About the Chasing the Older Brother Event

One company who did it right, even through 10 years of early acces was Coffee Stain Studios with Satisfactory. Think that and Elite Dangerous are the only to games I have purchased in the last decade that have not only met my personal expectations (which granted I got Elite in 2018 so it was well into its life) but exceeded them and gave me more than my moneys worth in entertainment value.

One thing I’m curious about though.

Doesn’t Gaijin have a claus that states by playing the game you accept that digital goods can be altered at any time?

Altered yes, but being altered would fall under performance / BR / etc. The catch is they can make something more rare, but not make something rare more common. They also own the rights to all of the models / coding / etc. They can outright remove any vehicle they want, except, for people who already have purchased that vehicle if it were obtained through monetary means or has a monetary value assigned to it. If they wanted to outright remove the Leo2A4, they could right now. It is obtainable without the requirement for a monetary transaction nor does it hold monetary value. A premium vehicle has a buffer around it.

Fair enough. This is why rarity for items that effect the game shouldn’t exist.

Either way, I still think the number given out should be increasing to 100. It won’t make it common.

But if every vehicle were as common as every other vehicle, that takes away a bit what makes it special… plus most of the rare vehicles are prototypes / mockups which also make them more valuable by default. It is a stuck between a rock and a hard place position. Just like the PO-2… an all but useless biplane but so rare it is like finding a lephrachaun. Which also leads to the question of “what is the value of this vehicle”. One person may not care about an IS-7, but the PO-2 is worth more than its proverbial weight in gold.

I’m just suggesting handing out some more so the vehicle can receive some love.

It needs attention and rebalancing. In order to get it, it needs some people to play it. The average player base online ever at one time is above 100,000 players. If 100 extra people gain access to the vehicle, the situation won’t really change the rarity but will improve the chances of it seeing attention.

I get that, but it is more complex than just that. Personally I think 100 being given out is fine, but much like your opinion, someone else has another opinion. And the only opinion that matters is decided at gaijin. Another thing to keep in mind (on topic while being off topic) is the balancing portion. Maus is one of those that is stuck at its BR because it cant be balanced. The IS-7 is in a similar position balance wise. It cant go lower without being stupid strong and requiring CAS to remove, it cant go up without being used as a mop for the red team. Right back to the stuck between a rock and hard place but in a different aspect.

I did state that I doubted Gaijin would actually listen to my request, but making it is better than not doing so. If I don’t at least ask, it won’t even possibly happen.

  1. Nothing, for every vehicle in the game, premium, event or TT. Which is why this:

Is bs, they can and have made rare things more common in the past. For example, this event at all makes the IS-7 less rare, the vehicle box that allows you to get old event vehicles in the battle pass makes those unobtainable vehicles less rare. You mentioned the chages to the Italian M60, did they get reverted? Did gaijin actually face any repercussions for doing so? No. If gaijin ended the game tomorrow, just turned everything off all at once, all of these vehicles and anything you had paid for in the game would be gone, and there is nothing you can do about it. They can make vehicles less rare, and the decision to only give out 12 IS-7’s during this event, and to make them direct activation only is wrong plain and simple.

You have proven this false yourself by purchasing (with money, which proves monetary value) premiums. You provided money which upholds its value in monetary form.

Those boxes have such a low drop rate that they havent become “more common” in terms of the most rare vehicles. They have added a number to the pool, yes, however they havent proportionally pushed the amount of them to an extent that they have lost their monetary value (look at the 1300 being offered for an IS-7 right now).

No they werent reverted, however it was removed from sale and those who had purchased it were offered the choice to keep it, or recieve a full refund because of the legality of the situation where a product was sold as X for an amount of money (value) and was deemed devalued by the changes made to it.

This isn’t true at all. They could give everyone an IS-7 tomorrow if they wanted.

The BA-11 was at 1500 GJN at one time, now it’s under 100 because they put it in loot crates. Nothing happened.

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I don’t think you got the point of this post.

The requirement for an event vehicle to be used to unlock another one is absolutely stupid though. However, (i havent looked into it) do YOU have to have it, or is a default one supplied when you try to do the event?

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I grinded it, but the guy didn’t read the post. He just assumed I was complaining that I couldn’t do it lmao

Thus you get people who don’t have any reading comprehension who thing they’re funny.

Make that 3 people.

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I don’t mind having to play the KV-7 in games of KV-7 vs KV-7. But why did they have to make it arcade battles? If I wanted to play WoT, I’d just play WoT. Edit: People complaining that they had to grind out the KV-7 to be able to participate can listen to the world’s smallest violin. IS-7 should be quite rare, and all you had to do was what… 35k every 48 hours? not hard at all. Whether you get the IS-7 or not, it’s worth the effort to try.

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This isn’t accurate. The vehicle was an update pre-order, that lost its stabilizer on dev. Only the pre-orders were given the option to refund, iirc. It continued on as a store vehicle for a while after that, then it was removed.

Refunding a preorder because what they were getting was different, before the vehicle has been in game, is different than “changing the value of an existing vehicle”, which Gaijin has done many times in many different ways, and which their TOS/EULA explicitly permits.

You can pay any amount of money for anything, that doesnt mean that thing has that value. Gaijin sets the prices for premiums, but the actual digital content is not “owned” by the player, you are not buying the vehicle, you are buying access to it. So, the value of the vehicle is not actually what we are talking about, we are talking about access to that vehicle, in the context of the game, which is not worth anything, because like I said, that access can be removed at any point, without any notice, if the game closes.

The IS-7 has been sold for much more than 1300GJN in the past, it has lost its monetary value from earlier this year(though that has nothing to do with this event), but it was never worth that 1300 in the first place, again, you are paying for indefinite but certainly temporary access to the vehicle, which is worth as much as a person is willing to pay for it.

There was never any legal decision about this. It has been since reintroduced for sale, and although i purchased the vehicle in its original pack form i do not remember ever being offered a refund, so if that actually did happen(I also cannot find any mention of it having happened anywhere) it must have only been for certain countries.(Bruce has clarified what actually happened above so there you are) Either way, this was done purely off gaijin’s own back and not because they were actually legally challenged over it. All I can find about it is this from the old forums

Also not true. Per the TOS we all agreed to:

“The User hereby confirms and acknowledges that the Object [marketplace asset] may have no cash or any other material value”

If you actually look at the “store policy” section of the ToS it talks about this. EU, UK and Australian law requires refunds if a purchased product has not been downloaded or used yet. After it’s used, no refunds, and by playing we’ve all agreed to that.

Pre-order M60 Arietes was the exception. The stab change happened before the update went live or anyone could play the vehicle. That meant people who pre-ordered still were in a position to demand refunds on their pre-orders.

Not every rare vehicle is a quality vehicle, folks.

For example; The other day out of a GE chest I received from a match completion I got the Me 262 A-2a.

Sweet. Rare vehicle, right? I have a little thing for collecting things so I’d keep it even if I was playing on PC and not console. Problem is; This 262 is BR for BR a worse experience than even the F-84F. At least the .50 cals for the F-84F work whilst the MK 108s don’t know what velocity or accuracy is. Not to mention that at 6.7 it regularly fights F-84s and other aircraft that club it with zero effort.

I could also go on about the other event vehicles I have that are middlin’ to very bad, but I digress. You guys are putting too much stead on a vehicle that like many others is very likely powercrept out, like the Maus.

Anyways that’s my take. I don’t really care about the IS-7 either way.