Aa protection

No capture points are and for example ten assist are more important than one kill.

“As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles…”

What does count more? Three caps or three kills?

You can have 3 caps and no players on Your side to defend them ;)


You can have ten kills but still loose because you don’t have a cap while it’s less likely the other way around.

And You can have a cap and still lose because You can’t protect it

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Most battles are won by the caps not the kills. The kills are important but caps are more important.

You can’t defend/take a zone without killing the enemy

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Yes but you also can’t kill a vehicle without damaging it and damage isn’t more important than kills.


Without killing the enemy You won’t be able to win

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And you won’t kill the enemy without damaging him

If You damage the enemy without killing him, he is still a threat.

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If you kill an enemy but don’t get the majority of the caps you still loose.

So You failed in killing enough enemies.

  1. I don’t get your logic in this reply.
  2. You forgot to stat shame my aa stats.
  1. Kills are the most important thing in game, not my words but Gaijin:
    "“As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles…”
  2. So You are not well?
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[quote=“ULQ_LOVER, post:165, topic:75470”]
Kills are the most important thing in game, not my words but Gaijin:
"“As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles…”
I‘m pretty sure gaijin gives a higher reward for caps than for kills.

Nice to hear that I am not bad.

Again, this are words from Gaijin.

I have just asked if what You have side is true or not

You would have stat shamed me if I would’ve done poorly.

I haven’t even opened the game to look at that, should I?