Maybe it belongs there by time, but certainly not by capability.
Maybe it belongs there by time, but certainly not by capability.
Bad example
How about a T-80
The concept 3 fighting a T-80?
It has as much chance as it has against anything at that era. And you know that too. So why do you even ask it?
I was going to pick out the ASU-57 as that is a better scout with its lower profile. It dont matter anymore
Concept 3 is not an IFV…
I know its a armoured car, i got it mixed up with the others that come after it, still can fit at any BR due to it not being a tank in my book
It is the prototype of a reconnaissance and fire support vehicle
and it absolutely does not fit at “any BR”
Trying to compare ut with an MBT is not better
Read up a bit, i jniw ut dont belong in the 1940’s
I don’t care enough to.
Either way, from what I understand you don’t seem to wish to keep the Concept 3 at a lower balance level despite it being made at a time where first generations of the current MBTs came about.
Its only at that level because its a 1960 armoured car that can kill 1940’s taks due to its modern weapons. The only reason it got brough up because he is mr negative and likes to go around picking fault with everything, even when he is wrong, and your in thecsame club looking for an argument
Modern weapons… it uses a WW2 gun yk…
Faur enough, but it can still take out any MBT in the game, so bssicly trying to use it as ammunition against an idea which is not perfect is just scutter.
ww2 has plenty of vehicles that WT has not so why does a 1970 armourd car have to be at 4.3, when it can do its job at any BR
Because the current mm is balanced off of their PvP performance.
Yeah, it could do its irl job at any br. However, i highly doubt players will want to play such vehicles in a situation where they basically cant fight enemy tanks and scouting doesnt reward/change the game nearly enough to outweigh that.
I believe it can do what it does at any BR, it can destroy Abrahams, which is what someone tried to use as a negative against an idea so basicly that is moot. Also its BR is not from performance it was just put there just like strike master is now.
Having armoured cars fight tanks is not realistic, so it can do its roll in WT at any BR, which is support, again it is not a fighting front line unit even At its current BR
with different numbers of players in each team, to balance it.
Ahh, so yet again a “historical matchmaking” idea.
So, this
Will fight a
(Keep in mind, all STRV 103 models had a HEAT fence, it wasn’t until the C when they made it “public” that they used it, as it was becoming common and if we got the B, it would come with it anyway, just without the APFSDS that is the Slpprj m/80 (DM23 (M111)) with the same protection and some FCS differences (would also make a good 8.3 addition to go with the strv 102 and UDES 33))