This does not really help a Player like him who missed out. There must always be a realistic chance to earn a vehicle, no matter how old, how hard to get or how controversial it is.
Are you not following the events? You have the possibility to obtain any vehicle, whether it’s for commemorative dates or events like the one we’re currently experiencing, which runs until the 22nd of this month. The chances are realistic, though low, but they are real and not impossible. Due to the exclusivity of vehicles like the IS-7 and E-100, it is understandable that they have less than a 1% chance of being obtained in tournaments or events created by the game’s community.
Now I am, but what does it help in the case of removed tech tree vehicles like the Panther II, Coelian and Tiger II 10.5? What does it help someone who missed an Anniversary Event? Gambling on Boxes with a 0.0001% chance etc is not very realistic.
Exist a chance no ? So is good, it’s better of nothing.
To the three tank Rich mentioned I only care about the Panther 2 the other two not so much. But I am glad you are helping my case but what Oni is neglecting is that the events are confusing and incredibly hard for me a 17 years old with a busy life trying to prep for collage find a job get my self stable deal with community I can not take much time out to do these events and it’s unfair to people like me that we will never get a chance to get the vehicals.
Didn’t know you can pick up your IS-7 and carry it around. Fascinating.
How does it provide an advantage if it isn’t a great vehicle?
There is no german 7.0 lineup, the maus comes back every year and the Ostwind II has the same guns as the Coelian. 20mms don’t care about the enclosed turret.
They don’t have to. They choose to pay for it.
It would be if this statement was true:
There is no disadvantage. It’s not even a premium and at the BR it’s at HEAT-FS is everywhere and even some APFSDS. Not to mention some people will bomb you specifically for driving one.
This does not really help a Player like him who missed out. There must always be a realistic chance to earn a vehicle, no matter how old, how hard to get or how controversial it is.
Seriously, you guys sound extremely entitled.
Don’t come with “but the new players”. Nobody of importance will buy that from you.
To HansVonGroebel:
Your response, while succinct, dismisses a key point without offering a reasoned argument. Let me address your points directly to clarify why this idea is far from entitlement and instead rooted in fairness, accessibility, and long-term health for War Thunder’s community.
- “You guys sound extremely entitled.”
Advocating for a recurring opportunity for players to obtain vehicles is not entitlement; it’s about fostering inclusivity and fairness. Exclusivity locks content behind time-based barriers, punishing players for circumstances beyond their control, such as joining the game later or being unable to participate in a past event. Providing opportunities for all players to access these vehicles ensures that everyone can enjoy the full breadth of content, which enhances engagement and satisfaction for the player base as a whole.
The suggestion does not ask for handouts but for reasonable paths to earn these vehicles through effort—whether through grinding, completing objectives, spending money, or earning them in events. “Work → reward” is still preserved, but with fairness applied over time.
- “Don’t come with ‘but the new players.’ Nobody of importance will buy that from you.”
The argument for new players is more significant than you may think. New players are the lifeblood of any online game’s community. Without a steady influx of fresh participants, the player base dwindles, queue times increase, and the game struggles to remain viable. If a new player sees a massive array of iconic vehicles they will never have access to, they may feel alienated from the community or lose interest altogether. This is not entitlement—it’s basic game design logic to make sure the game remains attractive to incoming players.
Additionally, this isn’t just about new players. Even veteran players may have missed events due to real-life obligations, unforeseen circumstances, or simply not being aware of the game at the time. Should they forever be excluded because they weren’t able to participate at a specific moment? The suggestion to reintroduce these vehicles periodically doesn’t harm those who earned them initially; it simply ensures that everyone has a fair chance over time.
- Why Exclusivity Harms the Game in the Long Term
Exclusivity fragments the community. Players with rare, unavailable vehicles gain an unshakable advantage in certain scenarios, as they have access to unique tools that others simply cannot match. While many exclusive vehicles aren’t outright “overpowered,” they still offer unique gameplay experiences and potential tactical benefits. Locking them behind one-time events creates an unnecessary imbalance and leaves a sour taste for players who feel shut out.
Artificial scarcity (such as vehicle exclusivity) is well-documented to cause frustration and alienation in gaming communities. Studies on player satisfaction in games consistently highlight that the availability of content over time positively impacts player retention and overall enjoyment.
- Proposed Compromise:
A recurring opportunity system can preserve the “prestige” of exclusivity while still allowing access to all vehicles. For instance, vehicles could return through grindable events, battle passes, or marketplace purchases. This way, players who initially earned them still have their “head start” or bragging rights, but others who missed out aren’t permanently locked out. It creates a win-win situation.
- The Bigger Picture:
Advocating for vehicle ubiquity isn’t about personal entitlement but about building a stronger, more cohesive game for everyone. Ensuring that vehicles remain obtainable over time creates a fairer system, keeps the community engaged, and reduces the frustrations caused by artificial barriers. A thriving, happy player base benefits everyone—including the developers, who can enjoy increased retention and revenue from an expanded and more loyal audience.
