Abandon World War Mode and Bring Back RB Enduring Confrontation

WW mode just isn’t working. It’s an okay idea on paper but clearly it doesn’t click with a vast majority of players. It’s a confusing glorified chess board.

Rather than waste more time on this dead mode, why not bring in a game mode that people actually want. A longer form, strategic game mode: RB Enduring Confrontation.

Maybe there’s a way you can combine Naval, Ground and Air into one mode or maybe not.

But even as separate modes, RB Enduring Confrontation is desperately needed, especially at the upper tiers.

Many of us want a game mode that lasts more than 7 minutes.

Give us Air RB EC. Give us Ground RB EC.

Stop wasting your time with World War Mode.


I feel like that is genuinely a good idea, i have never tried world war because its barely ever available. However i need to know how exactly would it be? like would their still be name tags or would it be a third person mouse aim simulator mode


The only Reason World War Mode Failed is because it’s poorly optimized. The lack of Chat, an in-game translator as well as proper global VOIP aka Voice Chat. This means the gamemode was bound to fail in the first place. Not one of the maps was designed at all with World War Mode in mind. The fact we cannot communicate with the commander also doesn’t help and without a voting of where to go next makes it even worse.


I would imagine the mode being a lot like Sim EC but i would hope friendly markers would remain on. I think it would be helpful to also have enemy markers appear when they’re within a certain radius of your airfield - just to help the team thats being camped.

Theres other ideas that i believe could help EC like the idea of AI reinforcements for the losing team or even a 10% bonus for the team thats losing past a certain point - like if they have under 25% of tickets remaining.

There’s also mid air refueling, SEAD, naval targets and other objectives that could be added.

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Any longer mode will have the same problems as WWM that would need to be addressed first:

  1. larger squadrons/squadron alliances
  2. alliance chat in game
  3. meaningful non-vehicle recognition (probably through better service records)

Fix those three issues and larger modes than the current random battles become viable (you could have WWM, EC, etc.), otherwise we have what we have today. You can only outsource so much of making forms of alliance play work to Discord.

  1. Wouldn’t this make the mode more difficult? I know one of the big issues people complain about is squad stacking and the lack of a squad vs squad matchmaker. If one team has a giant squad and the other doesn’t then you may just increase the steamrolling.

  2. Isnt the team chat an alliance chat. I guess im co fused by this point?

  3. What does this mean?

So I talk a little about the structural problems that made WWM ineffective here: Player opinion on the World War mode - #26 by Bruce_R1, which explains all three problems a little better.

Re your 1), squadrons, not squads. For WWM to work it really needed alliances big enough to support 24/7 play and squadrons that were locked at 128 people max couldn’t sustain that. If squadrons could team up into groups, or squadrons could temporarily add new solo players to their rosters so they keep coming back, then you could get the critical masses of players you need to support bigger than 16x16 modes of play.

  1. In WWM and EC right now, there’s no way in game for a general to talk to their soldiers, unless those soldiers are all in the same squadron (see above). So no attaboys, no good jobs, no join our squadrons, no come back tomorrows. It makes every game its own game. An alliance chat channel above squadron chat is how other MMOs solve this.

  2. With WWM if you gave vehicles as rewards for play it was toxic, everyone played the game to min/max the vehicles which rarely was what their generals and teammates wanted them to do. But if you didn’t give vehicles, no one played. They need another means of recognition, better than decals or decorations (which no one cares about) but less than actual vehicles. A service record overhaul could open up new options there that don’t exist right now, like, gilt edging on the borders for WWM/EC “veterans.” (That’s just an example, people could come up with better than that.)


