Honestly HansVonGroeble you are the one that sounds like they are entitled cause you probably have those vehicles and don’t want to lose the edge you have on people who have never seen the vehicle before.
"Oh, I’m highly confident I’m of more importance than you "
I really doubt that.
What are you blabbering about getting enjoyment from telling people they can’t get something? Where was that said? Who said that? WTF are you talking about???
This got nothing to do with the IS-7 or Object 279 itself. Plenty of techtree vehicles who got a similar cycle.
This is how almost all online games work: You either played it when you could get particular cool things or you’re shit out of luck for these particular things.
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You can win the E100 every year again. It’s a tournament vehicle. There’s your chance.
honestly Is7 should have never been made a event The only event vehcles should unique prototypes thats my sentiment things like sturm tiger that are niche should be sqaudron vehcles IS7 shouldve been a tech tree tank honestly event vehicles are very uncool in my opinion preferbly everything should just be a sqaudron vehicle thats a prototype like F15 STOL should not be a event but a sqaudron it allows everyone to get a piece of the pie
I only have the Maus. I’m also one of the people who doesn’t like that it’s not in the tech tree anymore. Mostly because the official reason makes no sense looks at Ho-RI and because it was in the tech tree to begin with. They should just folder it with the King Tigers.
Also, there is no edge. The IS7 in particular can be killed by anything it can meet with either HEAT or APFSDS. HE and planes too, but those are the weakness of everything…
I have the same sentiment about the R2Ys. At least it got me to grind the japanese air tree.
IS-7 wouldn’t have been out of place in the tech tree, true.
i find event vehcles to be toxic honestly as there usally good or blatantly OP for example object 279 a very op tank that most cant do anything against
Welcome back to the argument you lost decisively three months ago. This is not actually a sentence. In future you might want to check your rage before you try posting in a forum with smart people.
EDIT: Flagging posts you dislike now to hide them? Weak sauce, dude. There’s nothing wrong or hateful in pointing out that a sentence is ungrammatical. Your posts on the other hand, with the profanity? Those ARE against TOS. Someone should report you.
Because I forgot about this unimportant topic?
Yes, it is.
Says the one who called me a lesser human being…
Btw, thanks for conceding by not engaging with my arguments.
“Plenty of techtree vehicles who got a similar cycle.” is not, in fact, a sentence. It is lacking a verb. You bleating “yes it is” just shows you weren’t just rage posting, you also don’t understand the language. Glad we cleared that up.
You were the one who began this by saying “nobody of importance” thinks that newer WT players should have any rights. Never mind the immediate TOS-violating stoop to casual profanity before everyone else on your return here this week. You say people should engage with your arguments but you don’t have any… even three months away to stew about it you haven’t even thought of one more cogent than “but meh premiumzz”… you’re still just rage-posting. Your “arguments” defeat themselves by saying with every line you write that you are contemptuous of other players, their game, and the company that made it. Really, “the other side” here wins just by letting you talk dude.
But y’know, you just keep digging: now you talk about other games’ practices with time-gated cosmetics as if WT vehicles ARE cosmetics. But anyone who plays this game and enjoys it, who really enjoys it, knows that’s not the case with War Thunder. The designers of this game wanted a game with vehicles with unique identities that told a story, that evoked history through physical differences in play. The Yudintsevs have said that, over and over again, for over 12 years. That approach is what makes the game unique and has helped it survive this long. To suggest vehicles are just equivalent to LoL or Fortnite time-gated cosmetics, and we should all treat them as such, is such a slap in the face to THEIR vision; that’s what some of us are arguing here, for the company’s vision and against your reductionist, consumerist view of WT.
But really, no one here has to argue against someone whose vision of the game is so different from its makers’ vision or that of its playerbase, to be on the right side here. We just have to let you yap, to show that you just simply don’t get this game at all. And sadly, maybe you never will.
is-7 on the tech tree would be an insane take.
Go away with that nonsense.
Tbh event vehicles did gain a sort of collector value over the years.
Only way to satisfy both sides is to introduce a system where getting all old event vehciles is possible, but with a catch that only allows you to get a certain limited amount of vehicles in a given amount of time with some (the rarer ones) being harder to get than other
At least give us something like the Object 770. The loneliest heavy tank To cast down in the name of russian bias MBTs
That is an entirely different story. I don’t see a reason for this tank not to be added alongside of all other soviet cold war heavy prototypes. There is a stupid amount of them left to add
You want the truth?!
Remember to always laugh on chat at people who play is-7
If you’ve made it to the forums you should know by now Gaijin does not care about player experience