Add option to hide personal file

It’s a right click. Takes two seconds. Would be hard to fit another match into the 8 seconds you’re offering to save me there.

And I do it so that when I CAS team-kill them later they have no way to complain to me. (just kidding)

💀 ouch

no cap huh? lmao

a bit like your f4c k/d, but the topic is not about me so stop being a troll

How can you complain, when you are doing it yourself lmao

just showing you that your no better than anyone

Welcome to online gaming.

You have mute/ignore/block functions aswell as turning off chat.

Still can’t handle the heat? Leave the kitchen, then.

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Oh stop it! This post was a forum dumpster fire from the start. LOL


I have not brought up your stats, I dont know what you mean

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but you made a reply to a comment showing a stat

I did? can you show me?

hang on, my web page is doing silly stuff, replying to wrong post


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I’d be perfectly fine if people you put on your blacklist couldn’t look up your stats in game. Would allow you to keep certain people who are harassing you there from doing so without breaking other things about the service record access (like knowing who’s a bot).

The real alternative open to OP of course, is to go the CC/cheater route and anonymize yourself in game so people can’t look you up anymore while the game is on. Doesn’t stop the little boys who never got over being bullied in school from stat-shaming you when you speak up on this forum, though, as we can see here. But Gaijin clearly wants this to be an essentially unmoderated internet forum dominated by the bullies and loudmouths, so you can’t really expect much of it.


Yeah, I guess you are right lol

no, you got it all wrong, its about adding an option to hide personal file, you are still free to show off your god like stats if you wish

hell, even im negative in some vehicles like A5C and WMA, people dog on me for it, yet to make a forum post. (pls spare me havent played either in 4 months)

nevertheless, an option to hide stats shouldn’t really exist, it is a competitive game.


Yeah, you say that, but again, WT is uniquely toxic that way, and I think we should recognize that. Again, I never see anyone, ever, taking down the other team in All chat. That’d be fun. It’s always and only ever your own team member just flaking out like a p___y.

I play many, many online games, and really none has that specific behavior to anything like the same degree. WT is really unique in that and we should probably stop ignoring that and recognize the own-team bullying as a problem that turns people off this game.

please make it clear what you are replying about, my post or my stats