Player opinion on the World War mode

I am an Arcade players because I need markers as my eyesight is not very good. I tried World War once and I could not cope there because of no markers. I hope that one day Gaijin offer an Arcade version World War.

Personally i quite liked world war mode and wish it would come back

My issue with it is that it was a good proof of concept but its execution was horrible. WWM should have been a mode of tactics, communication, and strategy. Not let’s put one guy as a leader, not able to communicate with him and hope he can figure how to play.

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Clearly states that you is a 2nd person pronoun, that is NOT used in 3rd person…

Take a fucking chill pill, he clearly stated that he didn’t mean to attack you

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Well i expected a war mode. Something similar to the missions in aces high II or ww2 online.

A huge map with resource management where a war progresses organically.

Ideallly each nation would be fighting on it’s own.

Tanks and planes on the same huge consistent map. With the battles having about 500 players and the games taking about a week. Think of a combined arms mega EC but with supply lines that actually matter, so badly supplied bases get disadvantages like worse aircraft and tanks to spawn.

Again if you played aces high 2 you get the idea.

With several wars going on at the same time with a lobby system like EC. And if you commit to a nation/team for a war you cannot change the team (so to play another nation in WW you have to take part in 2 wars).

Also world war should have been available for all modes AB, RB and SB. However world war mode was advertised before tanks were implemented. Today i would advocate for air only world war, at least in sim.

A minigame that spawns “regular” arena battles in a mix of AB and RB noone cares about.

It is a disappointment.

Well the stuff i imagined when it was advertised. Something large and organic.

But that really means that gaijin doesn’t look at it again, but that they scrap World war and redo it from the ground up.

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Yeah everyone hated George Lucas before Disney had their try… The grass is always greener

I know he didn’t mean to attack me. Now I am just pointing out that “you” is not a 3rd person pronoun. Also that was a conversation between SinisterIsRandom and I and did not need your input :)

Yes I do understand the concept speaking in 3rd person. Do you? Because the first response to my joke was in the 2nd person, not 3rd…

Technically I was, however I don’t really care.


“Why couldn’t people collaborate more effectively in the collaborative mode?” we ask ourselves, in a thread that derails almost immediately because two players can’t agree on what the word “you” means.


So, my serious take on the OP.

A mode like WWM could work, but not with WT as it is now as the base game. It’s not the balancing aspects, or the historical aspects that made it unworkable. It was that War Thunder has currently lacked some of the core mechanics that can make alliance/campaign play work in other games.

First, the squadron system as it is now is too limiting. The cap of 128 per squadron and no way even to temporarily build larger squadron alliances, coupled with the lack of any recognition of you played WWM with any squadron meant the majority of players were focussed on the individual awards, and if you’re playing for individual awards you’re not playing for the team. Only a very few squadrons could organize sustained activity with 128-player bases, in a game where people are in every possible timezone and expect 24/7 play, the likelihood of having the majority of your squadron on at the same time to even see the in-game join messages was low.

What they would need is the way to build larger alliances between squadrons, or possibly have squadrons temporarily expand to take on new members from other squadrons on a soft/affiliate basis. The whole point of the mode is not that you get a game right now, but you come back to play for the same team the next night, and the next. Impossible if you don’t have notification methods that extend past the squadron, or if you’re in a squadron that’s not both full and hyper, hyper-committed.

The second problem was there was no way for generals to communicate down, or soldiers to communicate up, during the campaign (unless of course they were all in the same squadron again). This made it a really alienating experience. You had no way to say “good job”, no way to communicate your thought process, no way to encourage people to come out for the next time or sign up for your squadron, so WWM was useless as a recruiting tool for squadrons as well. They really needed an alliance chat mode, that right now they just don’t have. The whole text chat system (and possibly voice chat as well) would need significant reworks. You can’t really outsource this to Discord and expect groups to self-organize, especially when you’re not committed to offering WWM events frequently.

The last thing the game itself (not the mode) was missing, was a non-vehicle reward that mattered. Individual rewards, like vehicles, led to individualized play and min-maxing and a grind attitude that made the mode a real pain. When they didn’t offer vehicles, only cosmetics, no one showed up. They need something else like the “wings” they give to squadron titles for SQB, although that’s already taken: something highly visible that gets auto-deposited where others can see it and signifying collective effort, something like the current medals and titles on the service record but much more in-your-face, and available to the members of any WWM team that did reasonably well, not just the top few teams. An example would be gilt edging on people’s service records (bronze if you participated a lot, silver if your teams won more campaigns than they lost, gold if they were in the top x squadrons). That’s just an idea, someone could come up with something better: maybe profile pics that are 3d or change like gifs, I don’t know. The key is putting something out there on your visible service record that advertises you achieved what others didn’t, not for a vehicle reward, and not for a meaningless cosmetic you might never use. But doing anything like that would have to be part of a significant service record overhaul, so that’s the other big piece they’re missing here.

