i had an idea for that too, make all vehicles tech tree, sell premium status that you can buy and apply on vehicles like talismans
Do not let this guy cook again.
You do not succeed in your stated mission of “making the tree more consistent”
The decision to arbitrarily put the Dicker Max, Sturer Emil, Ferdinands, Jadgpanther, and Jagdtiger to the medium/heavy lines cause “they share a chassis with (them)” is inconsistent with how the StuGs, Jagdpanzer IVs, 38(t) stay in their own line despite them sharing a chassis with the Pz.IIIs, IVs, and 38(t).
Moving the “chassis sharing TDs” also only makes the tree more dysfunctional, going from Panzer IV J to Sturer Emil to Tiger 1 H to Ferdinand is a far bigger gameplay whiplash than the example of “there is a sharp difference in playstyle between Germany’s late-WWII tank destroyers and Cold War tank destroyers”. There’s a big difference in playstyle going from the Panther to Leopard too, so should we put the Leopards after the M41 which it is more similar gameplay wise?
You state “This also means the KPz-70 and M48 Super can be un-foldered. I suspect the reason these two tanks were foldered together was because of their same BR, not because of any real world connection”, but then newly foldered together are the Luchs and Wiesel, StuG III G and M44, and Osa and Strela, all same BR vehicles that also do not have any real world connection.
These lines are ultimately just as arbitrary and inconsistent as Gaijin’s. You would have been far more effective by just moving a few “problem” vehicles around, ie: put the PzH2000 and Luchs into the left line.
You didn’t even change the “inconsistent” part where the Leopard 2 PSO comes after the Leopard 2A6 despite being worse and just a 2A5 with some useless add-on armour. The entirely arbitrary decision to have the Leopard 2K in the heavy line cause it’s “experimental” is also still present when it’s gameplay-wise and historically just an evolution of the Leopard 1.
That’s not how it works. There can only be one suggestion for a certain topic, we are not doing “John Deere’s idea for reorganizing Germany”. It’s like how the only Polish Helicopter Subtree suggestion is by Greg, who wants it in Japan for reasons.
RIP… were stuck with this as the only one now 🥲
I just need to say the dicker max and st emil have zero business being that low with such godly canons
Just for this alone I love you xD
Well the point of having threads is for feedback. Like no, Greg’s Polish Heli Subtree suggestion having his example in Japan doesn’t mean it’s a suggestion for Poland to go into Japan (it is a very funny idea however). You can even post your own reorganization ideas (which I see you sorta have) in contrast to the OP.
Though, I do agree with Armen that some vehicles just don’t fit that well with the others, like the M109G, and a 6th line would make that less an issue.
So, I do sympathize with your efforts to solve where to put these vehicles under your current rules. I just do not believe it has been effective.
Tank destroyers should never under any circumstances be in anything other than tank destroyer/SPG lines.
I only have one Issues why did you not add the maus in for a 7.7 heavy?
PSO and 2A6 should swap positions IMO
Also I’d like to see the Jagdtiger followed by a proper East German line
I also don’t see the reasoning behind the location of the 2K.
Actually this is pretty terrible wth
Dicker foldered with a Panzer IV? Stugs in three different folders? The Nashorn? The Jagdpanther? The Ferd and Jagdtiger?
Sorry mate, whilst I agree the tech tree could be organised better this isn’t it :(
I’m in the middle about this. I feel like the best thing they could do is increase the amount of research lines from 5 to 6-7.
I will change my vote to ‘yes,’ but only after you’ve organized and improved your tech tree proposal, incorporating the majority of feedback I agree with from this comment section. For now, it’s a -1. Please ensure consistency in your tank destroyer line. Vehicles like the Dicker Max and Sturer Emil should never be mixed with medium or heavy tanks in the same line.
honestly a lot is not much better and a lot of messyness like dicker/stur positioning (and foldering ), ferdinand and other SPGs still being nonsensically moved or not moved in case of waffel and flak partybus.
WW2 Puma still being rank II for some reason which needs a rank up along with all M24s being RIII being honestly a bigger thing that several trees need as to have scout capable vehicles at that rank.
I like the later cold war/modernish light tank/IFV redistribution i already run gun tanks in my SPG slot and those feel a lot more natural
Rules applied to some but not others.
I still will only Accept it if you put Maus in as the 7.7 Heavy
It’s not that much of an issue you just to need to get 1 rp on it in November
They took it out cause they said it was unbalanced well now we have darts and 7.7 and ATGMS and Heat rounds so it is balanced.