About the Chasing the Older Brother Event

I absolutely adore that the IS-7 is being brought back from the grave for this brief moment, but 12 winners are a bit low for the number of players who play this game. It’s mostly just a personal suggestion that I doubt would get any traction from the developers, but I feel like handing out 100 might be better for the community.

Let’s be real. 2000 dollars for a fictional tank that’s decent in-game is a bit more than rough. I personally believe digital scarcity is wrong and that more IS-7 rewards would engage the community more in this event. Depending on how many people grind the event, even if you take a maximum of 15 tickets, your chances of winning aren’t just astronomically low, they’re pretty much zero.

Please consider increasing the amount given out to players for engaging with this game. It would only benefit the game.


Have you ever heard of exclusivity?
The IS-7 is a status symbol nowday.


Digital scarcity is bad and hurts games. We’ve seen it over and over again. If something which effects gameplay is hidden behind a paywall or limited time event, it leaves newer players who never had the chance to play the event at an irreversible disadvantage.

I’d also like to remind you that over half of the community wasn’t even around when the original IS-7 event took place. On top of that, some people who spent money didn’t even get the vehicle.

Even then, 100 players out of an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 playing the event would still keep it rare.


That’s where you’re wrong, the not having the IS-7 doesn’t affect us


And one more thing is that is wouldn’t be fair to who grinded it in that orrible event.


Well it does, it means people who dont have it are missing a tank fro the 8.3 lineup, and are missing out on the experience of playing that specific unique vehicle.


The IS-7 is a physical item you can bring into matches that has a physical effect on the match. Even if the vehicle isn’t great, having it does put you at an advantage over someone else.

Take the removed German tanks for example. Someone who played prior to Update Night Vision will always have a stronger lineup than someone who grinded after they removed it. There is no equivalent to the Panther II and Flakpanzer 341 even today.

How would it be unfair? Do you know how few people back then still play the game? Even then, do you know how many have been banned? Take the E100 for example. Most accounts with that vehicle have been banned for cheating.


Those people have had exclusive access to it for 6 years now when noone else has been able to play it. There is nothing unfair about making it more widely available now.


Yes, you’re right but as of now the is-7 isn’t known for its performance but only for how rare it is, it’s almost all it has is the rarety.

And we can’t forget the people that bought it for hundred of Gaijin coins.

Of course, because I did and I didn’t have the courage to grind for it, it was just to much grind. It was a really BAD event, trust me.

Which is bad. Why should someone have to pay 2000+ dollars for a vehicle that’s not that great? They’ve had the tank for 6+ years, so why can’t the vehicle become less rare and more played?

For events, I’d really rather they be early access instead of permanent exclusivity. It would allow content to not go untouched for almost a decade.

I don’t have to trust you because I was there. Vehicles like the KV-1B are even worse. You could do all the grinding and still only have a CHANCE for the vehicle. That’s horrible.

I think it’s time we started being fair to the new players. Everyone should have the chance to play their favorite tank.


I agree with this but this decision can’t be changed, the devs chose exclusivity and not early access years ago and know you can’t change it because it wouldn’t be fair to all the people that got rare vehicles, especially who sold/bought them trough the market.

Well, Gaijin would rather it not be… You dont own Gaijin nor make the decisions for them. They own the company and make the decisions. They will run it as they see fit

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Any decision can be changed. You just have to put some back into it and get the community to want it. If enough people push for it, anything can happen.

The power lies in the community.

I don’t know, compare the IS-7 to the Maus, one got brought back and the other one not, and I think one of the reasons is that the Maus couldn’t be sold or bought.

The Maus was tech tree at one point, but I’ll remind you that games change and if a community wants something, they can get it.

It’s totally possible to fix this broken system if enough people want change. I’d love for newer players to have the chance to play a vehicle they weren’t around for. Some people may have even joined the game seeking some of these vehicles in the first place.

At the very least, they could rerun vehicles in events. It’d be lazy, but Gaijin would probably prefer that.


You have to remember that changing things like this you’re not only dealing with players emotion but players money and that would result in more than a few lawsuits.

Some guy has payed more than 1500 (even 2000) Gaijin coins for it and for the exclusivity

A fair counterpoint actually, but if that’s the case, why would they rerun them in any event like this?

Also, for the IS-7, it hasn’t been on sale for a long time. The last one was bought up.

I’m pretty sure that guy on reddit saved up Gaijin Coin through other events. I don’t know if he spent any real money. If he did, there’s always the option of simply making a second IS-7 vehicle or a special skin for those people as well. Nothing is impossible.

Either way, the current system isn’t sustainable. The number of vehicles that the average player will never get to use is staggering.

Just looked at the gaijin market right now, a lot of people bough it for enormous amounts of money and as of now there’s an offer for 1300 GJC