Revamp the squadron structure to make it more flexible, upgrade the text chat system, and upgrade the service records, with plans for something like WWM as a big activity those changes will need to accommodate down the road, and you’d have a chance of succeeding with it. If they try to do it with the base game we have today though, it just won’t ever work well for the majority of players.


Literally responds to something that is “over”…

Whoa, it’s like I am my own person and individual that played this game…

How? Because I proved you wrong about 2nd and 3rd person language?? Because I made a joke about the game dying faster if it was sold to Microsoft, then you stated “And you would complain when you have nothing else to play related to a niche subgenre” when I wasn’t complain. Then you state “You and others managed to get rid of WT” and “Regret sinks in when you realize why it’s gone and you and many are why” when again all I said was joke.

On what? Seriously, I’d like to know

I was done with this and didn’t think I’d have to respond, but I guess when you say that I had to keep it going, after I was mainly responding to someone else cussing towards me as well as you telling me to learn something that you probably should brush up on…

You: Continue a discussion when it’s over by responding
Also you: Acting like the victim. But I digress this has bored me. So I’ll do the fun thing and ignored.

For a well-organized squardon, wwm will be a pleasant experience. For my 1s squardon. We will leave officers to command the units on the battlefield, we use artillery to weaken the enemy in advance and send fighters/attack aircraft into the battlefield when needed, or arrange armored units to enter the battlefield. The squad members entering the battle have voice communication and can hunt enemy tanks efficiently. I have taken on the command work and it was very pleasant. It felt like playing Steel Division or Warno in War Thunder.
But it must be admitted that the above experience is based on your luck to join a fairly active squardon with a complete communication mechanism. Those players who join random battles will have a shitty game experience once they encounter such a squardon. At the same time, when the squardon members are not sufficient, a large number of players who enter the game randomly and do not have the best vehicles in the vehicle pool will bring a great negative experience to the battle. Imagine that even though you have a Leopard 2 A4, your teammates have taken all the MBTs and you have to use Roland or Rakjpz 2, while those players who just want to experience a cold war MBT but have no experience are using Leopard 1 M48s to fight against well-organized Squardon’s T80B and T64B. Is there anything worse than this?
And WWM has serious balance problems. From the few WWMs I participated in, the Battle of El Alamein had excellent tanks such as Churchill MK3 and Crusader MK3, while the Germans only had some Panzer IVs and even short-barreled Panzer III tanks. In Operation Nordwind, the Germans had Tiger 2 tanks and Me262, while the US had only Hellcats and Shermans. I know that the US VII Corps and the French 1st Corps did not have Pershings at the time, but it was too bad to be forced to use low BR tanks to fight against tanks that were more than one BR higher. In the China Farm campaign, the low-level LT that Israel can use is the AMX13/90, and the Air Force CAS can use the Super Mystère and F4E, which are far superior to the Egyptians’ PT76 and MIG21SMT. In the Fulda campaign, the low-level MBT that the Germans can use is the Leopar1 and the Soviets use the T55A.
If you want to continue to restart wwm, my suggestion is to at least make the vehicles used by the opposing countries differ by no more than 0.3BR. For the squradons that start wwm battles, they should be rated based on wwm historical records to ensure that the companies that start the battle have as close wwm ratings as possible. For players who participate in wwm battles created by other squadrons, they should be allowed to provide the best vehicle selection, even if they don’t get it in the tech tree.

It’s like they do it so they can say " Hey we tried it ,you didn’t like it so that is that "

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what is even this entire section? What is World War mode?

Tis an semi old squadron mode introduced in like 2018 iirc? It sounded good at the time like it was gonna be a conquest mode or something where you take area’s and play in each of the battle’s on a large map. But it ended up suckin ball’s (more or less) for people without squadron’s. Also balance was never changed so it became stale fast for the nation’s with less vehicles.

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Do we really still see this as a mode?

More like a retired event probably. mode’s easier to say tho lol

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looks like world war mode is back on the menu lol

Unless it’s fundamentally changed, it’ll be a failure again.

Not excited at all unless its changed to be a permanent mode that’s far less of an e-sports tournament and more like an evolution of EC.