Addition of SARH missiles and replacement of 9L's with IRCCM ones for rank 8+ planes

Hello everyone, and welcome to my suggestion.

As I assume everyone knows, they’re implementing FOX-3’s. With the addition of these planes, stock planes need a way to counter these missiles. As a stock plane with 2 9L’s simply wont cut it. So what I’m suggesting is, replacing the 2 9L’s NATO planes start with to 9M’s or their 9M equivelant missile. So for example instead of a 9M it would be the AAM-3 for japan, Magic 2 for france etc, etc. Along with the replacement of 9L’s i’m suggesting the addition of 2 Stock SARH missiles to have a way to counter planes that are simply too high to engage.

  • Yes, only to the addition of SARH’s
  • Yes, to only replacement of 9L’s with 9M’s
  • Yes to both
  • No.
0 voters
  • Yes, but only to vehicle that are rank 8 and above
  • Yes, but only to vehicles above 12.0/12.3
  • I voted no
0 voters

F-15J/J(M) Stock loadout and the Plane itself



Here is how the Plane itself would look

F-16C (and others) Stock Loadout and the Plane itself




Mirage 2000C-S4 Stock Loadout and the Plane itself
(I had to use this specific mirage 2K because i didnt have any other)



MiG 29G Stock Loadout and the Plane itself


These are examples of how it could be implemented, without causing much problem.

Thank you for reading. If there are any misunderstandings or a grammar error, please point it out so that i may fix it.


+1, at this point there’s no way in ARB top tier where 9L and R-60M for some planes would ever be able to compete against ARH planes.


I can already see the F15J Kai stock grind being the most mental painful experience imaginable…


Sounds like a good addition

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It’s really hard to grind the stock J-8F… i have only 2x rear aspect PL-5B with a gen 3 frame, but my enemy have mighty R-73, AAM-4, AIM-9M and Magic 2, much better manuverbility and more
So it’s really necessary to give Tier 8s stock IRCCM missile and free chaff to fight with ARH missiles (Python 3/PL-8 is not a IRCCM missile, they’re really easy to be flared)


Cool idea


For IR AAMs; Yes for 12.7+ aircraft, but I don’t believe its necessary below 12.7 .

It seems disingenuous to claim the F-15A/J/Baz need 9M to function stock given that there are numerous current & future 12.3 aircraft that entirely lack IRCCM missile capability and in many cases (such as the Netz or soon J-8F) rely on rear-aspect stock AAMs. For 12.0 - 12.3, all aspect capability is perfectly adequate without IRCCM capability.

As for SARH aams, I think it could make sense to have stock Fox-1 capability on heavy fighters / aircraft with > 2x Fox-1s. (i.e. F-4E with 2x Stock 7Ds, or Mirage 4000 with 2x 530Fs). Planes such as the Mirage-2000Cs or F-16As which only carry a pair of Fox-1s are difficult to give stock Fox-1s to without undermining the purpose of the module.

Thanks for reading through my silly ted talk.


Any opinion is appreciated, Thank you!

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of course, I assume these statements are based on the current meta. Did you recall while stating this that everything down to 12.0 will in fact certainly face Fox-3 while stock sooner or later? Perhaps if you did take into account that a stock Netz or J-8F will have to face these AMRAAMs in an uptier you could elaborate further on your reasoning? Thank you.


EJ Kai should get AAM-3s, due to being the (now second) highest Phantom chassis in game, and still the highest hardbody Phantom…

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I’ve got similar threads up for the SHar/AV-8B+ and Tornado F3

It is insane to think these aircraft will need to fight with a fairly weak loadout for 10.3-11.3 at 12.3+. Especially when the Su-27s dont have to use R-60Ms and instead get full R-73s.

I think a lot of aircraft would also benefit from some basic SARH. Even if they were 11.3 ish SARHs and not 12+ SARH. Like i’ve suggested Torando F3 Late getting Skyflash DFs (though 4 not 2 due to loadout limiations)

This is a great idea, however, it would cause Gaijin to lose money from golden eagle sales to skip the painful grind, so it will never happen.


well, if su-27 can have R73 as stock IR missle, other country should have same level missle as stock too – in there it is 9M.
even in DEV server we have 5x RP bonus, using two 9L to grind is still painful, it only can hit AI plane

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Yeah, idk why Su-27s start with R-73 when NATO planes start with 9L’s


Yes to stock AIM-7F, R-27R, Skyflash DF, etc.
No to AIM-7M, AIM-9L does fine. 4 of them would be better though.

I agree 100% with this, which is why I stated 12.7+ should receive IRCCM missiles, such as the AIM-9M. Note that all models of Flanker are 12.7+.

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I am in fact aware of the upcoming shift in meta (as noted by my comment on the J-8F). Since both the Netz & J-8F are within the 12.0-12.3 bracket (as well as other F-16As), I propose they receive non-IRCCM all aspect aams stock, such as 9L or PL-8. If not made clear earlier, here is my proposed aam distribution:

12.7+ : IRCCM AAMs
12.0 - 12.3: Non-IRCCM All-Aspect AAMs

For Heavy Fighters: Lower Tier BVRAAMS

(For attackers with only 1 set of aams, no research required)

Spreading availability of 9Ms into lower tiers is a slippery slope & I think people have gotten all too comfortable with compressing the previous meta each new major update (I remember when people were pissed the MiG-21PFM, a MiG-21 was moving down to 9.7). Ideally we get 13.3 ASAP to help reduce the collateral but yes, fox-3s are going to make grind gaps even worse.

I feel bad for anyone who unlocks the Mirage 4000 post-update; from gas to trash in the blink of an eye…


here’s hoping they do that.

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also thank you that was a lot clearer.

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If we don’t fix this soon, it’s going to be worse than heatfs at top tier lmao. Maybe even give some stock ARH in the future depending on how horrible it is…