Aa protection

And because of it we have mamy players spawncamping helis without them being able to defend against.

Haven’t Gaijin said that they are working on heli/air spawns?

14-page essay and they decided to report for stating facts. Grow up already seesh, you people abuse it cause you get so offended. Over the fact that you write large essays that lead to people not wanting to interact.

Before that we had helicopters sitting inside a protective bubble slinging missiles at the enemy team. There needs to be a middle ground.

For example I see no reason why the helipad that is further away shouldn’t have a strong defense. Players could spawn there with protection and then move towards the ground battlefield and use the unprotected helipad for rearming, if they want to take that risk.

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I’m on board with that.
However, I don’t think that would make much of a difference, since people want to get to the battlefield as quickly as possible anyways. Also, usually the furthest helipad from the battlefield is quite close to the airfield too.
At least then people can’t complain about not having any AAA to defend themselves while they take-off, since it would then be their choice to risk spawning closer rather than spawning in a safer area.

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Which does not explain, that there are barely any of them that has a positive K/D. I made a K/D distribution chart, and if i remember correctly, that highest K/D player had around 1.2 or so. The amount of players with positive K/D was very minor.

Yes, that will be the next. A nice comparism. My guess is around 2.

There are players in there that covers all BR ranges roughly. So it is not concentrated at low BR or anything like that.

It does not change the fact, that CAS is easier to use. You can not deny that.
Easier to use ->worse players will use it often, because it is easier.

They are using this nonsense “you play arcade” “argument”, because they have NOTHING with which they could disprove what i say.
If they have ANY, they would have used it already.

So you are not willing to back up what you say. Thanks for admitting that :)

Again, provide me some argument, that is actually worth something.

Because i can have a valid argument regardless. You have nothing that you can use to disprove it, so you have to do this nonsense you do.

Again, for the 3452362352352466234254235623th time, if you have any valid arguments, please provide them.

Ah, so just baseless accusations. Nice!

Says the one who openly lies.

Not if they are true. And you are yet to provide any evidence disproving my claims.

And how many kills does he get in tanks?

CAS is easier to use. Even if the CAS user has bad/average stats in CAS, his tank stats ar likely worse.

On average. If i said all CAS users are bad, then my apology, i did not meant to say that. You may quote where i said it in this way.

Yep, your dishonesty continues. Who would have thought?!

Because throughout time, i have used a variety of different systems.
You claim you used an old I7 (you said "7 series, so i assume you mean I7). Even an old I7 920, which is (to my knowledge) the oldest, and weakest (desktop) I7 with a 1080 Ti can run the game. nd i assume you do not have that old I7, more likely a 4790 or something like that. A 1080 Ti is still a powerhouse, more than capable of running this game in 4k with good FPS.

On the CPU side, i have a laptop with an I7 7700HQ. During a summer, i had to downclock it to 2.5 Ghz, with only allocating 4 threads to the game in order for it to not heat up the CPU that much (it was not thermally throttling, but i wanted to keep it somewhat cool).

Yet it still had a nice ~100 fps on 1080p medium-high (with a GTX 1070).
Later i bought my current system with a Xeon E5-2680V3. At first, due to mobo issues, i could not get all core turbo on it (also 2.5Ghz, but it is older than my laptop I7, so single core performance is worse than the I7), and only had a single channel 8gb DDR4 module.
And it still ran the game well. Especially now, when these issues are fixed.
So again, even if you have a very old I7, you should be able to run it at 4K.
Also, you could write down the exact name of the CPU. It would make it much better.

What do you even try to say here with this? You can’t spot tanks easily in 4K? Or what?

Yeah, pointless. Care to explain why? I guess you won’t.
Also it is my failing when someone just revenge CASes me against which i can’t do anything. Surely it is my failing.
Do you want to explain how can i defend myself in a slow vehicle with no gun elevation, no MG (or MG with not enough elevation)?

Yeah, i bet Spookston was playing badly there :)

Do you care to explain how could he defend himslef against spawncamping CAS?

Why am i shaming them? Btw, i am not even naming them, not even saving their names, so i literally can not shame them.

Okay, please quote where i say that.

It may not have been added for that reason. But currently it is there for that reason. By a large part.

I am not.


In which they have failed. It is not a true combined arms game.
Also, regardless, 1/3 of the game modes are 1 class only, which even more undermines theis nonsense “argument”.

