What difference does it make between a vehicle they just made rare now, this month, and a vehicle they made rare five years ago? Only time.
And many many past vehicles have not been seen in SL crates yet, or have not been seen enough yet to really bring their prices down. What do you yourself gain by denying other people whatever joy and enjoyment you got from those vehicles, after years have passed?
Here we see the real answer. It’s just casual cruelty by someone soooo self-entitled they want to deny the full experience of a game to people who weren’t old enough back then to play it. This kind of ladder-pulling, protect-the-olds-feewings behavior is what will actually finally kill this game off and make all your vehicles worthless someday. Maybe that’ll actually be the just outcome, even.
Funny how one can act like the game only have that much vehicle. Ignore the main thing I was talking about and claiming I am self-entitled and don’t want new player to “experience” the “full warthunder experience” . Then so be it, cry about it harder , they are not gonna increase the number of winner. Cope seeth and mald
Not only that. This is one of the most unenjoyable events I ever played. Leave it to Gaijin to ruin another weekend.
The gameplay is boring and annoying giving very little satisfaction. And that’s only the beginning as there is far worse consequences coming our way. I knew everyone will just use bushes on those tiny weakspots and day 1 was manageable, day 2 around half were using bushes, day 3 almost everyone does. That’s bad enough in itself, but think about it, cause there’s players like me who never used bushes ever and due to this poorly thought out event they’ll start using them in normal games stinking the war thunder gameplay and ecology all around. This is the real catastrophe.
(btw, I still refuse to use any bushes and hope they get outright banned. I don’t play gardening game, Farm Thunder or such)
“The means from production are owned by the worker” Something like that from the communist manifesto.
Given that the IS-7 can be conisdered a mean of production in Silver lions which is a Currency, That means under a “Communist” ideology that the IS-7 should be given access to everyone.
Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split ya, lad. This whole time you’ve never realised that it was arcade battles ruining your fun, not bushes. Can’t help people who don’t understand that.
Again I am a good example. I missed out on all the vehicals that where removed in 2019 cause I joined like right after that ordeal with germany and I have missed out on all the rest cause I don’t have the time or money to get them so it’s like what the fucks the point of adding it if people like me can’t get it you know the everyday person. Plus it’s fucking code how had is it to make more off it or atleast do something that makes it easy to get.
I even missed out on the Sturmtiger, Tog Swedish king tiger, all becuase I did not know what to do cause it’s all so confusing for a new player to use the event stuff cause it makes no sense.
I also think that just 12 winners are too few, but imagine giving an IS-7 to more than 30 people during the event… The vehicle would lose its market value and status relevance for accounts, which would be a huge downside! I’d rather have a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of winning it than see it lose its value and status in the game, like the Maus and E-100.
And the E-100 is more rare then the Is-7. But still I don’t want to Pay 2,000 real life dollars for a piece of code just cause the game wants to be fuckers and not give everyone a chance at getting it.
Every vehicle had its moment to be earned, but some of us (myself included) were affected by cheaters who participated in these events, and the company didn’t give it the attention it deserved. This makes the value of those tanks acceptable. They are still distributed, though you might feel like you need to make a pact with an unsavory entity just to have a chance of winning one of these “lotteries.”
here is what I get from this Buy a car that will and possibly last oh maybe 50years or a piece of code that will last only as long as there is a player base to play a game and that can be 12years or 2years so why would I spend 2,000$ on that? Intsead of the game just making it simpler to get for those of us who are not caplable of spending that much time on a game for a vehical or have that kind of money to spend.
I bought My suburban for 2,800$ which is kinda and example of my point it would of been either get that or the E-100 which would do what for me add status to a game I am just wanting to play cause it’s good and has tanks I thought I could get. Nah I think I am going to buy the more useful item.