Aa protection

I‘m surprised you haven’t done that already.

CAS is unfairly demonized, frankly. The counters which should work well either are not available enough when needed, not available at all, or simply don’t work. CAS has none of its primary real-world objectives to go after which it heavily preferred over direct antitank work. And then not only does it lack purpose and have its counters be crippled, people are then encouraged to revenge kill with awful game mechanics.

Is it “overpowered”? Depends on who you ask and in what circumstance.

I don’t think its overpowered at all - it is wrongly implemented. That is what needs changing.

I think we can all agree revenge bombing sucks - why not start there by removing the mechanics that encourage it? Kill camera should go. Planes should spawn on the runway. Helicopter FOB should be axed entirely. Helicopter ROB (rear operating base) should be moved onto the plane runway complex, which would give Helicopters working AA well away from the tank map. Then lastly, get rid of zone cap messages which are little more than “please bomb me” notifications.

Can the different camps of this argument even agree on that much?

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Welcome to ULQ derailing/dragging out every topic for no reason.

Because you knowingly misrepresent it.

How did he misrepresent it? You are very vocal in these topics that are about a mode that you do not play.

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No I did not.

And to be honest your stats are probably great. But you often compare your AB kills against a players RB kills, the two modes being vastly different.

Point is you and the other player mocked someone for THEIR stats… yes?

So you are getting annoyed because someone does this to you after you did it to another?

And what I did was not mock your stats, the reason why your stats in that tank are “bad” is because you basically have no comparable stats on the vehicle; they have use in RB, you have little to NO use in RB.

This is not a stat shame, but pointing out to you STAT-SHAMERS that you are in no position to mock others when, in said mode, you have no experience/stats of note to be on your high horse with it. And personally I think stats omit too much of what really goes on in battles and I appreciate those supporting others when they can.

I’m sure you are a great player, just not in RB (you don’t like it, fair enough, I just see them as different options).

But don’t flag something when it is reaction to your own and others poor stat-shaming attempt. I was pointing that his stats are still better than effectively 0, yes?

And there we go: Tiger H, 7 battles, 6 deaths, 5 kills. Do you think this 0.8 KD and 7 plays gives your “argument” much weight, enough to shame another player with? (I have 830 plays across all Tiger Is, for example, on RB).

Where did i do that? Quote the exact line!

Yes, because bad stats are bad, no matter who says it, or makes a comment.
I can freely say, that Eric Moussambani had a terrible time during the 2000 Olympic 100m freestyle swimming, while i am also a bad swimmer, with less experience, as well as never being in an olympic contest. I do not have to be an olympic swimmer to recognize, that he was not only bad, but nearly drowned.

No. I did not misrepresent their stats. I did criticize their stats in a mode they play the most. You did purposefully choose my stats in RB, while fully knowing, that the last time i played in that mode was when sweden was introduced to the game, and all other tanks that are not swedish was played right after the ground forces was introduced (with a very few exceptions).

You know this, because you (and others too) did this misrepresentation in other threads as well, and i explained it there too.

And lastly i am not annoyed. After all, it only shows that you are unable to take part in a conversation, where you are on an opinion, that is factually incorrect, and you can’t do anything other than misrepresent the others. This puts you in a bad light, not me.

I could have chosen to misrepresent others’ stats, yet i did not. I can support my argument without using such tactics.

Did i claim that you did?

I already explained why those stats are bad.

I am not stat shaming, just pointing out, that CAS enjoyers are statistically worse players.


And again, i don’t have to play in RB to know, that somebody has a bad stat.

As i said, that was played in 2014 or when the mode came out, with barely ~20fps (and this is on the high side) on full low 720p.
I’d like to see how you’d perform in a situation like that. But okay.

As i said, now many times, i do not have to play RB to know if someone has bad stats there.

Some don’t play for stats but for fun.

I don’t know about you but I play for fun and not for fame and money like people during the Olympic.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what i was pointing out with that.

And it changes nothing.

And some don’t have fun in dying more than they kill or being in a team full of people who only give enemy SP.


Have I said something like that?

It’s all he even has, to make assumptions about how they think that a player ‘sub par’ playing ‘ability’ compared to numbers they dredge up, as being thier entire worth and nothing else other than KDR matters.

It’s honestly all that they have to rebut anything

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You know you have done this, stop being coy. Conqueror stats is one I can think off the top of my head.

And yours are equally terrible in RB. Again, you are backing up your statements about RB with AB play as your stats. This is not hard to comprehend. If you can’t produce any meaningful stats of your own then your opinion is based on no first hand experience, and therefore someone else’s “feelings” we know nothing about (i.e. might aswell be fake).

Don’t stat shame, and don’t stat shame when you HAVE NO STATS, and don’t then cry when someone points this out by trying to prune posts… the point of your exchange with me.

