Aa protection

If he dies more than he kills, then he is a burden

Even though he takes more from the enemy than he gives them?

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No, the “game is proving it” is not proof. If you cannot back up your statement then fair enough, just say so!

Seems like the goalpost changed as now it is about someones overall kills/deaths (from later comments). Supporting your own team in various ways should not be shunned and we believe it is a good thing regardless of your opinion.

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He can’t do that if he dies more than he kills.

Sorry how game works is the proof. If You don’t understand it, that is not my problem.

If one is dying more than he kills he is a burden to his team.

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The game ends when one team reaches 0 tickets. That is proof that taking more tickets than you are spending helps the team win.

But You can’t do that if You die more than You kill

If You can’t kill more than You die, then someone has to do that kills, otherwise Your whole effort is futile. That is why You are a burden to Your own team.

You have capped a zone? Great, but You can’t defend it so someone has to do that for You = futile effort, burden to the team

You have repaired someone but can’t kill the enemy, meaning he earns SP for another spawns = futile effort as more of Your teamates are going to die, burden to the team

You have scouted enemies without killing them? Great, sadly Your teammates are going to die as You haven’t killed this enemies = futile effort

In WT if You don’t kill the enemy he still can win/kill Your teammates. If You are giving him SP, then You are allowing him to win/kill Your teammates. Anyone who is actually doing something for the team has good K/D, that is just a logical thing. It amazes me that people are still so defensive about their own stats and try to find so many excuses why they can’t kill more than they die.

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I don’t look, because I don’t need to make an assumption about how good someone is about their stats.

The fact that ULQ has liked your post, and that you’ve literally missed the point of the comment and the sentiment behind it, is what ULQ wants.

The spam and the confusion about what’s being said is what they thrive in.

Rather than someone assuming all is lost, and it’s all a waste, you want someone who will actually function or do something.

With ULQ, you’re ending up with someone who is all about themselves, and will make out that you’re the issue because they don’t like how, or why, you play.

That’s the issue that I take with any considerastion of thier nonsense, because the actual nonsense came from them playing out that they didn’t statshame anyone, when the reality is, that they’re still doing it, and it’s all about shaming people into shutting up.

And that, isn’t how the forums should be running.

(Edit - Not a problem, so people need to get over themselves… If I can’t actually address someone who constantly reinforces the ideaology that there’s nothing at all to b done, so there’s no point in trying, and your stats aren’t up to par to hold an opinion, then screw it, because there is no genuine engagement here…

And the fact that it’s ALWAYS about the CAS, and the constant ‘hating’ on players for playing the damn game, then what the heck are you all playing a PVP GAME for if you can’t actually handle this…)

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^^ More nonsense… It’s amazing that no moderator could see through your attitude and ego-stroking from the start.

The fact you make out it’s about the stats themselves, rather than your pathetic attitude, is peak acknowledgement that it was always about the shaming for the entire time.

(Edit - Ain’t holding back because screw this…)

You cap a zone and the enemy doesn’t take it back?
You take hundreds of tickets from the enemy.

You repair a teammate or prevent his death by pulling him to safety?
You deny the enemy your team’s tickets.

You scout enemies?
You make it easier for your teammates to take enemy tickets and perhaps save them from.enemies that they themselves wouldn’t have seen.

All of this is helping your team with the ticket advantage.

And all of this would be seen from a player having more kills than deaths, otherwise all this actions would not take place.

You don’t need a kill to cap, you don’t need a kill to scout and you don’t need a kill to repair. Capping grants ticket bleed and supporting your teammates boosts their ability to kill enemies.

You need to kill in order to defend the cap, otherwise if You can’t do it someone else has to.

You need to kill targets too, not only scout as some will take out Your fiendlies.

You need to kill targets while helping with repairing, otherwise an enemy will take You with Your teammate out.

If You can’t kill more than You die You are a burden to the team because someone has to kill for You.

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Still false. By supporting your teammates you boost their abilities to gather kills and to stay alive for longer, thus increasing your team’s kd.
Matches are not only decided by kills and not all players go for caps.

I have seen enough matches in which one team rushed the enemy spawn and gathered kills there, but still lost, because the other team, despite having fewer kills, held the majority of caps.

I have even seen matches, in which a single tank on one team went for the caps and won, while the entire enemy team was camping his spawn looking for a cheap kill.

What a burden to the team such a player is…if he went after the spawncampers, he would likely die, but by capping he wins.

I would love to see all this happening from a player who has less kills than deaths, because what I see all the time are people feeding the enemy team.

Again, people who die more than they kill are a burden to the team. Without being able to kill enemy team they won’t be able to win against them. We can make some speculations or recall one game where enemy team went all blind for that one person who can’t kill them and caps a zone but it doesn’t change anything.

Or he could kill all this spawncampers and let his team to victory? Would love to see such team who just sits on my spawns and doesn’t care about what is happening right behind them ;).

Since the goal of the mode is to deplete the enemy tickets, anything that you do to deplete enemy tickets while maintaining your team’s tickets is a useful action, it is as simple as that.

Getting kills is only one way of doing that and it is definitely the most effective way, because while taking tickets from the enemy, you simultaneously prevent them from doing the same to your team. I am not arguing against that. However it is not the only way to be valuable to the team.

It is just the only way that is statistically measurable.

A team that has less kills than the enemy team can still easily win and I see that happening a lot.

what’s happening here lol too much to read so a quick small summary would be nice.

Without killing the enemy You won’t be able to bleed their tickets more than they do to You.

Yet if You give enemy more SP than You take from it, You are a burden to the team.

Because enemy team failed in killing enough of them.

Just a discussion about importance of K/D

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Yes, you can. You just have to hold the objectives. The amount of enemies that are killed near the objectives is up to their behaviour. As long as you are in control and they don’t push, you bleed their tickets without killing them.

We are talking about tickets, not SP. And that is exactly what I have been saying all along.

So if a team has an average kd of 2 and still fails to reach the caps out of hesitation or to not be given away by the cap messages, they ‘failed to get enough kills’, instead of ‘failed to drain the enemy tickets’?

Can’t hold it if You die to enemies.

And I’m talking about SP as I was from the beginning, wasn’t I?

This things are equal.

If You don’t kill enough enemies, You don’t drain the enemy from them. If You let enemy hold a cap it means You failed to kill them and retake them.

Without killing You are not able to win a game.

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You don’t die while guarding the objective, if the enemy rushes your spawn driven by kill-greed.

I was the one who started bringing up something besides kills and from the beginning, I refered to tickets, which is what you answered to. Don’t try to twist that around.

So it is not enough to merely have a “positive kd” to win games!

In theory, you are, practically not so much.