Aa protection

So You say that enemy failed to kill You which lead them to their loss?

And I was the one talking about SP from the beginning and stayed with it. I just responded to what You were talking without abandoning the SP aspect of the game.

It is, as if You fail to kill more than You die, You won’t be able to do anything that was described.

Even in theory You are not able to win games (especially when the enemy team is not fond of the idea of not killing ;) )

Lmao,average ULQ Lover take. Wtf is this pile of crap. So basically you are saying 80% of team mates are not having fun and are useless cause they died more than they killed. I am sure these players wont be happy you called them useless and not having fun when they are having fun.

And as others pointed out, one guy with no kills but getting cap and holding it wins the game rather than 10 camping guys doing nothing and loosing on tickets.


Lmao, average Sardine take when he doesn’t read what was being said.

Still not remembering our deal about doing a good K/D in another plane which i did with british hellcat?

I would love to see how he holds it against enemies without killing them ;).

And love the argument about camping in order to have good K/D!

They lost to someone with a lower kd, which according to you makes him a burden.

In that case you didn’t reply properly to my posts. ;)

Yes you can. You can cost the enemy a lot of tickets and save those of your team without even firing a single shot.
And tipping the balance of tickets is what decides the match and ultimately determines who is a burden for the team and who isn’t.

Yes, you can. If they all ignore the objective and rush your spawn looking for kills, while you cap undisturbed, you win.

All this things are nice in theory, sadly reality is much different. I’m not gonna derail this topic further as I have already talked about my point and why things are like that in game (We are doing cirles).

I would love to see all You have described happening. As You said that You saw matches like that, You probably can provide server replays to it (or provide one if something like that happens).

(I’m still waiting for that one replay You have promised!)

i find this discussion kinda pointless since both of you guys are correct. Multiple ways to win lol with kills, with holding the CAP long enough so enemy can bleed tickets, just by decaping cap zones quickly and dip to stop the bleed and force enemies to go back and try to decap which allows you team to push etc…really depends on what the players are willing to do. I saved games with the Type 93 just by decaping zones which allowed my team to push back and turn the tables. I didn’t kill, my team just saw an open window and took it to victory. Either way, both are correct.

Need to stay on topic though since this is an AA protection for heli pads, not team/kills/K:D topic lol

Yep. That is why I said there is no point doing another circles.

Coming back to helipads, at least the further one should have an AA protection (it doesn’t, I have already tested that)

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My thoughts are allow the closer helipad to only target enemy helis to prevent an enemy heli to spawn camp at the helipad. I done it and it feels awful, didn’t do it again but I keep seeing many players abuse this.

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The problem is that the closer one was able to target enemies which were above tank „battlefield”

yea, forgot about that. Also just checked as well for the 2nd Helipad, there is no AA placed there at the moment. Some maps though, they are closer to Air Field so are protected by the AF. They really need a working AA on the 2nd Helipads, that will at least stop the helis from spawn camping the 1st helipad when the 2nd one is close enough and in shooting range.

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Seems like y’all decided that it’s a good idea to carry the beef started in TO thread everywhere y’all go, at one point y’all have an opportunity to end all these craps once and for all but decided to keep going so we can argue for the same nonsense until the earth become uninhabitable? I only joined here for less than one year I believe and you guys obviously a lot older and I don’t know the history, but all I sees is y’all holding grudges against each other, all living in the same part of hypocrisy that y’all take advantage of every opportunity to disagree just for the sake of disagreeing, constantly doing something like that especially the ones without credibility make your arguments hold less weight, remember that this statchecking culture is something I learned from you guys as a medium to detect lies and find it pretty effective, it tells you whether that person is lying and making BS claims like he thinks a vehicle is OP and saying he got 4-5 kills every game while the stats says he don’t even owned the said vehicle you tell me I should take his opinion seriously? Also speaking of liking someone’s comment and agreeing to them, y’all also make yourselves looks even worse by liking the comments of someone who says thing like “we don’t take arcade mains seriously”, “we seen arcade mains as inexperienced” while a brief 30 seconds background check tells you what kind of person you want to associate yourself with yet you thumbed him up thinking it would give you leverage in arguments against ULQ, ain’t that is holding grudges? Now we all back to anti CAS vs anti TO all over again can’t discuss anything else in peace.

Also, I can’t fathom why either of you have trouble understanding the combat effectiveness even WT rewards/scoring system says killing the enemy is the best thing you could do for your team, if you think holding the cap doing nothing is better than killing than why ain’t you received more sp from time to time for sitting at/near the cap and eventually earn enough points of a nuclear strike? I remember someone once said everybody is a communist when they are poor, can’t said he was wrong when it comes to players who offers very littles wants to get an equal amount of respect from players who do bigger, more significant things to decide the outcome.

Remember not doing the stat check doesn’t necessarily mean you are the better person, it only means you will be more blind in terms judgement, your judgements stinks because you support someone who constantly lies or making BS claims about things they never do it never had, funnily encourage things like this also make the forum looks like circus that is filled to the brim with trolls who just want attention and wasting forum space with non-credibility posts bro.


No. They should remove airfield spawn protection from GRB entirely. CAS doesn’t need any more advantages. Furthermore, helicopter spawns sit very close to the battlefield and they already get some flak protection. Buffing it or giving them missiles will ensure that planes make it no where near the battlefield.

Just a heads up the only thing the Flak protection in close Heli spawns does is mark the enemy. It doesn’t actually damage them or anything, just so you know.

I recall that it’s made some of my components yellow before, at least in earlier updates. I’ve never loitered in the area so I wouldn’t know. I don’t see any reason to give helicopters airfield protection though. It needs to be removed entirely from GRB - specifically at the plane airfields.

I haven’t been damaged. I just flew over 2 helipads and no damage whatsoever a few games ago.

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I’ll give it a run through but I don’t think it was always like that. Doesn’t change my point or opinion regardless.

I’d keep the tracer rounds that don’t do any damage, just so people know, but I don’t think they should do any damage with the exception of if a nuke spawns

Technically, the stats were brought up in this thread before ULQ turned up, but I have no time or patience anymore seeing as they’re so confident about thier opinion being the only one that ever matters.

The fact that you can’t even suggest someone to actually play different without having someone try goad and berate you about how bad you are, and how your actions are feeding the enemy with no true actual proof other than to say your stats are trash, it just straight up reeks of eliteism.

(Edit - Nothing wrong with the statements I have made… False flaggers can go jump.)


I understand that bro, but so far I haven’t witnessed anyone who got stat checked that didn’t have it coming to them lol, just a combination of a bad choice of words and bad arguments that invite this kind of response, you noticed that I also only revenge statcheck someone who was asking for it, like the guy who insults arcade main indirectly calling them brainless or inferior to RB mains because of their gameplay choice yet one of you (someone on your side) still upvoted him just because he response to ULQ comment. That is so ridiculous in my eyes that people let something like that slide and respond only to attack someone they didn’t agree with in the previous thread. Now there is like two sides, anti-TO vs anti-CAS, you will find a thread has several hundreds of posts consisting of the same 6 guys fighting, and now it has got to a point where we have successfully formed another feud where we have two groups of players which are anti-stat-checkers (or shitty stat guys) vs statshamers lol you literally see this pattern in every thread where the two groups will pick the side based on their stat. LUL

It used to do that, it even used to shoot down aircraft, but now it does no damage anymore.

It just turns the enemy’s attention to you and for some reason it does visual damage. (Bullet holes, etc)