly capaple of doing a top down trajectory and hitting perfectly the tower of the target even if launched from theyr max range (11 km). They don’t even have a rocket propeller unlike the hellfire and other western missiles. Again, Gaijin is showing us they are capable of doing everything but only for russia.


Wait the orion has glide bombs now instead of just the standardized ATGMs?

apparently yes

Huh, I’ve always just spawned in with the base ATGMs on them and every other drone.

it’s a recent change and obiously the predator and wing long didn’t get anything. Now the orion will have a 11 km f&f tv glide bomb (there is also the laser version but it’s worse i think)


The GBU-69/B isn’t an option for a counterpart?

It could be an ineresting addition for sure, but gaijin doesn’t care apparently

Just recently the Ah1z test fired the AGM179 JAGAM for the first time I wonder if gaijin will ever add JAGM since I’m pretty sure there is IR variant of the missile because gaijin is so worried about Longbow hellfires since they are radar and would go through smoke.

There are no drones in GSB so I did not. However I know that the KH-38 loft and then fly straight to target.

well I can try to record a clip for show You how this new glide bomb work, but I wont be able until tomorrow

I think the screenshot form the sensor view with the trajectory of the bomb would be very nice.

Is that possible in the test drive?

I don’t think so.

Ah ok, then we should ask to’ somedoby Who play Russia.

If they wanted to give the US an IR ATGM they could just give them the SPIKEs that have already been trialed too, but so far thats a nope.

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It is sort of weird cause over pressure doesn’t work a load of the times as it is ZTZ59/T54A hull but hell fire in general is shit.

Infuriating and uninstall worthy material right here my goodness almost like there are two TOTALLY different games being played at the same time. Just wow

Hellfire not hitting target despite steady laser designation. Not registering inputs.


I mean it can barely hit standing targets.