Aa protection

Is someone who keeps repairing teammates, extinguishing their fires, dragging immobilized teammates out of the line of fire, scouting and capping a burden to the team?

If he ia dying more than killing, Yes

I think a lot of what you said are correct, but I’d say that kill cameras are a staple to War Thunder and how it operates. Removing kill cameras may help reduce revenge-bombing, by making it more inconvenient, but it would only delay the inevitable. If someone truly wants the guy, who had killed them, dead, then they would go about it eventually.
I think aircraft spawning on the airfield would give the guy enough leeway to change their position before the revenge-bomber manages to get there.


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I’m not going through your 10 billion posts. You had a conversation with @JuicyKuuuuki taking the mick out if his SPAA stats using your Conq AB stats, to say his comments lacked credibility. If you didn’t type do much on topics your guess at then maybe you remember what you write. Buddy.

Ad hominen attack by you… cough… you are not worth anyones time if you continue to be disingenuous (you know this is not about stats but your total lack of experience in RB).

Except it literally is… sigh… worsened when your are comparably worse (if that mattered).

Then why flag as offensive?.. why flag it at all? You know and admit you knew I was talking how your lack of experience reduces your right to point at others stats. In a mode you remember from 2014… you are writing this…

So, you replied to my comment about false flagging, therefore assumption is it was you. If it was not then why reply? I see now it might not have been you, but you could have cleared this up ages ago.

So if it was not you then fair enough. Try to be clearer/willing to see and accept a misunderstanding 👍 I don’t mind, whoever flagged it was wrong and never followed it up.

With your experience, not just words 👍 Are you intentionally ignoring what is being talked about? See, now on medical insults… well done mr Toxic 👍👍

Because you don’t and you appear to claim you know so much about it… by osmosis… lol. This is a fact and not a dig at you, play what you want.

Why are you taking this as someone criticising you rather than pointing to opinions you yourself cannot back up in game? (If it was so easy you could build up a few hundred aircraft and then produce stats to show how easy every aircraft is… I suggest the Cannon Tempest to start.

No, because I clearly do not give huge standing for stats. That is you. And I know you understand since you pretty much admit it.

Yes, your claims on RB with little to no experience are lacking in worth.

One of your premises is that people using planes are bad in stats. I point to you to a comment (in one of these 15 copy topics, amongst thousands of comments, no not looking for specifics) I have seen in conversation with ULQ about how easy x vehicle is. In this OP vehicle the CAS main (self professed) got a whopping 1.5 kills per match. If CAS is so easy then why can’t a CAS main get such easy kills, compared to ULQs Corsair (I think) and UK Hellcat stats.

Point being that playing aircraft =/= bad in tanks. This is YOUR position stating users of planes are bad in tanks. Can you not understand?

Nope, I saw your RB stats in air and see no proof. Please link.

Yes, but your insinuation is play planes = bad in tanks. And your anaysis of stats is lacking if you have no experience for almost 10 YEARS…

And? It is not the best way. And can’t spot ground vehicles easily. But how would you know? You don’t.

Yes, pointless data gathered by angry player who attacks others for their own failings. Well done, but of course is about AB, not RB which this is about.

In RB… why would your pithy attempts to shame other AB players “gather evidence”?

Your “opinion” is blown out the water when users of planes on GFRB also have good ground vehicle stats.

Your claim that plane user = bad is not true, that is all.

See, we get there is the end. Are they worse then? No, the players vary widly across WT. Was the mechanic added for the reason you state? No.

So, why are you being so toxic? Trolling? Misunderstanding? Something else?

You gather AB stats and use this to prove your statements on RB players?

And again, I used all tools, my stats are not “try hard” but everything pretty much is positive if you care. So plane users are as varied as those that don’t.

Aircraft were put/kept in GF because Gaijin, after pulling in so much attention with initial air modes and their mouse-aim easy to access military game, went into Ground Vehicles with the explicit purpose of expanding the game into a Combined (not Real Life combined) warfare shooter with capture objectives. It mighg well be used by some as some sort of crutch, but by all means not all.

Your sweeping statements are neither helpful or accurate.

