I could see something where the stronger tanks are worth more tickets. So losing one is a bigger hit to the team.
I dont think you could limit them as it would great limit someone if they were to, for example, have a 1945 line up and end up in a 1935-1945 match.
Good question and an important point. I think personally some vehicles fit the WW2 cannon well ,the ARL 44 ,I see the Centurion as a Cold war/post war legend but fully understand it is pure WW2 in terms of development and UK needs a competitor for the Tiger 2. I dont think anybody is asking for pure WW2 only just want to avoid the shock factor of being taken out by something 30 years more advanced.
Eg.So there I am in my 5.7 Corsair doing what I always do ,I know what the enemy SPAA can do at my late WW2 level and I am careful but in a good plane. Suddenly boom Im gone in a way I never saw before WTF !!! .I know straight away I have just been future bombed out of existence by a new Gaijin super silly.
Sure enough I watch the replay and its the new AMX-10P from 1973 .Just as I suspected the moment I was destroyed.
So we have a weapon 30 year newer making WW2 CAS a pointless exercise at 5.7,I am now facing that stupid monstrosity every game. Game ruined. So its not just immersion its about fitting a canon or meta now. The M109, the sub 2 the AMX-10P, its just becoming a pain and a joke.

have a 1945 line up and end up in a 1935-1945 match.
Dont forget the limiting factor of br. 1935 is close to reserve tanks
. I dont think anybody is asking for pure WW2 only just want to avoid the shock factor of being taken out by something 30 years more advanced.
Pretty much. Ww2 did eventually fight cold war, its part of natural evolution where tanks or planes are designed as a counter and thus needs to be in the game or some tanks will never be defeated and left standing as OP
Pretty much. Ww2 did eventually fight cold war, its part of natural evolution where tanks or planes are designed as a counter and thus needs to be in the game or some tanks will never be defeated and left standing as OP
I find when I am in a slow WW2 tank especially if I haven’t modded it I can’t even keep up with my own team when they are in fast much more modern vehicles.
Italy with the M26 was a fine example. By the time I lumbered up to the battle front where the action was superfast guy in his 70s AUBL or Fiat took out 3 and left me nothing then I get hit by another super-fast firing APDS which has long since taken up an ambush position in a way very few WW2 tanks would. A M18 and Puma fire WW2 ammo so OK a 2s1 from 1970 does not.
Many times i have been in competition with my own team and i think why am i here
well you are acting like a child so i don’t see how that is genuinely insulting
War Thunder is currently an immersive realistic game.
I don’t want it tainted with unrealistic historical match making.
We’re not actors, we’re players.
It currently is tainted with unrealistic historical match making, 1960/70’s light tanks able to pen 500mm of armour when even ww2 heavy 's dont have that much armour, same with helicopters and cas, strike master for example. The BR of units alone is not enough, and will get worse as gaijin add more
So should we add an entire Arab League tech tree just so Israel has someone to fight? Should we remove all of Sweden? Should Mirage IIICJs fight Hunters with no SRAAMs? Should F6F-5s fight N1K2s? All of these things happen with a historical MM.
Why would you want to remove the whole of sweden? And no i am currenly grinding sweden
I don’t want to remove all of Sweden. Sweden is one of my favorite nations to play. That list was just a small collection of things that would happen if we had a historical MM. Way more things like that would happen 2 with a historical MM. Over half of the vehicles ingame would be removed. Sweden’s army never fought anyone with tanks unless you count Strv 122Ds in Ukraine, so by that logic, we’d have to remove all of Sweden. I think a historical MM is a terrible idea; I was giving an example of what happens with a historical MM.
Eveyone is treating the idea of historically wrong and taking it literally and to the extreme, its a time frame expression, there maybe a better word for it but i cant think of it. And sweden did fight in some wars with tanks and are nato ready
How is the title now?
Ive changed the OP as me saying historically was a bit confusing for some people when i meant to say in same time frame hence the title now contains traditional
It’s insulting when 2 players keep trying to combat what we say by ignoring what we have to say and trying to cause a non-existent problem with a “Solution” that is a problem on its own. They advocate a problem by replacing it with another glaring problem.
We would also have to remove Japan from ever being on European maps, China wouldn’t be allowed there either, in fact, modern battles wouldn’t be allowed because no modern-day country besides the US, Russia, and the UK has been in actual conflicts involving tanks. With the equipment shown in the game.
You’d also need to remove a lot of prototype and obscure tanks in game since we don’t know if they saw any form of combat or not due to the lack of information.
Dont forget the limiting factor of br. 1935 is close to reserve tanks
So should an IS-4 fight 76mm Shermans (or even the 75mm ones. but let’s be fair, even a Firefly would not stand a chance)?
Or, should an IS-7 fight Pershings?
Or should a Concept 3 (which is at BR 4.3 btw) suddenly fight Abrams, T-72, Leo 2, etc?
You’d also need to remove a lot of prototype and obscure tanks in game since we don’t know if they saw any form of combat or not due to the lack of information.
Not just those. M103, Conqueror, Covenanter, half of the modern(ish) tanks.
Also, the Ho-I, Chi-Nu, Centurion Mk 1, 2, Caernarvon, and a bunch more.
M2 medium.
Ho-I never saw combat? Was it similar to Chi-Nu that they were produced but just sat waiting in Japan?
War Thunder doesn’t have historical match making.
It abandoned that sometime before 2017 cause reliving history is boring.