About the Chasing the Older Brother Event

It might be rude of me to say, but those people are foolish with money. That was not worth it.

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You’re right but look at all the vehicles a normal player can get.

I would love to have the possibility to have a F11 but I understand and I’m at peace with the fact that I’ll likely never use in a match and it’s okay, I can play with a lot of other vehicles.

I agree 100%

Because it maintains its value. Gaijin ran into some problems with at least one premium that I remember off the top of my head where they were forced to offer refunds due to circumstances of it being changed due to a few nations laws. The IS-7 and other event vehicles are inherently rare and have value, if they just go and make them common, then they will also be facing the issue of similar legal struggles because Gaijin Coin is considered monetary value. Once it went onto marketplace, it was enshrined into the firm territory of it will remain a very rare vehicle (which is still more common than the likes of the E-100 which was only a hundred or so IIRC)

I’ve long understood that I won’t get one as well, but that doesn’t mean the event can’t give away 10 times more. It’s not like that’d really dent the rarity at all lmao

That’s the kind of trap that I’m referring to. They’ve shot themselves in the foot.

Touching them to do literally anything no longer results in “only a game” situations. Now it’s actual lawsuits.

Italian M60 and the removal of the stabilizer?

I don’t own that vehicle, but I do have the Israeli Magach 6A, which is identical aside from machine guns.

Also, the T20 might be similar.

Not really, they have gone with the typical supply and demand concept. Much like everything in life, the lower the amount available, the more valuable it is. It was a business decision on their part and it has (much like mentioned earlier, people with more money than brains but that is their choice to do with their money as they please) worked for them.

Yup, that is the one I recall. I know there was another one at least but I cant remember what it was for the life of me.

The issue is that this is digital. There is no real scarcity. They completely decide the supply, which is why I believe it is wrong.

Except EU law protects digital goods the same if not stronger than physical. It falls back to who actually has control (which really isnt the playerbase considering it is one digital vehicle). That and they are cornered by legal reprocussions of trying to appease newer players

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Damn we got ourselves an attorney here

It’s still pretty messed up that someone can artificially crank the price of an object digitally.

I’ll admit that it’s my belief and not a rule, but it’s really messed up.

Just look at NFTs

Nope, just from a family of them lol. The absolute disaster that the gaming industry has become over the last decade has definitely shown the major differences in national consumer protection laws though.

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I always thought those were stupid tbh

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i will my soul for it,LONG LIVE THE SNAIL, i will change my account to name to pepe poop or Gaijin servant for it I NEED IT

I swear the only reason I’ve dipped my toes into learning how to make games is to fix this

People do stupid things for stupid reasons