But I get it, on average, with feelings. But imagine having these conversations without the poking at others? Might get more support, right? Or continue to poke and wonder why this has stayed stagnant for over 6 years… 6 years…

We would all love new modes. We would probably all love improved gameplay (though we all have own ideas). I would possibly even reinstall if a new mode/modes were added, even a TO mode ( I have no issue with such modes existing, the confusion comes when TO requesters conflate what other members think with Gaijins position; hence very few true anti-TO members in forum).

How to make friends and influence people. Silkmonger could never work that out and see what that got him (the original and main voice of old for TO mode request).

So stop poking and discussion won’t go to hell with insulting everyone else 👍


He does understand from what I have seen. Hence me not backing down on that point about his point of view lacking.

Oddly when I played AB I just took air waves as part of the game, there to use or not, and often wonky as heck (aircraft position meaning no interceptor has a chance, of reverse with bomber having no chance at spawn; so random). So when I moved to RB (mate quit and many vehicles not as usable in AB like lights and weak TDs) I had no illusions as to what the game was (but much higher SP costs back then, now anyone can SPAM anything, air or ground).

I understand some use x vehicles for x reasons, but trying to say most/average/all (he points to average now) is just silly and provactive.

This is why I doubt some intentions within the TO space.

You are correct. Props to all the less selfish players!!

The only ones who are not selfish, are the ones who not let enemy get stronger

A complex topic revolving around context and use of word “selfish”. Based on beliefs within and of said game. Not really going to get into that one here.

And no, I do not fully agree.

It is not a complex topic.

If one is dying more than killing, he is a burder to the team. There is nothing really to discuss here as enemy is gaining more SP than You are taking from him thus the said player is leading the team to lost game.

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You can stop forcing your opinion as fact really. As I said it is more complex and not going to discuss the ins and outs of wording and context with you here. I know I was drawn in by O_HOs drawn out replies but does not mean this topic needs even more.

No, I appreciate players doing more than just “going for kills” and belittling those helping with supporting situations (oddly can do both, not restricted to one way). Of course, context, if said player was you I might not mind so much.

Since a player can sometimes “farm kills in a battle where your team has lost the victory conditions” the player that kills most of the enemy is not automatically the best for the team (selfish is related to team outcome, not just won or loss but by how close that might be).

To not appreciate those who repair, tow, cover, assist, etc. is your point of view, others see the advantage of it. I appreciate you might give a team a higher chance to win however, though on the other hand if you take out most the enemy then your own team players are competing with you and not against the other team, dependant on individuals goals (yes, you are better than them, well done I suppose, have a medal or somesuch in that case).

Yes, if players wanted to discuss it it is a complex issue and getting into it is dragging it out… again…

It’s a legitimate way to filter BS statement bro, like you shouldn’t even take someone seriously if the stats says they don’t play 292 and they said 292 is OP as hell and needed to be moved up to 10.7, and then their most played vehicle is the 1128 with thousands of matches but the KDR is 0.9.


No matter how well You do when it comes to repairing etc, if You die more than You kill, You are a burden to the team.

I would prefer teammates that kill more than they die as it would lead to victory instead of lose.

That is just a fact, if player dies more than he kills, he is a burden to the team.

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Easy to think of a hypothetical, in fact a few. Can you not think of anything?

Not true, but hey. I get the general position on this but not fully accurate. Since people get high k/d with very low win rates I don’t see your take as accurate.

Nope, no agreement there. Depends on what else they are doing. Your way is not the only way, or even the right way. Again, depends on context and information you cannot gather.

Of course you can back up your claim?

They don’t have high W/R because they don’t have enough teammates who kill more than they die.

Sorry but that is just a fact, You can think of 1000 excuses but still a player who dies more than he kills is a burden to the team.

Oh do they? Because you say so? No. You have quite a narrow view here.

No, that is your opinion. You need to see the difference or doomed to fail.

Prove it then.

So far @ULQ_LOVER you have backed up none of your claims in this particular section of discussion. Get back when you have some 👍

Sorry but that is just logic.

If there is no enemy team, You win the game.

It is not my opinion, this is just how game works.

He is giving enemy team SP to spawn more than he is destroying the units.

How game works is backing it up.

If You give enemy more SP than You are taking from him, You are a burden to the team.

Helping teammates isn’t selfish

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