It would be great, but I don’t know what’s going on with these developers

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First of all, I might advise to offer “viable” alternatives to existing WWM variants rather than making demands. Secondly, seeing as you have actually no idea whatsoever of what time/energy they have devoted towards any new WWM “action”, seems rather petty to tell them how to work on the development of their own game. You don’t really make a case for anything WWM related at all actually. All this post is seems to be just another “demand” for RB EC modes to be placed in the game for you to play at your leisure. Basically very self-serving and ignoring what the rest of the player base may want to play. Granted, WWM as we have been presented over the years has never really seemed to be what most players were looking for. The “tabletop board games” aspect while unique to the game doesn’t seem to be what most players wanted/expected. I personally, and I feel like a great many other players were hoping for a more Open World/Arena style territorial acquisition type thing. With all vehicle types deployed in some fashion, seek & destroy/recon with supply depots to capture and hold. Crew member reinforcements, fuel/ammo/vehicle resupply … . you know . . basically the “real deal” kinda game play for extended periods of time and rewards to match the effort . . . that sorta thing.
Your complaints about RB game times should really go in the RB section, not WWM.
Also WWM was never a strictly RB mode anyway. It had AB features at one point, combination of AB & RB features at other times, so it never was any kinda of “replacement” for any RB EC to begin with.
While I can understand your frustrations, fixing your preferred mode will not answered by any WWM to begin with. Both RB random battles, RB EC AND WWM could use a good rework, providing viable suggestions will always be better than just being mad you don’t get to do what you want all the time.
Froot Loops


In the future, you may want to actually click on someone’s past posts before you make accusations. Ive made several very detailed suggestions regarding RB EC including extremely detailed conceptual maps, mechanics and objectives. This post is about the waste of time that is WWM, in its current form.

This whole reply just came off a bit arrogant and contradictory. You criticize the act of me critiquing WWM then you proceed to critique WWM…

Yes this is about RB EC. Hence the title of the post ^^^

As implemented, WWM is a waste of time. The lobbies are usually pretty dead. Nobody was asking for this table top overlay of existing game modes. It’s extremely niche and there’s not much of a point to it.

This is not what WWM currently is. If we had this type of mode in game, i would NOT be asking for WWM to be abandoned.

I would love some type of long-form combined arms although i think it would be VERY hard to balance.

The problem is language barriers and proper communication while being directly on the battlefield. But also the crappy map design.

No one has a way to give a heads-up to who is commanding this battle and what is required.
I would say VOIP causes a lot of problems in every gamemode. Simply due to it being very difficult to moderate even though the easiest way is just giving people the option to mute them, if its bad enough team or in customs global vote to mute them. For a full day.

I just wish it would be a good WW mod. Maybe only at the weekend, maybe just like the sim groind battles, but only with historical vechicles, periods like 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, etc…, defense maps, offense maps, maybe bots (at guns) for help the defense or the weaker team… wish that would be here…

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Reason: The logistical nightmare it would be trying to set up lineups just for something from a historical period would be a nightmare on its own. Even then that would not work out.
You still fall into the Predicament who wins a group of Tiger I’s or 75mm Shermans. Answer->Tiger I’s. Those were produced in 1942. Almost all 76mm’s only started to be available in 1942, 43 and 44.
42(M4A2 76->Common for the Soviet), 43(17 Pounder Firefly) and 44(76mm Shermans.)

So, you say that players are just too noobs for use the tanks properly, play together (omg, BR system failures?) and gaijin are too lazy for make good historical modes, because its complex and hard (and doesn’t make good money milking situation)… Okay, I accept that answer.

When was the last time we had ww mode?

Good question.

Its 2024. You cant just add VOIP and a mute option and call it a day. You have an army of special people that will get offended at everything which means for a game this size you would need to spend a considerable amount of money on staff just for moderation or use horrible practices like blizzard to cut costs and just have auto moderator which the WT community for sure would not abuse. Or you go Valve route and just not care, but valve can get away with murder and gaijin probably not.

Sim both air and ground needed voip 10 years ago, if they never got it we never will. Its kinda sad they have to use this convuluted ping system that only nerds care about instead of lobbying for voip. So I cant ask the german starfigter that im about to blow out of sky if hes friendly because someone might have mental distress if there is racist banter in chat (WT has many national communities racism etc means different things for chinese, ME etc. Thst also means you need localized moderation staff as well).


My point was why are you saying they should give up on ww mode when they haven’t given us one in years. This is a redundant thread right now.

I suppose you’re trying to put words into my mouth if this is the case then. I am not going to respond anymore after this one time where I’ll be nice, a rarity for East Coaster.

But to put it simply. Trying to balance vehicles that are superior in every aspect compared to their counterpart by year would neglect many vehicles that exist in the game already.

Or force vehicles to fight vehicles that have no chance of really winning. You’re putting matches into unfair grounds and changing how the game is played to the point that one side will dominate while the other will not even be able to break out.

an ARB EC or mode with a respawn or two would be nice, sometimes waiting 5 minutes for a game only to die within three makes this game a waste of potential. 24 minute battle limits are probably fine, its just that battles almost never get that far.

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