Ability to move Radar/IRST when “constant elevation of antenna” is on

So currently, when you have “Constant elevation of antenna” option on, you cannot move your radar dish up or down, and it is not a bug, so what we have in game, is either you have your radar dish pointed all the times to the last position you moved it (horizon stabilized), or fixed to the position of your nose, WITHOUT the ability to move it up and down.

And here is my game mechanic/controls suggestion: Give the pilot ability to move radar dish vertically when “Constant elevation of antenna” option is on. How it would look like is, whenever for example you point your radar upwards and set it to certain altitude, after you set it and pull up, the radar instead of being fixed to the horizon, would move with the aircraft, and continue to scan stuff above its radar nose, in comparison, if you would have set up your radar dish to scan above your nose currently (and to do that you would need to set the constant elevation of antenna off) and pull upwards, it would keep scanning the are it was last pointed at, and you would start to scan for targets below your nose.

Here are simple screenshots of how it works currently, and how i would like it to work:

With “constant elevation of antenna” on(Its the only way you are able to move your radar up and down):
Here the radar antenna is up, and nose is leveled.

and after pitching up

Here the radar antenna is below the aircraft, and nose is pitched up.

Now how i would like it to work, with “constant elevation of antenna” ON:
Here the radar antenna is up, and nose is leveled.

and after pitching up

here the radar dish is STILL above the aircraft, even if it pitched up.

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This is a necessary feature.


i belive you can bind “reset axis” to elevation of antenna bind, but maybe it wouldnt work, i have no clue

You misunderstand. Constant elevation ON should have no change. What you want should be implemented on Constant elevation OFF.

no, its clearly you missunderstood the topic.

while constant elevation is on, radar dish is locked to the nose position of the aircraft. and you do not have ability to move the dish up or down.

While constant elevation is off, you have ability to move radar dish up and down, but it locks down onto the horizon.

what i want is ability to move radar/irst when constant elevation of antenna is on.


Hey, anything new on this suggestion? has it been passed to devs?
I know that coding is hard, esp with the spaghetti code that is WT, but a simple keybind switch between “constant elevation of the radar” or not would be great too, especially in situations like Air SB where you can only rely on your radar to identify friend or foe targets, and having to go all the way to the options to switch it can make you loose essential time

nothing new, still listed in the “previously suggested” tab.

This would be great and I would assume an easy fix. I prefer to have my radar move with me, but situationally I move it left or right. Not being able to move it up or down is a real hinderance. Hopefully this gets passed to the devs.

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do i have news to you

just 5 minutes from when i post this comment, on the russian dev stream, they showed an new toggable option, where if you enable it (i think) it will follow your nose instead of following the horizon

we won.

as of the update hornets sting, the ability was added

Thats great news! Im glad you brought this to their attention.