It literally uses the gun of the Comet, without even having APDS (not like it changes anything, since it is shit).
I brought it up exactly to show that historical MM is not viable, due to many tanks being at a BR, where they are balanced, but would suffer if they were to get a “historical” MM.
The concept is literally a sluggish car with no armor to stop anything (yet enough armor to fuse APHE), a damn whobbling suspension (which is almost as worse as a ZiS-30), slow reload, ammo all around in the damn thing.
It’s gun is literally worse than other light tanks a whole BR lower. It is not an OP tank, and in fact, a bad one. If Gaijin fixes solidshot damage, then it would be OK.
Here are my stats with it, and other lights:
Tiering vehicles not based on their objectives strengths, as with the BR system, but instead on their date of design, not only compromises balance across the board, but also relegates vast swaths of otherwise interesting vehicles to irrelevance.
You’ve been given several examples already, most recently the Concept 3. But there are countless others. The AMX-13 FL-11, ARL ACL-1, ARL 44, M41 Walker Bulldog, the entire Japanese 6.3/6.7 lineup, the vast majority of early/mid tier Sweden, PT-76 and variants, and more.
Back to balance, I think you underestimate just how badly that would be affected by this change.
As a point of reference, 1944 saw the production of the M26 Pershing, the M24 Chaffee, the Panzer IV J and the Jagdpanzer IV, which under your system would be considered equal opponents.
The Japanese Type 61 would be fighting T-62s.
T-64 (1963-67) would be fighting M60A1s, while the M60A2 would be fighting T-72s.
Not to mention that the Strela 10-M2 will be more OP than ever. with its BR jump of .4 it got today I’m feeling much better about fighting it. 😒
Edit: I lied, Strela 10-M2 might be the only thing reasonably placed, facing F-15’s, F-14’s, and even F-22’s (if they were in game) oh, and the Gripen (JAS) too. Service time of 1976-2024
Have it your way and suffer the consequences. You want an unbalanced game, believe there is no place for tradition and history in a modern video game, ww1 and ww2 tanks should fight modern and historic belongs on the moden battlefield because of a BR and artillery that are being used as direct fire tanks, in the name of progress, and you want to believe its realistic, fine let it continue. Ill wash my hnds of this idea
All SPAA would increase in “BR” cause they’re all too new, making CAS more OP.
F-16As fighting against T-72As and Chieftain Mk10s Type 74G, and Leopard 1A5.
The irony and ignorance is unreal, Jesus Christ…
How many more examples of WW2 tanks fighting modern things irl do you need to see in order to get that historical balance has never been a thing.
So much for wishing to get “realism”, it’s another ahistorical system you’re asking for….
Your the ignorant and dont talk sbout irony you obviously dont know the meaning of the word and are only thinking about your selfs, there are plenty who enjoy just playing ww2 znd are not intrested in the modern, what about that player base, just not your thing eh?
Gaijin, Lets put a vehicle in the game but its not a tank, as it cant fight tanks in its own timeline
we shall put it in with the old stuff. Get real.
Why not put some of these in there while your at it
It’s not immersive and accurate when it’s ahistoric…
You can view it as immersive but you can’t view it as accurate. Read these forums for a few days and that part becomes blatently clear.
That being said, it has become more arcadelike, which does suck. I’d really like to see historically accurate battles. That would be really fun, especially in sim.
Can be optional, doesn’t have to be the primary gameplay mechanic.
FYI, there’s a lot of historically accurate games and simulations out there that are plenty of fun. Your idea of fun being the only one is also insulting. I find imaginary tanks being added to balance or make so and so nation look better as dredge.
Realism & accuracy > remaking history.
I’ll keep enjoying simulators like War Thunder and DCS while you call them arcadelike just cause they don’t comply with historical battles.
There are no imaginary tanks added to War Thunder either.
Go look up dates of production and usage. There is plenty of capable air defence systems that match their time-frames.
The Gepard was designed in the 60s, operational in the 70s and it still in use today. It has gone through various upgrade cycles which make it usable in multiple decades with varying capabilities. It can be both accurate for the cold war and for modern applications. It was capable of shooting down a cruise missile from Russia, it can certainly compete with jets.
There are other examples, including variants of the ZSU.
War Thunder takes place in 2024 where all vehicles within were well maintained to the current year.
We don’t travel back in time, we play BRs which are war-game related.
The only non-existent tanks are those delisted and to be delisted.
There are many who want to play traditional but modern is trying to stop us but we are not try to stop them. Keep it in your own timeline and not contaminate ours
There was never a historical matchmaking system on a per vehicle basis… it has always been either a tier or BR system. Historical battles were relegated to events only.
If gaijin did not put weak modern in game and lower there BR so they could fit into some place and did not raise the BR on OP traditional tanks but limit there number to 1 per match or squad there would not be an issue and you could grind from 1 generation to the next and so on, but now we are having to deal with a mixe of generations
Are you saying that a Gepard can deal with an F-16A? While afaik not ever having used the Gepards in game. Which are BR placed in accordance with where they can be effective.
I mean, if you want that then i suggest finding a group of people wanting to do historical re-enactments.
Because i would not want to be the one person queuing for France and having to fight an M1A2 SEP in a immobilized Renoult FT-17.
The reason why these vehicles weren’t there is because the scope of the game was much smaller than it is today… of course you won’t see 80s vehicles at lower BRs when the game wasn’t even expanded into that territory yet….