Add option to hide personal file

All the CCs and all the cheaters using anonymous names hide their stats while in game now. Anyone can.

i only do if someone starts speaking shit, then i bring up there negative stats

And botters with their 10,000 matches to 0 kills

thanks for validating earlier posts

how is this done, i am on xbox so cant cheat, we can not install addons or change any files

Options/Privacy and Confidentiality/“Display Real Nickname in Battle and Menu”

No, it isn’t uniquely toxic that way, nor is it toxic. It’s standard competitive behavior. Nearly every online PvP game in existence has statcards and ally and enemy alike can and will trash you and your stats at will as they like.

You say you only see it in WT? I know for a fact you’re talking falsehoods. Don’t do that.

I’m being absolutely honest. You can deny the obvious if you like, but it’s true. War Thunder allows and enables same-team bullying far more than many other comparable online games and it is a unnecessary drag on the game’s popularity that it continues to do so.

It’s not trash talk if it’s your own team and they’ve done nothing to you personally. Last night I had “you’re all a bunch of n___as”, and “you’re all a bunch of r____ds” by two people who somehow couldn’t lose an online game without it being a significant emotional event. These people weren’t even first place on the team. Like I said, man-babies. WT is full of them.

(Honestly it says a lot more about people who think there’s no problem with their being passive about abuse in chat. I think anyone who doesn’t report or blacklist is a bit of a spineless wimp for putting up with it, to be honest. Grow a backbone.)

There is some truth in what he is saying, maybe a differnt generation of gamers. I do notice the toxicity is stronger in WT

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And it also has no relevance to this situation.

Looks like xbox does not have that option

Just a real life example

This entire post tells me you’ve never played League of Legends, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, Apex Legends, etc etc.

There’s plenty of trash talk to go around in those games, so again you’re speaking falsehoods.

As for the block list - I’d say you’re the pansey for working so hard to blacklist people instead of just ignoring it. You sound like a snowflake that takes critical psychological damage from any trashtalk, even when it’s not even directed in your general direction. Honestly dude, you should just turn chat off entirely and your problem will be solved. You have the gall to talk about backbone? Ironic.

So people say some mean words online. Big whoop. They don’t live in your town and it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever be in a match with them again, anyways. Literally doesn’t matter.

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See, the fact you roll over when people call you names just shows me that you like it. Makes up for mommy not being able to beat you as much as she used to, I suppose. Maybe if you helped her with the dishes more she’d get the paddle out again.

Roll over? No, I talk trash right back because I’m not some gutless patsy like you appear to be.

I cut my teeth back in old Halo and CoD lobbies. Every insult from every genre under the sun was hurled back and forth between the teams. It was truly the peak era of gaming. The men talked and the boys kept quiet.

Men talked and kids just, well they cryed like babies and have tantrums that resulted in smashed up controlers 😆

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Nobody can see mine so they cant even attempt to bully me which is obviously perplexing given their reaction. They are forced instead to resort to trying to debate which is more than most of them can manage. Failing that move on to spelling and grammar. Regular users of this forum will know who I am referring to and have probably put them on ignore already 😆

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Thats what is what my op is about, encourage debate


I what the guys on the US Marines forum would make of this conversation.

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You want to learn new ways to insult and trash talk people? I’ll tell you.

Make friends with enlisted and veterans. You become good enough friends you can learn all sorts of things.

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