So, no, this isn’t about entitlement. It’s about ensuring that War Thunder remains enjoyable and accessible for players at all stages of its lifespan. And contrary to your assertion, many people of importance—players, developers, and industry experts alike—understand the value of fairness and inclusivity in game design.
Let’s build a game that all players can enjoy, not one that arbitrarily excludes people based on timing.
Oh, I’m highly confident I’m of more importance than you … and I care about attracting and keeping new players. If we don’t, squadrons die through attrition and eventually the game dies. And no, I don’t like telling a new player in one of our squadrons, when they ask “how did you get that cool thing” and have to tell them, well, realistically they can’t. I can’t imagine why anyone would get enjoyment out of telling a fresh, excited player that. You’d have to be really damaged inside.
Saying that everything the game has put out in the past should still be available somehow, however rare, whether as GE purchase, loot box or through a special event is not special pleading, it’s just the position of fairness and adulthood. And lots of vehicles aren’t recently available through any of those.
Those who say the IS-7 offers no current game advantage should also consider that game rules, specifically BRs, change all the time. Look at the Object 279, it wasn’t anything that special for a long while, then for a while it was unstoppable, and those who had one, like me, made bank on it, while the going was good. That was an unfair advantage I had for a while, that had nothing to do with my player skill, only how long I had played. Giving newer players any enforced reduction in variety will always give a degree of relative advantage in the long run, one that can’t today be forecast or estimated. One that given the nature of digital goods, is also completely unnecessary.
EDIT: Someone’s flagging posts that make them look bad to hide them I see. Yawn. Let’s take it to the mods, I have no problem, there’s nothing in this post that breaks ToS in any way: you have been swearing and using profanity against other community members in every post. I have just been making logical arguments. But if they uphold your TOS-violating behavior through this whole thread, we’ll all know what kind of forum they want this to be.
You know, this event has got me thinking about why War Thunder is an enjoyable game for people of all ages - young and old. And that’s because of realistic and sim battles. These modes require you to hone your senses, it’s not just about being some sweat that can flick the control faster than another. In this game, your reflexes are always going to be limited by the vehicle you’re controlling. Hence, it levels the playing field between zoomers and boomers in that regard. What actually matters is:
Sound: It’s important to use sound to your advantage. You can locate enemies via the sound of their engine and sound of their gun firing. You can hone this skill to the point that you can identify types of vehicle and even the exact vehicle type by the sound of their engine, and also how far away they are.
Vision: The game isn’t going to point the enemy out to you, you need to use your sight to locate hidden enemies, locate where the enemy are going, to read the battlefield in general.
Vehicle knowledge: You can’t rely on some green cross to tell you where to shoot. And you can have all the reflexes in the world, but it won’t matter if you don’t know where to shoot. This game values the skill of knowing each vehicles characteristics, including armor values and armor weakspots. But not just that, the game doesn’t rely on some rubbish health bar system, so knowledge on where internal modules, crew, and ammo are is also important.
In other games and during this chasing the brothers event - none of the above really mattered apart from shooting the couple of weakspots in the armor. I could listen to music, I didn’t have to use my senses. It was mindless, it had no character, it was dull, it was life draining. So I thank Gaijin for showing me why RB and SB are what make this game what it is, and why I love them so very much.
I don’t get how I am being entitled for asking for a chance to win vehicles like the E-100 and Is-7 which where two of the main reason I joined so I could have those vehicles and the Maus to which I believe at this point should just be put back in the TT but aside from that how does me wanting a chance make me entitled?
Honestly HansVonGroeble you are the one that sounds like they are entitled cause you probably have those vehicles and don’t want to lose the edge you have on people who have never seen the vehicle before.
"Oh, I’m highly confident I’m of more importance than you "
I really doubt that.
What are you blabbering about getting enjoyment from telling people they can’t get something? Where was that said? Who said that? WTF are you talking about???
This got nothing to do with the IS-7 or Object 279 itself. Plenty of techtree vehicles who got a similar cycle.
This is how almost all online games work: You either played it when you could get particular cool things or you’re shit out of luck for these particular things.
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
You can win the E100 every year again. It’s a tournament vehicle. There’s your chance.
honestly Is7 should have never been made a event The only event vehcles should unique prototypes thats my sentiment things like sturm tiger that are niche should be sqaudron vehcles IS7 shouldve been a tech tree tank honestly event vehicles are very uncool in my opinion preferbly everything should just be a sqaudron vehicle thats a prototype like F15 STOL should not be a event but a sqaudron it allows everyone to get a piece of the pie
I only have the Maus. I’m also one of the people who doesn’t like that it’s not in the tech tree anymore. Mostly because the official reason makes no sense looks at Ho-RI and because it was in the tech tree to begin with. They should just folder it with the King Tigers.
Also, there is no edge. The IS7 in particular can be killed by anything it can meet with either HEAT or APFSDS. HE and planes too, but those are the weakness of everything…
I have the same sentiment about the R2Ys. At least it got me to grind the japanese air tree.
IS-7 wouldn’t have been out of place in the tech tree, true.
i find event vehcles to be toxic honestly as there usally good or blatantly OP for example object 279 a very op tank that most cant do anything against