They are very useful, when there is no CAS. How interesting, that my best games with the Breda, Sturer Emil, etc happened when there was no CAS :)
Especially when considering, that more than 50% of my deaths with both Emil and Max were to CAS.
And, when there is no CAS, both of those vehicles are extremely good in their intended role. I enjoyed very much those 2-3 matches with them, where i was not revenege CAS’d in the first 2 minutes.

Exactly. You can look at any player with bad K/D and see that they have bad win rates.
I am yet to see any player with bad K/D and good win rate.

You might look at their K/S or D/S stas too. They are likely campers.
Do you care to provide players, with bad K/D and good win rates?

And can you?

Hmm, big words from you.

You can not do it consistently. Many times you have to fight for that cap, and a bad K/D player is bad at fighting other players. Taking a cap, and then nobody wanting to take it back during the entire match is not a common thing.

You also can’t do it consistently.

At least this one is a better example.
Can you provide any evidence of any of these happening at scale?

Can you maybe, idk, give 15 server replay links of your matches, where a bad player in one team took a cap, and none of the enemy even tried to take it from him?
Or 15 replays, where a bad player pulled back a teammate into cover, thus changing the course fo the match?

Can you name 15 players from your recent matches, that play light tanks with bad K/D, but ave good win rate from scouting alone?

And then a single enemy can kill taht player who holds the cap, and then your team automatically loses since they can’t recapture it due to spawncamping.

Not everyone is that fixated on player stats that they check every player that gets them, and by proxy, every player in the match because why would you not check everyone while you’re making yourself that caught up on those numbers, and the enemies, and teammates you have to be able to make assumptions based on those stats, before the game is even done.

I feel there’s just a heck of a load of excuses, assumptions and straight out labeling just for the actual sake of feeling good from these guys.

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That brother forgot that he didn’t have to actively seek for ground targets, all he had to do was fly for a few seconds then ground targets would reveal themselves when they got hit, got spotted by light tanks or fire guns because he would see the hit marker, muzzle flash or tracers while hovering in his plane at outer space lol even when using a 90s crt monitor 640x480 will have no issue seeing the markers or muzzle flashes.

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Nono, you clearly need a 600Hz, 16K display to have a chance to see the enemy.
Also do not forget a gaming chair, and gaming toilette paper with RGB all over it!

Kill cameras are honestly not a staple - and even if they are, the current one could simply be moved to the end of the round in a “highlights” reel for each player instead of encouraging abuse.

You are correct that if someone wants revenge that badly, they would do everything in their power to do so. However, if you catch someone unaware and delete them before they know where you are, they won’t be able to easily find you to get that revenge.

Removing the kill camera and forcing runway spawn on all aircraft are meant to act in concert.

This should happen. It makes no sense that getting a kill gives away your exact position like the kill camera does. You killed me? Let me put a shell right into you right after spawning because I know your location exactly, but you no longer know where I could be. Keep it in Arcade, ditch it in Realistic.

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Even just remove the start of the replay so it just shows the actual kill shot not the originating position.

I don’t even like that because it can give away flanking shots by showing the direction the round came from relative to the tank. Flanking can be hard enough on these maps without being seen, and that kill camera just rewards the killed with very important tactical information.

just so you both know the guy is nothing more than a troll. He won’t argue with coherent responses, everything he says is simply irrational. Man just reported this comment for stating the truth. Grow up for dang on sakes and quit abusing the system.

Have to repost it cause one person here wants to false report the comments cause he doesn’t enjoy people challenging his opinion that’s consists of nothing burgers.

Jesus the last post from them was 4-5 pages of word salad and literal stuffing (As that is all that that poster has come to be posting thinking that it emboldens their ribbing of whoever they can throw hate on).

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Oh don’t worry they will report your message in around a couple days from now, assuming that we wouldn’t notice.

Most of the hate about CAS is really hate about revenge bombing. Yes, it sucks. Yes, I see very well why certain people obsess about it in a 1v1 vacuum situation before screeching “IT’S OP IT’S OP!!”

But then using that as an excuse to try and justify either adding an entire mode with no CAS or nerfing CAS further is quite a leap of faith.

Especially when just removing the kill cam and/or moving its footage to after the match finishes would be far more effective.

Even more hilarious is that Simulator Mode also still has the atrocious thing, if I’m not mistaken.