Is it designed to fight any tank, no its an IFV, not even a good scout. Tbh its not a tank in the grand scene of things
Dont know if you noticed but the OP has changed a little
All you negative people think its ok just to simply slap a BR on a tank and that is good enough to be in the same battlefield regardless of what it was designed to do. That to me is lunacy in its own right, and then you all talk about realistic with out being real, by definition just plane lets pick fault for the sake of it and not add any positives or solotions
I actully thiink some of you dont even know what you want
Exactly. It was a Chi-He hull (IIRC most of them were converted from Chi-He) with a turret similar to the Chi-Nu with a modified mountain gun.
To my knowledge, it was produced in a short serial production (in 1944), but never saw combat.
A Bradley is an IFV, and it fights tanks…
The Concept 3 is a prototype of the Rooikat.
So remove wheeled vehicles too? Or waht do you mean?
Why does it have wheels
Idk. What’s the issue with wheels btw?
What ever i say you will pick fault, because that is what your here to do
Nice deflection. Maybe nex time try to apnswer the question you have been asked.
So your not denying it
I do.
I do now.
In which case I bully Tiger 2s with T-54 1951, which under the BR system they currently cannot face.
Let me give you a good example
I was in that concept 3 once, and i wanted to leave spawn fast and get to a scouting position,this was early in WT, i get t-boned by a tiger and he would not stop pushing me, he would not stop so i could move out the way and scout for the team, no matter what i said in chat. Another tank seen what was happening and got me free.
That just shows the mentality of a lot of players, dont give 2 fucks for anyone else.
So i kept smoking him till he said this is no place for modern weaponry, in a way he is correct but still a dick for not letting me get out the way
So you think, that a vehicle, that is despite being from the mid '70s, at the BR where you have Panzer 4s, and it performs badly, so it should be removed…
And you give me an example with an angry wehraboo getting mad…
Its 1 of them vehicles that wont perform any better no matter where you put it, so your example of being negative is just absolute scutter. Has it ever changed BR?
In fact you could copy and past it to every nation and every br above 3 and it will perform the same
It would be fine if solidshot would be good. No need to change it’s BR.
Its not designed to fight tanks it has a gun to defend it self, in fact its an armoured car, designed for escort duty, it dont belong on a battlefield
Just like a wide range of other vehicles(that are tracked). So remove them too?
I never said remove trhem, you tried to use it as an example by putting up against MBT’s
Because in a historical MM it would.
It would just put it in a place where it belongs in time. Your saying it can fight Jagdpanther?