Add option to hide personal file

If your stats are “personal” information that needs to be hidden, i need them to hide my vehicle’s position. That is my personal info after all.

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can it be copyied and pasted and used against you, in another match or in the forum, for example your not allowed to post replays or call someone a cheater

what about team members who blame others for getting them self’s killed because of there own bad position

Did not say turn it off (but that is certainly an option) - just ignore the comments you don’t like. As mentioned in previous reply, no one is forced to engage in a “back and forth”.

The concept/claim of online bullying is a bit disingenuous. The so called “victim” can simply ignore and/or turn off the “offender” and the problem goes away. Now if the “victim” chooses to remain online and feed the issue, so be it. Your proposal appears to be another silly band-aid to protect snowflakes who have a hard time dealing with online engagements and would be best served by just pulling the plug and focusing on the real world.


“Oh noooo, some anonymous called me a bad player over the internet, this will give me unrepairable trauma and scar me for life.”

This is why there are ignore functions for people that can’t handle it.


In both examples, they dont fit the definition of personal information.
“Information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.”


B-b-but someone might use your bad K/D to ridicule you IRL.

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Strawman argument, but in response: so what? Getting that easily offended because others are “talking crap” may indicate some deeper problems that are going on.

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The easiest way to combat this, it to not be terrible at the game 👍

( I say this as someone who is also terrible )


Massive cope post. There’s none of ur personal info there, only ur crap stats ( not like mine r good but damn ur taking it to a whole another level with some stuff). Nothing shown on statcard is illegal

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another example of using someones stats to prove a point while the topic is not about said individual, just more troll

Poor console player :(

this is not about me, im not a weak individual

What are you even talking about lmao

This topic proves something different


The Irony that you have brought more attention on your stats making this post, than if you had just shurgged it off. You have invited it now man, what were you thinking?


i knew not to, but its that little itch that needs to be scratched, that will probable fester from doing so

That’s the issue though isn’t it? Every second game there’s some basement-dweller on your own team screaming (often using racist or otherwise objectionable terms for people) about how bad everyone else on the team is. There’s no “talking trash” in War Thunder, in the sense of someone from the other team using “All” chat to throw you off your game. I can’t remember the last time that happened. It’s just the pathetic whiny man-babies on your own team, whining about why we didn’t carry them. It’s cowardly and lame… they’re all too scared man-babies to go on All chat and abuse the other side, like in a real sports contest. I have time for some good cross-team trash, but I don’t have any time at all for that.

I block 3 or 4 a night. I’d personally like to see the blacklist increased from 100. Cause I’m running out.

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Best advice in can give is just to stay out of situations were people would be inclined to brining up your stats, and just enjoy the game best you can man. Nothing else to do

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You really take the time out of your day to block 3-4 people each night. Imagine combined what that time could be exchanged for: Another match or better sleep lmao. I dont think I ever blacklist people, why would you not just let it go instead?

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