M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

Is anyone making a bug report regarding the SEPv2 hull armor?


There really isn’t a report to make. SEPv2 was just a lighter version of SEP- the armor improvements came with SEPv3.

SEPv2 is supposed to be 1-2 tons lighter than SEP due to changing out components and wiring for lighter versions/fiberoptic… but Gaijin negated that by adding the (useless) TUSKII as a permanent mod instead of an option.

This patch is just US Ground RB Sabotage. That’s literally it.


Whats the point it will end up being closed

I have seen people post sources that the Abrams received a hull armor upgrade in 2003. I just have to go and find where they were posted and who posted them.

Idk, if I can find the sources I have seen posted around I might actually take the shot. I’ll just have to look through the forum from my PC tomorrow.

Don’t worry I have them right here.



What is this patch lmfao.
M1A2SEPV2 gets no hull armor upgrade, no M829A3, Tusk Kit that it cannot remove.
Leopard 2A7 still doesn’t get DM63
Strv122B still stuck with m/95

Meanwhile, T-90M receives a legit broken damage model negating any kind of spall due to some magical spall liner technology already present in 80s NATO tank.


At surface, that’s pretty compelling, and I would love to be wrong in that regard from a tank enthusiast standpoint.

But Gaijin simply does not care, and they’ve demonstrated that repeatedly.


*president of russia


I was so excited for this patch with the f15 and all, but as a ground main this is devastating.


Just insane. Guess its time to change tech trees. Germany looks good, and its always had busted anti spall so. Guess ill go for Russia too, never did finish that tree

And Americas F15 is the A, meanwhile the Japanese get the J, and Israel gets the C or E?

Good for Japan, but like are you serious? Also the F15 flies like an absolute brick and rips wings constantly after watching dev stream. The Su-27 flies like a UFO in comparison

And the Mirage 4000 and Gripen 39 both actually are UFOs, with the Mirage 4000 having absolutely insane Cruise missile levels of acceleration


100% lmfao.

A break might work. I was hoping the new Tier 8 meant theyd finally fix the US armor models and fake weakspots. The Sepv2 doesnt even get M829A3, and will just be an overpressure nightmare.

Also Israel gets a better (A5?) M109, M113 TOW, USA still has the A1 and no low tier ATGM carriers. Its just so blatant now. Great possibilities, horrible implementation like usual.

Praying there will be major model changes and atleast an SPAA for the US


I knew I saw these before, I searched a half the forum for them a few days ago but I couldn’t find them.

But there has to be a way to get them to the devs attention right if bug reports won’t work. Would pinging and asking Smin work.


SEPv2 is not lighter, your fibreoptic stuff is not in the SEPv2 it was meant to be in the SEPv4 but that was cancelled in favour of developing the M1E3. The weight of the SEPv2 is a bit heavier then the SEP
The actual changes of the SEPv2 outlined in FM3-20.21
Improved FLIR
Improved electronic processors
Batteries for 8-10 hours engine off operations
Far Target Locate
Driver’s Thermal periscope
Improved turret armor


I mean you can try to make a bug report if you want its worth a shot I guess.


well after update russia will be back to “press W and win” not like its already like that… ^^


3 years going on strong


I’ll try this tomorrow from my PC. I have never made a bug report before so it might take a couple of hours, but like you said it could be worth a try at least.

I already made one M1a2 SepV2 missing hull armor // Gaijin.net // Issues feel free to add any more info.