Add yugoslav tech tree

A serious question is looking for fights, are you 15 ?

I am braindead when your arguments are only insults wherever you go okay.
You are not worth my time.

Keep showing us your maturity and ability to communicate on a decent level, you are doing a great job mate.

I’ve been more than patient with you.
You’ve just used up all of my goodwill with your posts.

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Thats fine, i don’t blame you and your attention span.

won’t happen

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why would you want… More?

there is no way you have completed/unlocked even 50% of all the vehicles

What attention span?

You said something, got proven wrong, and then you continued the narrative for an HOUR.
You had multiple conversations with Mahiwew, and you had multiple conversations with me.

I’m not a saint. I’m not Jesus - you had multiple chances to say “alright well I guess Yugoslavia isn’t actually copy-paste, my bad guys”, but you kept up your narrative beyond anyone’s capacity to “keep attention” (I don’t think you fully understand what that means).



Thanks for proving me right.

The more I look at it the more cursed it becomes to me.

I want it.

It’s my personal favorite T-55 modernization.

Second favorite would have to be the Chinese JAGUAR. And they both have my favorite gun (British Royal Ordnance 105mm L7).

The Russian 100mm is horrible.

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So, basically BVP are bmp 1 with different guns ( maybe ). Your tree also shows ALL heavies and medium tanks are a combination of soviet, french, german and usa. Also you have an strella there and m53/59 on russian tree. BOVs correct me if wrong but is same or 99% same the BRDM ( soviet/russian). The Patria amv is a finnish one ( patria company ).

However I am not gonna search every vehicle you got there, if you want to add a totally 100% yugoslavian stuff then it’s ok for me, we both know that will be most light vehicles and a couple of spaa. Pretty much nobody will play it and if they do they will ask for fills, ending with another soviet tree

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You can literally read in this very same article that it is NOT derived from anything Soviet, it literally says they made it INSTEAD OF adopting BMP-1…
They are domestically designed and made… they don’t even use a single component from BMP-1 other than the Malyutka ATGM…

BOV family is based on the domestic TAM-150, which is a truck designed and made in Slovenia: then Yugoslavia.

Croatian modification: It is only the Croatians who put MTC-30 turret on AMV, thus it is a Croatian modification.

There is no Strela present in the tree.
Yes, there are some vehicles with the same armament, but the M-90 Sava is based on domestic BVP M-80 and S-10CROA1 is also made on a domestic Croatian LOV hull, also armed with a superior radar.
In regards to the M53/59, it is not the same variant as in the Soviet tree. It is a Yugoslav modification with a much improved engine and better guidance systems. A modification only made in Yugoslavia that alters the vehicle’s performance a fair amount, thus unique.

As you can see, much like I said previously, you are woefully ill informed about the topic of Yugoslav vehicles.
You have confirmed this statement and are by no means qualified to speak on whether Yugoslavia is a viable addition or not.
If you are not willing to research their vehicle history then feel free not to comment on their value. Additionally, feel free not to argue with those who did. It saves you from shame.