Ability to move Radar/IRST when "constant elevation of antenna" is on

So currently, when you have “Constant elevation of antenna” option on, you cannot move your radar dish up or down, and it is not a bug, so what we have in game, is either you have your radar dish pointed all the times to the last position you moved it (horizon stabilized), or fixed to the position of your nose, WITHOUT the ability to move it up and down.

And here is my game mechanic/controls suggestion: Give the pilot ability to move radar dish vertically when “Constant elevation of antenna” option is on. How it would look like is, whenever for example you point your radar upwards and set it to certain altitude, after you set it and pull up, the radar instead of being fixed to the horizon, would move with the aircraft, and continue to scan stuff above its radar nose, in comparison, if you would have set up your radar dish to scan above your nose currently (and to do that you would need to set the constant elevation of antenna off) and pull upwards, it would keep scanning the are it was last pointed at, and you would start to scan for targets below your nose.

Here are simple screenshots of how it works currently, and how i would like it to work:

With “constant elevation of antenna” on(Its the only way you are able to move your radar up and down):
Here the radar antenna is up, and nose is leveled.

and after pitching up

Here the radar antenna is below the aircraft, and nose is pitched up.

Now how i would like it to work, with “constant elevation of antenna” ON:
Here the radar antenna is up, and nose is leveled.

and after pitching up

here the radar dish is STILL above the aircraft, even if it pitched up.

Let me know if you would like to see this “mechanic” be added to the game (i would love to see it)

Radar/IRST tilt control axis not working. // Gaijin.net // Issues

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I think it would be a great addition, it’s always better to have options and this would be a great addition

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we absolutely need this


Either this or just add a damn keybind for constant radar elevation on/off


I’ve been planning this exact suggestion. But is actually put it in the suggestion section

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Have you suggested it yet?

No not yet, been busy

let me know if you do, so if I can reply/upvote, i will

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Definitely looking forward to this proposal, I don’t understand how it hasn’t been a feature since we first got axis for controlling radars. It should make playing most 60s-modern aircraft a lot more intuitive.


For me the problem with the actual system is there is no feedback on where the antena is pointing, you have to calculate it, check the angle on the radar, and adition/substract the angle of your plane.

What I want is an indicator of how many dregrees over the horizon the radar is pointing.


yeah, but even just being able to switch in game between the two options would be more than fine

Having options never hurts … I would try it more often if I could come to normal mode again if I don’t know where it’s pointing

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Exactly. I switch between the two depending at what br im playing

Great proposal and sorely needed especially with the recently increased necessity of radar use and control for ARH missiles.

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i dont know how to move this thread to suggestions

i guess we are dead lmao,

if i were a gaijin employee…

Best bet is to just C&P the text and create a new thread in the suggestions

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made a post, ill post link here when it gets approved

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I think this would be a great adition. for both SIM and AIR RB.

Being able to hug the ground and have your radar pointed up would be amazing

I want this so badly. I hate having to micro-manage my radar every time I pull the stick.

lads n peeps, we have a suggestion which you can vote on