Yeah because the Jas39 A being added alongside the C was what was needed when the version we have in game isnt even real. I could explain whybits incorrect but i wouldn’t be suprised for it to go over your head regardless if sweden and britain can wait then Germany can wait for one of their swiss vehicles that were used.
Germany has waited though. The MiG-29G came out last October, and that was the patch after Russia got their equivalent MiG. The last time Germany got a meta jet that wasn’t late to the party was in update Locked On in 2019, over five years ago. Ever since then, Germany has had to wait until the the origin nation got to play with their toys first, and in the case of the F-4F, waited almost a year for no good reason.
I’m not saying Germany suffers, there are places where Germany excells like in the ground tree, but Germany getting snubbed in it’s top tier air has happened again and again and again and it’s getting frustrating, especially when people think that this is the first time this has ever happened to Germany.
Seriously, what does that have to do with anything? This is just starting to seem petty at this point, and pretty hypocritical.
Germany has waited, they get no special treatment but other nations do.
Germany always had to wait. That is a fact.
They always got their Jets way later than anyone else got theirs.
An update later than the others got theirs
interesting, there could even be a Swiss BF-109E, on the other hand they have an EC635 attack helicopter and unique tanks and since France will have the Netherlands as a sub tree, Germany could in the future obtain Romania as a sub tree, they have the F -16.
No, we don’t. They’re just transport/liaison.
What SChindibee said
Aren’t there already Romanian vehicles in the Italian tree ?
I had forgotten it, although personally I would have liked to see Spanish units in the Italian tree.
I mean, the only one in-game already is (outside of marketplace skins of course).
Maybe we’ll see more Spanish stuff in the future? Maybe not? (Their navy could add some things to Italy, but that’s not on the table right now)
Germany has Condor Legion planes too
He 51
He 112 A-0
Flegel’s Bf 109 A
I think Spain will come as a standalone nation, because it has many vehicles from different nations and own slightly different variants of such vehicles + it can accomodate few other Mediterranean nations like Portugal and Greece.
Something like this:
Italy most likely will continue to receive stuff from Hungary and Romania, hopefully they add some actual Italian vehicles in-between…
The chances of a Spanish are pretty much zero, since there is little demand for it and they have very few, if any, domestic vehicles.
That’s true, but Gaijin didn’t give them a spanish flag. They were germans in Spain anyway.
Because most, if not all, of Spanish equipment is imported, I think we’ll keep seeing Spanish stuff as premium/tech tree/event vehicles spread throughout nations. I’m also rooting for the Greco-Iberian Tech tree!