There are plenty of vehicles that fit the timeline that is not in game and can be put in game
What is this even supposed to mean…? Quite a non-statement
Im saying there is no need to put moden in lower ranks , keep modern in the upper ranks
So not a response to what I said, got it
But it is, i just dont think you understand my response. Has gaijin stopped putting traditional units in the game?
Gaijin never stopped putting “traditional” vehicles in lower tiers?
We still see low tier additions regularly you know…
And the point wasn’t on whether there was a need to put “modern” vehicles in lower tiers, it was on why it didn’t happen a literal decade ago and why it does now. What you brought up was an entirely new point.
If you ask me about said new point, I don’t think there is a need for Gaijin adding said vehicles, but I see little to no reason as to why they shouldn’t. I’d be more in favor of them doing it than them not doing so.
The question of needing is very vague and relative anyways, so I’d rather not get into that discussion.
What i am trying to say if there was a natural progression through time from ww2 to today there would not be an issue by like minded people like my self, and i know your going to say it was not gaijins inventions in the first place
Even within this context of “natural progression” there are flaws. Tiger tank was made before the Sherman Firefly despite their performance discrepancies in game.
Dates were mixed in this time period too, just to lesser extent than they are now. What happens now with date differences is nothing new compared to the game’s initial years.
Sweden and isreal would be unplayable without their low-mid tier offerings, many of which are from the 1960s
We cant be taking tanks zway from sweden there my 2nd main