Add option to hide personal file

I love when people get offended when I check their stats.

Why, You ask?

Because their stats are a simple way to see what kind of a player they are and if their opinion helds any credibility.

You can stomp Your feet as much as You want, You can cry to moderators about it, but the stats will remain and everyone will be able to see what kind of a player You are.

Sorry that You won’t be able to lie about things.


What about legacy stats, do you ignore them or just pick the ones that fit your argument?

When You say things about ‘A’ (like that it is OP) and You do badly in ‘A’, I will point it out, simple as that.

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Gotta be “a man” in game cause you can’t be one in real life. Got it.

(And by the way, I’m more of a veteran than you’ll ever be, boy.)

I’m plenty man in games and in real life, buddy. Your garbage-tier, elementary-grade insults don’t do shit for me. It’s boring.

Also, you say you’re a veteran? Your conduct doesn’t impress me nor convince me. I’d call Stolen Valor but that’s your cross to bear, not mine. I’ll let someone else drag you on that.

Like I would ever need to prove anything to someone who, from their profile alone, likes anime, Nazi’s, and America’s most overrated general. Get out of your basement, dude. There’s a whole world out here. Maybe someone out here will care about all your all-too visible insecurities, even. We won’t ALL laugh at you.

Im the kind of player that will keep going at it till i find a way to beat it, even though its sometimes futile, then ill do and or research, or even use said iteam.

Is that all you got for talking trash? Bloody boring, child. I’m falling asleep over here reading your bottom barrel tripe. Try asking redditors for some pointers - They may entertain you if you try asking nicely.

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Oh boy this can’t be more true.

  1. Someone says nation X at a given BR is brokenly OP and that a literal monkey could perform well playing that lineup
  2. That same person has 0.6 K/D, 0.5 KPB and 42% WR with vehicles in question

Having stat cards public is a great way of shutting down these claims before discussion has even started.


I love the sound of a pansy surrendering in the morning. Til next time, baby man.

Guess you never played games with team voice chat, WT is like the least toxic game I’ve played.


You normaly find its the dead guy doing all the talking

Some weird e-penis measuring contest going on between GNDM Panzer@live and Bruce_R1, it’s just like the in-game chat at times!

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There are those who go looking for it and those that want it

I mean, I wasn’t pointing at anyone but hey, you do you.
Hope ur practicing for the next dool we do, I’m also practicing on my Steam controller to show off.
If you want to avoid convos about stats it’s best to not start shit in the first place tho, keep that in mind.

Who says im trying to avoid

It was just advice, IF you want to avoid it

I am surprised that people are so set against an option, a choice to hide your stats THAT aggressively

Almost like that’s the only thing they can be ‘proud’ of in their life B-)

It’s ironic because he says he hates it and blocks it, but engages in it. Had the audacity to claim people who don’t go on blacklisting sprees like him are cowards, but got all up in his feelings when the script was flipped on him.

He’s like a woman with just as paltry gaslighting skills but no cooking ability.

I mean, ur right but at the same time it’s a game with a growing competitive scene, so why not also have that bit in?