Yes, I pointed out you don’t play RB. So you do know what I was saying so this whole exchange is just you being openly disingenuous. Well done 👍👍

You are ANNOYED because you attempted to abuse the Flag system and got called on it! 🤣🤣

Yes, you flagged it as offensive… or are you just abusing the system?

Then get better at it so you can back up your spurious claims about the mode and “how things are”. Again, I am not criticising them, EXCEPT when you claim to know about stats in RB (when RB players are in debate about this area). Which is where you false flagged (since you did not flag it again I can see you lack faith in your “offensive” flagging…).

Which is not true since you use your AB stats as a comparision. You literally stat shame… literally.

Give up there as mobile flipped pages.

Then back it up if everything is so easy. Bit like the self proclaimed CAS main saying CAS is so OP yep highest rating is 1.5 ground kills per match.

And hey, my stats are fine in ground vehicles which I play most, then my stats in air are not too bad, though shared with ARB which I entered last so impossible to breakdown (AI targets should be split from player, therefore stats currently are inaccurate). And stats do not even show BR played, what BRs you fought/killed, what killed you, etc etc.

So no, a player that uses all the tools does not automatically mean a “bad tank player”. You are clearly just trolling with offensive statements for some odd forum epeen; derailing.

Your “idea” of RB is just someone else’s opinion, that is all.

The point I made you say you understand but then you don’t. This is not about stats.

And I played on a old system (7 series) with a 1080 Ti, on a 4k screen, with poor 2 chan speakers from 20 years ago (central broke so not even that), playing on high settings that are not “tweaked” to be meta. And I still do with no plan to bother upgrading.

So you try that and see how hard it can be to spot anything and play “to the max” 👍

Prove it then. I could point to someone who “hates planes in GF” with the most horrendous ground stats. (Edit: but at the same time I do not judge these objectively poor stats as they lack so much context, and people play as they like; not all have to be chads, heck I played mainly to spade every vehicle in game in every tree and nation).

Then compare with mine, as a WT GFRB enjoyer.

So no, your statement has no backing. And being childish and “gathering stats of anyone that bombs ME in AB and therefore showing all Plane users are just bad” just worsens your position.

Guess what, one of the most published users here uses aircraft, therefore are they bad in their ground vehicles? No, he is top drawer in them too, even with air supposedly so dominating. See the flaw in your silly insinuations?

So yes, pipe down with the toxic (all “sides”) and maybe less division would exist. Unless you are just trolling of course… hmm…

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You did not meet the criteria buddy.

And the same rambling as usual. Get over it. YOu have absolutely nothing valid with which you can do something against my arguments, so you have to use this nonsense as a last resort.
I am just curious when will you start attacking my grammar/spelling…

I do not do that. Pointing out that someone has bad stats is not that.


As i said, i am not crying about it. I literally do not care about my stats in RB.
All you do is showing how utterly dishonest you are, which is shining a bad light on you, not me.

Ahm, what? Where did i do that?

Flagged what?

I do back up my claims. I have explained it many times. If you have issues understanding it, then please visit a doctor!

And again, if you would have any even mildly useful thing to discredit my arguments, you would have already used it.
The fact, that you just cry about me not playing RB shows, that you have nothing…

Ahm, no.
If i statshame, then you do the same too.


I did. Are you blind, or you just can’t understand it?

Oh, i get it, you are just dishonest.

If someone has trash stats in a tan, it means that the player is bad with them, regardless if said player uses CAS or not.

Which is way more than enough to run this game.

I am gathering data on it.
So far, from ~750 players, their average tank K/D is 0.58, which is worse than many botted accounts.
Some has even around 0.01 K/D.

So you ask me to prove it, i gather evidence, then you just call it childish. Yeah dude. whatever.

It is still more than what you do, but okay.

I am not saying all CAS users are bad. I say that on average they are worse, hence why they need an unfair mechanic.

I am not saying you’re entirely wrong, but I would like to add that, in general, there are more bad players than there are good, which could be why the average KD of those who bomb you is so low.
It would be interesting to see what’s the average KD of those who kill you with tanks as well.
Furthermore, I believe that the higher BR you are at, the greater the skill-level the CAS pilot generally are, as they are more experienced at the game to afford those higher BR vehicles in the first place.

The reason why you are being criticized is because you are talking about Ground Arcade Battle CAS, which is much much easier to attain than Ground Realistic Battle CAS, which have to be separately grinded, especially for Top Tier CAS, unless they buy a premium CAS aircraft and premium Top Tier Ground vehicle.
If you had stated that, on average, Arcade CAS pilots are worse, then I could see people understand where you are coming from.

If one has bad stats he is a burden to the team.


And that is why some people don’t have fun in being in a team full of people like that who will later say that they ‘don’t play for stats’ ;)