Acquiring old event vehicles after the fact...

Even if you’ve been playing the game for 5+ years, there is bound to be a tank/plane/etc that you’ve missed because the event linked to it was too hard or time consuming. Even if you wanted to acquire this vehicle with gold or from the market, lots of them are completely unavailable since no-one is selling them or they aren’t able to be sold at all…

So, I’m proposing that Gaijin adds a new tab to the Tech-tree screen within the hanger that would allow us to be able to research and buy these vehicles without having to struggle through a timed event.
All the vehicles featured here I’m fairly certain are impossible to get now if you never completed their event in the past.

To start with, there will be a tab on the Tech-tree screen that will switch over to the event vehicles screen. (I’ve moved them all onto one screen for demonstration sake) Here you’ll be able to start researching the vehicle like any other, however it will cancel your current research for the vehicle of the same type, so you can only research one TT or event at a time.
The research and silver costs will be quite higher than their rank would suggest. This is to show off their special nature and could even be increased to the amount of points needed to acquire them in the original event to compensate.

To stop someone getting them really early, I’m also suggesting that you will only be able to buy them after researching and buying all the Tech-tree equivalent vehicles. (So to get the LVT-4/40 you’d have to research and buy all the Rank 2 vehicles in the French Tech-tree) This will help these vehicles to stay rare as not everyone has researched everything in their faction… For my GE Tech-tree, I completely skipped the early StuG so I can go for the Tiger and the Sturer Emil. So to get the Sd.Kfz.251/22, I’d have to go back to Rank 2, then research and buy the Marder and StuG before I’d be able to get access to it.

What do you think of this idea? In my opinion, it would help both newer and older players as not everyone is able to grind constantly for 2 weeks in order to get a rare vehicle… things happen and imagine the devastation you’ll feel if you grinded most of the days to get a vehicle, but then have an accident or major power outage and you miss that last day. Or just completely missed the event in general since you had the misfortune of not joining the game until after the event concluded.
Personally, I had a friend who wanted the STiger since they saw a YT video about it, but were put off from the game by the fact that it was physically impossible for them to get it.

TLDR: Add a new tab to the TT menu, allow the user to start researching an event vehicle like a normal one just at a really high RP/SP cost, the player must unlock all of that rank before they can start unlocking that event vehicle

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This actually would be a great idea. It’s actually, it would be a great addition.


+1 this would be amazing to have.


Though I welcome this idea it shouldn’t be a 24/7 tab, This should occasionally appear on WT’s Anniversary or some monumental point in WT’s longevity. Just to keep the vehicles a bit more rare. So they aren’t always that common scene.


You are setting a very low bar for something to be “special” - I have 120 million silver right now, have had as much as 140 million prior to last chest purchase thing.

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As much as I hate to say from a grinding perspective, I think the RP costs for the event vehicles should be even higher. They’re special vehicles and need to remain such, especially to be able to justify their values on the marketplace.

I would really appreciate a way to unlock these vehicles, especially ones like the higher tiers M60 AMBT/T-72M/ even if they costed 3-5m+ rp each. Would also really be looking towards getting a chance to pickup the lower tier gems like the Shturmtiger (however you spell it) and Ersatz M10.

(I would also like to add, a good way to implant this function would be to limit as players from being able to research an event vehicle until they’ve unlocked all the vehicles in the current tier of the tech tree that vehicles sits at. It should be a “final” goal to grind and obtain, and I feel it’s easier to make it as such that way.)


This will never happen. You are literally asking Gaijin to burn money.


Bad take. Gaijin would make a ton of money by making things like the Ersatz Panther, Tiger 10’5, Panther II, etc. available for research/GE. Market vehicles are not what is on the table, and even if they were, the 5 people who are selling their IS-7s are not going to make more for Gaijin than the tens of thousands of players who would pay a more reasonable amount for the vehicle.


If you gonna take what he posted to a literal ok. But should be absorbing the idea of the picture being conceptional not reality. It would likely be treated more like Squadron vehicles. Just not with the GE.


I assure you Gaijin has already ran the numbers.

The only thing that makes the market remain profitable for vehicles like the IS-7 is the loot boxes that continually refresh the supply of ultra-rare tanks. Loot boxes obviously make everything more expensive. Still, it’s bad practice and F them for implementing it.


Not a fan, defeats the purpose of even grinding these events.


Completely agree with since they are special and make them worth market prices , it should be absurdly high research and purchase costs (general ballpark 6mil+ RP and then something stupid like 12mil SL cost ) , so there isnt a flood of them appear and thus makes them worth the money on market . Another idea i feel like would go well , is that have the tab come around once a year , or make a choice of having 1 vehicle that you can research through the year at very least.

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I don’t know if you have notices, but you already can get an old event vehicles - in the BattlePass.

They started releasing them since the previous battlepass (last one was naval, current battlepass is ground, next will be air vehicles)

Make it way more difficult to get but not time sensitive so people can research them over time if they don’t have time for grinding events. It shouldn’t be like a Tech Tree though, any vehicle should be available. Obviously gaijin can skip adding super rare or special event vehicles like IS-7 (too expensive) or E-100 (special event)

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would love to see this

Would this not make people more inclined to buy GE so Gajin can make more money that way and people would finally stop complaining about missing out on the rare vehicle because they have a life and don’t spend every waking moment on WT. Also Gajin that does not mean you can throw the maus there put it back in the TT gosh darn it.


i say this is a good idea, as long as this are the vehicles that arent being sold in the market


I would absolutely love that thing for my babies:

+1 and all my support man.

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I think it’s too easy.

Let me explain: if you make something like making the event vehicle available after just unlocking a single rank in the tech tree, it becomes too easy.

A much more realistic approach would be to have the vehicle unlocked only after you have completed the entire tech tree for that nation. Once you finish the tech tree, a new tech tree could appear for that nation like you said called “event tab”. A more common term for this system is “prestige.”

Additionally, I would suggest that if you want the vehicle, it should cost 10 times the normal amount of RP & SL. for example if it’s a rank 2 vehicle it would cost 200k rp, and there should be a requirement that the vehicle needs to be at least 2 years old to unlock the vehicle. This would make the first event more interesting.